Rising Sun Fellowship (RP Ironman Challenge)

90 Human Paladin
Hello! While many will not know me I am a frequent RPer on the Worlds End Tavern and have had my forays into In-game RP. This idea was created originally by a friend of mine who has since passed the reins on to me to lead the guild and to get more people involved. The idea behind this is a combination of an RP guild with an "Ironman" type of challenge to it. The rules for the challenge portion consist of leveling from 1 to 85 without dying and without using any heirlooms and staying in character as much as possible.

The Rules:

1) Death - Once you reach level 15 your character cannot die, if your character dies they are permanently dead and unable to continue in the challenge if you wish to continue RP'ing that character. I know I am one of those people that hate wasting a good character and so can understand that if you die you may still want to RP that character. We would love to have you in the guild and RP'ing with us but for the challenge portion you would be dropped out of it.

Two notes about deaths is that Random Dungeons that you do without a full group from our guild and Battleground deaths do not count towards the challenge. This is because we know people like to take breaks from questing with PvP and Random Dungeon Ques, however if it is a full guild group dungeon run then it counts.

2) Remaining In Character - I have set up a channel for In Guild RP and all /say and /e communication should be IC however we understand everyone likes to talk about last night's game or just relax and hang out and therefore Guild chat and other chat channels are free to be OOC however as stated above /s and /e and the guild RP channel must be in character.

3) Items - This is not a true Ironman challenge in that we allow the use of dungeon, crafted and quest gear. We do not however want heirlooms being used as it makes this really easy to do and that is not the point of this.

4) Journal - On the WET the previous person running this guild set up a journal that is being used as a means to track your character's progress and a way to RP outside of game that we all can read and enjoy, helping us get inside your character's head after you have done some major leveling. This is an optional portion of the guild I know I will be doing as will several others and it is actually quite enjoyable and helps develop the character! Link is here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4365750120

5) If you have any further questions hit me up in game on my character Varüs on Cenarion Circle or by Real ID (palmer@hunthomestead.com)

Here is where I will keep track of those of you who wish to be challengers and those who are currently Challengers! Feel free to post questions or comments here Ladies and gents!

RP Summary:

The Rising Sun Fellowship is a group of young heroes who are seeking to save Azeroth from the dark forces that seek to destroy it. They may also have their own goals and ambitions and see the Fellowship as a means to accomplish those goals. All are welcome to the Fellowship for its mission is to unite the races of the Horde against its enemies so that we can have a peace future for our children.


Ashokk (Tyrael) - No Deaths (29)
Kara (Lillisarei) - 1 Death (8)
Ik (Unknown) - 1 Death (16)
Nicias - No Deaths (41)
Kellatira - No Deaths (28)
Agrithal - No Deaths (11)
Reyalin - No Deaths (10)
Ztaru - No Deaths (14)
Dilethia - No Deaths (5)
Quillanthe - No Deaths (36)
Taurab - No Deaths (48)
Edited by Ashokk on 4/17/2012 6:22 PM PDT
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
The levels are rather spread out it seems, ill start working more on my alt hunter once i hit lvl 30
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95 Human Death Knight
I will go ahead and put it out there that we need to figure something out about guild ranks/themes, so officers, we need to have discussions.

Also, here's the link to the original thread: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4363778667?page=1
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Thanks for doing this Ashok, I am sure you are a better GM than I ever hope to be! I am far too lax and subject to rp on my other characters I have going. And yes I admit I am an altoholic!
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1 Blood Elf Hunter
My hunter is apart of this yet still to have joined the guild she is level 23, with no deaths.

Have we a common goal/point to the guild being a guild?
Is there a level that you would rather I didn't level past so I can infact join in with other players.
I saw Nic ingame last night as he ran past and jumped onto a flight path.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
You need to contact one of us then and get into the guild, Narrator. I really don't know why you haven't yet?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Okay, just had an idea, a kind of morbidly, sad idea, but it would provide a nice tie-off for Kara, and some little bit of RP furthering for the rest of the Fellowship, and I have something that could be turned into an okay speech.

We should have a funeral.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
That would be nice if we can arrange to get everyone together online at the same time!!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I think we could make it happen... a nice touch would be having you logged in as Kara, so you can play dead... but that might not work.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Okay! So, we're gonna have a funeral for Kara, either tomorrow at 4, or some other date/time that works for everyone. Let me know if you can/can't. I'll put something on the calender in game later, and figure out where it'll be!

Anyone who has something to say, can, I've written a speech.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I can be there on Karamia, but Karavaelia is deleted..
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1 Blood Elf Hunter
Tommorow at 4pm? as in game time.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Yeah, realm time. That's 7 eastern, if it doesn't work, let me know, and we can try and find a better time, I'm headed in game now.
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1 Blood Elf Hunter
That doesn't work for me but it's ok I never met her in game so it's not a big deal that I'm not there for the funeral. 4pm Saturday (realm time) is actually 11am Monday for me so I will be at work.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Okay, I feel better that I'm not the only one way off realm time, you're even further off than me :P
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1 Blood Elf Hunter
I placed a request to join the guild via the in game guild finder.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
If you are in game you need to let one of us know what time so we can invite you. I am on right now, but since I do not know who you are I cannot friend you and invite you unless you whisper me.
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90 Human Paladin

We are always looking for more people who are interested in trying this out!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

Threw something up about the funeral, add y'all's points of view in!
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
You need to update the list Ashok. I am dropping Karamia out of the challenge and using the mage Lillisarei and my new shammy Krakha. She is an orc and still in Senjin but will work with her when I find a partner. I want to emphasize a partner is a good idea, it helps you develop your character and gives you a bit more safety.

Partner can be someone who is in the challenge or not. I just think it would be easier to have both as challengers. So anyone want to join me in the daytime and do this in a leisurely manner? Pacific coast time.
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