AAMS Now Recruiting!

100 Gnome Priest
If you have a note to send...

The Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service is now accepting applications! If you've always wanted to travel the world, meet new people, and wear a snappy white uniform, now's your chance!

What is the AAMS?

The Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service is a neutral courier company. We carry freight and messages between the Horde and Alliance, offer translators for social and diplomatic functions, and occasionally serve as third-party mediators or heralds in armed conflicts.

The AAMS operates legally within the Horde and the Alliance. Our couriers are recognized neutrals who promote peaceful trade and exchange between citizens of all the worlds -- anytime and anywhere!

Why Join the AAMS?

The history of the AAMS is a long and noble one. The registered offices <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> have served Azeroth for over half a decade, retaining a reputation for reliability and discretion that allows us to offer unique benefits to our staff:

- Trusted Neutrality. AAMS couriers are traditionally safe from attack by either faction. Couriers from the Horde Branch are typically afforded "safe passage" when in Alliance lands, and the same is true for Alliance Branch couriers in Horde lands.

- Flexible Schedule. AAMS staffers work cooperatively, with each job available to all employees. Couriers choose as much or as little work as they please -- there is no minimum or maximum participation!

- Immediate Wages. Jobs are paid by the sender up front, and typically tipped by the recipient as well. The cash goes straight into your pocket! Team jobs are split, and large projects like event translation are paid up front by the Corporate Office.

- Snappy Uniforms. White, gold, and always sparkling -- with shiny boots!

- Adventure! The AAMS goes everywhere, and you'll go with them. From the capitols of Azeroth to the ruined Outland and even the depths of the earth and sea, your time with the AAMS will be one grand venture after another.

Joining the AAMS

The AAMS is currently offering interviews to interested parties of both factions. Interviews are short and informal, focusing on candidates' background and experience, goals and desires, and suitability to a confidential, cross-faction workplace. To request an interview contact:

<AAMS Alliance Branch>

<AAMS> (Horde Branch)

(( The AAMS is actually two guilds, <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> that functions as one guild, with shared website and offices. We're one of Cenarion Circle's most unique guilds.

You can ask any AAMS member if you have questions, or you can also visit aams.enjin.com to learn more about us. Drop us a note and we'll schedule an interview!))
Edited by Derscha on 12/4/2013 3:34 PM PST
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100 Orc Shaman
*runs into thread, planting a flag on the thread* BRALOX HERE!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
((A wild Bralox appears!))

((Bump, and a hearty /salute for the good folks of the AAMS!))
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100 Undead Warrior
*Thrusts an Undercity Banner into Derscha, claiming her for the Forsaken*
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90 Undead Mage
Ah, hm. Perhaps I should channel the Maggot Lord here. Ahem. *clears throat*

"Join the AAMS or die, yesss!"
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86 Troll Shaman
So long as it not be "an' die", mon. Courier deaths be very minimal, I assure ya. Dat one time ya heard about? Tall tale, mon. Taller 'n' a tauren on stilts tall, ya.
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36 Goblin Rogue
"Hiya, toots. I find myself available for deliveries an' the like. The 'Wrathgate' incident seems to have discouraged investors for any residential development near Brill. An' let's face it. No one moves goods like us goblins can."

((Just in from Wyrmrest and looking to set up shop so to speak. Hope to run into some of your ppl. Looks like a fun group.))
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90 Gnome Warrior
((A reminder that the Alliance Branch is also recruiting for security and protection vocations. More information is available at our guild site. Snappy uniforms for Shield Bearers, too.))
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100 Goblin Shaman
Sitting around and doing nothing was boring; after some haggling, Kezrin convinced the bossgnome that she was fit for light duty. For some reason, it seemed to take less convincing than she'd expected. . . but that was quickly explained by the pile of paperwork waiting for her. She grabbed a pen and started on the first stack. Maybe she'd ask about one of those magic quills she'd seen in Hearthglen...

((Welcome Gaggz to CC! Sent you some in-game mail, sorry for multiple letters :P I work better doing my deliveries in person- we AAMSers don't believe in mailboxes! Quality mail service is only provided by dedicated couriers who'll see your message delivered personally! Hope to see you soon!))
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86 Troll Shaman
<sets rockets under the thread to bring it back to the top> Don't worry, mon, dis ain't gonna hurt one bit...
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100 Human Warrior
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90 Blood Elf Priest
As featured on WoWInsider!

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100 Worgen Death Knight
Ragefang/Saynlyn approves this message.

Pants theft may or may not be involved.

The AAMS may or may not have been moving large shipments of pants on Ragefang's behalf.
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90 Gnome Warrior
I saw nothing!
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100 Orc Shaman
That's because you were wearing hat pants.
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90 Troll Priest
Eyyy Dere Mons! Someone say "no pants"?

Dat be two of me fav'rite words mon! Ai'right! Ya come here, and I be showin ya 'ow de light "moves in mysterious ways"....

.....oh wait, dis was a recruitment post? NO MATTAH MON!

Aftah all, who ain't gonna want somme dis troll lovin?

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100 Undead Warrior
Abominus posts a flyer at the AAMS Message Post:

WANTED! One pair of Sentient Underwear. Considered Armed and Dangerous. If found, please return to the Maggot Lord.
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100 Gnome Priest
Derscha sat at her desk, sipping her wine, lost in the thought. One of the benefits to moving to Booty Bay was that she'd acquired an office with a locking door. No one was going to disturb her until she was done thinking.

Various papers were strewn uncharacteristically across the surface of the desk: budget reports from the new Horde Branch Manager Arrayah, shipping schedules, a now useless draft of a speech marked "ADB." She'd gotten a little behind in all of her work as CEO.

The AAMS offices had been busy; they had been flooded with letters, messages, and condolences to send to various parties. Separated family members were frantically trying to get in touch with those who'd escaped Theramore's fate.

Derscha had a ledger filled with names of lost family members... people who'd lived in Theramore and had not been contacted among the evacuees or identified among the dead. People came to the AAMS, hoping the company might have the resources to locate the lost. Not all of the names were Alliance; a small percentage were from Horde families.

"I think we need to hire more help," she finally spoke aloud. "And I need to write a new speech."


The AAMS is recruiting! If you're interested in being part of a neutral, cross-faction guild as we enter into this time of war, give us a call! I promise not to make you sing the jingle; we accept poetic recitations and interpretive dances from those who can't sing.

Questions can be addressed to:
Derscha, Arietha, or any supervisor
(You can also contact Derscha via her alts Ketlan and Elren)

Arrayah, Kezrin, Yotingo, or any supervisor

Visit our website aams.guildportal.com for more information or to fill out an application there!
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85 Human Paladin
Good people, they even dared delivering to the Razortalons for us during those peace talks. Whew... Huzzah, AAMS!
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100 Tauren Shaman
They WILL go almost anywhere, anytime. I remember when one of their messengers stood outside the gate of Zul'gurub while we warred against the Gurubashi. This was when you needed at least a good twenty strong to make a difference there. Risky business, yelling at the top of their lungs because a package needed to be delivered to me personally. Perhaps not the smartest, but they got the job done.
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