The Stormwind City Watch is Recruiting

100 Undead Warrior
The Da Doctas Clinic. A scene of horror. Field triage at it's most chaotic, as flight after flight of Hospital zeppelins landed, disgorging burned and crushed maggot air force personnel.

Abominus scurried about frantically, rushing from one group to the next. Llejna and Abigane worked patiently and quickly, saving those they could, and easing the passage of those they could not. Some also disappeared into the hungry maw of Tutanga, but Abominus did not notice. His maggots did, and were begininning to plot their revenge on the Troll druid.

With the wounded treated, and the dead carted off tothe Maggot Cemetary in the Grim Maw Clan compound, Abominus left the Clinic, thoughts awhirlat the next battle to be planned.
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100 Human Warrior
Things are very busy for the Watch these days, so we are really looking for new members!
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100 Human Warrior
((Help prepare Stormwind for the dangers coming with the new expansion! Join today!))
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100 Human Warrior
((Bump for reaching guild level 9!))
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100 Human Warrior
((I was going to bump this each time the guild gained a level, but with the exp boost from the patch, it happens way too quickly now. Not that I'm complaining.))
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100 Human Warrior
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100 Human Warrior
Thanks to our new cook Mr. Pepper, and our new custodian Mr. Ho, our officers now feast on above-edible food and sleep in spider-free beds!*

* on an unrelated note, avoid the office basement
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72 Gnome Warlock
From inside the Stockades, a raspy-shrill, hoarse, gnomic voice can be heard screaming again: "Watch Brutality!"

((don't know if the Watch is recruiting but had to give them an awesomeness bump. The wonderful guys & gals behind the badges have made Grim even more paranoid than he was.))
Edited by Grimtote on 11/2/2012 10:07 AM PDT
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22 Goblin Rogue
((I had just recently made a toon on Cenarion Circle named Thör and I was wondering if he could join the Stormwind Watch, he is a level 1 human hunter))
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100 Human Warrior
11/03/2012 11:50 AMPosted by Orgueme
((I had just recently made a toon on Cenarion Circle named Thör and I was wondering if he could join the Stormwind Watch, he is a level 1 human hunter))

((Send an IC message to me about why your character feels he'd make a good Watch officer, and we'll you get you started with the application process.))
Edited by Orwyn on 11/4/2012 5:08 PM PST
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100 Human Warrior
((don't know if the Watch is recruiting but had to give them an awesomeness bump. The wonderful guys & gals behind the badges have made Grim even more paranoid than he was.))

((Chambliss' sense of humor tends to do that, for some reason. ;)

Thanks for the bump, and yes, we're always recruiting.))
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100 Human Warrior
((bumping again...too tired to write anything clever. :p
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100 Undead Warrior
Join the Watch and Die, yesss?
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72 Gnome Warlock
A spellstone that Grim had hidden in the Stockades cell he no longer occupies shatters, releasing a shrill gnomish cry that echoes down the long, dark halls and up the entry stairs: "Watch Brutality!!!!!!"

((a special, unThanksgiving Grim-worthy bump for the boys in blue - and the girls too - and the furry ones - and . . . I think I'll stop there. Since he won't, I give thanks for the Watch and bumps to you all.))
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26 Worgen Priest
(( Bump! ))
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100 Human Warrior
((We're announcing a new unit that ICLY we never want to employ, but OOCLY we really do: a SWAT team!

For those times when an extra-enthusiastic response with bigger guns is called for.))
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100 Human Warrior
Always vigilant, always recruiting.
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100 Gnome Priest
Khromie Overspark
Junior Medic
Cathedral of the Light
Stormwind City

Sir Oarwind
Loot Commando
Stormwind City Watch
Stormwind City

Dear Mister Loot Commando Sir Oarwind!

Hi! It's me, Khromie! How are you? I saw your flier looking for new ticktockpeople and I had a few questions:

1. Is there a communal shower?
2. Is there a communal sauna?
3. If a recruit needs extra help, can we get extra, one-on-one help from you?
4. Is it true that your left thigh is slightly more muscular than your right thigh?

I hope you have a FANTABULOUS day!


P.S. Thank you for signing my books! You are the bestest drawer of hearts ever of all time!

P.P.S. Say hi to Miss Swishy for me!
Edited by Khromie on 4/8/2013 8:32 AM PDT
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76 Night Elf Rogue
The elf read over the notice a few times squinting at the words as if that would force them to make more sense.

"Ees dis familiar to jou?" the priestess next to her asked kindly.

Shaking her head "No" the elf made to move on. "No, but the idea of guarding or protecting seems familiar. Oh well."

The priestess moved to follow after taking one last look at the name on the proclamation. "Maybe eet 'as somet'ing ta do vith dat book floating around. Svord of Oarvind?"

"Is it a history?" the elf asked curiously.

"Depends on da gnome jou ask."

(Bump for great justice and stuff!)
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