Ti Celebrates! (Giveaway thingymajig/contest)


100 Human Rogue
Right! I am about a week behind on getting this out BUT! In celebration of hitting 50 characters in the guild and Level 5 we're sponsoring a little giveaway! Rules are simple:

1. Only one character per person is eligible
2. Character has to be on CC (Fairly duh there but throwing it in anyways)
3. Erm...Can't think of any more real rules so! (Mind you if something blatently obvious comes up it might be subject to change to keep things fair)

Onto the how and the what! The how is simple, head on over to www.Cenarioncircle.org and go to the Topic "TI Celebrates" then post a reply stating why you like Cenarion circle be it PVP, PVE, or RP. The replies will close at 12:01 AM Server time on Wednesday May 2nd. Once the replies have closed I will do a random roll of however many replies there are and the post corresponding to the roll will get the prize!


Grand Prize: 1 Illusionary Bag
First prize: 4 Embersilk Bag
Second Prize: 2 Embersilk Bag
Third Prize: 1 Embersilk Bag

And last but not least...utterly random to one person who replies to THIS post will be 4 Frostweave Bag

There are no real restrictions on what side you have to be on to be eligible, simply follow the above instructions and reply on the character you wish to have them sent to should you win!

Edit: Ahem, Probably should have put this in to start with but any questions or comments or ideas drop me a line either via whisper or mail!

PS: Want to thank everyone who helped out with the TON of Embersilk and Chaos orbs and the like despite my stubborn refusal to say anything other then a secret project!

TI Members see our guild forums for a concurrent contest.
Edited by Kordrion on 4/24/2012 2:13 PM PDT
100 Draenei Hunter
I'm replying to this post! utterly randomly!!
90 Gnome Rogue
I will do the same as Mithara...
100 Night Elf Druid
100 Draenei Shaman
*looks into the channel* GNOME!!! *hexes Ettinjandy*
85 Human Paladin
Hmmm. <eyes Ettin> Do hexed gnomes make smaller frogs?
100 Blood Elf Paladin

Sounds like good eating...

85 Human Paladin

Sounds like good eating...


<clicks tongue grievously> Hardly a mouthful!

100 Worgen Death Knight
It wants the gnome-frogs! Yes! Gives it the gnome-frogs, precious!


For, you know... scientific research.

90 Dwarf Death Knight
Kord is twisting my arm! *flail*
Kord made me do it! D: ABUSE.
85 Human Paladin
Kordface, do I got to beat a Kordface? XD
100 Draenei Paladin
haha look at my name then yours >:)
100 Human Rogue
Good for you? Stop Necroing threads on other server's forums.
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