Journal of the Phoenix Fellowship-rp IC only

60 Draenei Shaman
Day 1 of the Phoenix Fellowship

I have started a Fellowship of like minded Alliance peoples. I hope I can foster better relations with all of the races. We are a very loose group. Based on the code of Honor, Valor, Loyalty, and Compassion.

I am aware there is a similar Fellowship based in Silvermoon City. I do hope we can establish some friendly competition. The world is changing, we need to find ways to work together. Of course the races are always at each others throats, so it will not be easy.

Today I found a few who questioned me, I do hope I have answered them with honesty and integrity. I am setting up a bank to help our members with a common resource facility.
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24 Night Elf Rogue
Property of Amithae Nightwing


The first entry in a brand new leather-bound journal of Human make. The Darnassian text on these pages is written in harsh, broad and messy strokes, as if the owner was somewhat upset.

Day One

I can't believe this. Since when was having confidence in one's ability a bad thing? My teacher - I refuse to offer her the proper respect she may have once deserved - called it foolish pride. Pride! I fought the demon army at Hyjal alongside my sisters-at-arms, would I not be entitled to a small measure of pride? I am after all, still here. I have not gone to Elune's side just yet.

But no. Apparently my teacher believes that my skills are being stymied in growth by my refusal to leave Teldrassil and join forces with the humans and their allies. Why should we even care? We have always looked after our own, and it's not like this 'Alliance' has done anything for our people. Where are their soldiers to drive the filthy Orcs from the forests of Ashenvale? Too busy quelling banditry within their own lands. It is an ill omen that my people place their trust in a race that cannot even govern their own territories, let alone defend them.

And yet it is to this very place I am being exiled. Oh, my teacher claims it's for my own good and that I can return when I have learned what the Humans have to offer. Learn from them? How absurd. We of the Kaldorei are one with the shadows, by Elune's grace. What could the would-be shadowcrawlers of the Humans teach us? How to be clumsy and noisy? How to be inelegant in battle? Perhaps. But, I have no choice, and so I go. The worst part is, I'm not allowed to bring Nightsong, my frostsaber, with me. Because otherwise it wouldn't be a 'new experience'.

The boat arrives now. I've been cautioned that there's a Quel'dorei in the ship's crew. And that despite my prejudices against them, I should just keep my mouth shut. Let it never be said that I cannot follow orders when given them.


Day Three

The journey was uneventful, mercifully. And the high elf didn't try to speak with me. Fine with me. I spent most of it talking with the Sentinels posted to guard the ship to try and get an idea of where to go and who to speak with. Apparently I'm being passed along to someone from a Human organisation called SI:7. Shaw, or something. Though I've been told that I probably won't meet him and will instead suffer the indignity of being 'trained' by one of his underlings. Assumming that they can even teach me anything.

The city is disgusting. Nature feels so out of balance here, buried under layers of stone. And rubble, in some areas. Apparently Deathwing decided to attack the place a while ago. Wonder why he didn't stay around to finish the job? Maybe he was intimidated by all the statues the Humans have of their king. A bigger waste of resources and time I cannot fathom.

Had some Draenei woman talking about some 'Fellowship' or some such. I think the word 'Phoenix' is involved in it somewhere too. She seemed a nice enough person, though her accent was difficult to follow. Too bad the Draenei still remind me of the Eredar. Can't really pin the blame on them for that, but it does make me cringe inwardly a little.

Anyway, the Draenei woman...what we her name...I think it was Nakilla? She offered me a place in this fellowship thing. I guess I'll try anything once, though I can't say I care much for all the honor and loyalty things she was yammering about. Combat's not meant to be honorable except in arranged duels. Loyalty's something that needs to be earned. I guess I can hang around and see if she does anything useful with this or not. Push comes to shove I can just pack up and go. Just because I signed my name to the charter doesn't mean I'm forced to stay with them, after all. She did offer me a little coin to settle myself in with though, which was a mildly pleasent surprise.
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24 Night Elf Rogue
Day Four

As expected, that Shaw guy palmed me off to one of his minions. The dolt didn't seem to know what to do with me. Tried putting me through my paces, found me far more skilled than he expected, then he thrusted me off to their armorer who fitted me with some leather armor and some knives. I plan to make my own armor as soon as I can collect enough leather to do it - this Human-made stuff is rigid and inflexible, and hinders me when I'm trying to maneuver around fools while in the shadows. Still, I suppose the protection is there, if nothing else. The blades aren't anything special, but they'll do. Fancy blades aren't made for combat, so at least the Humans have gotten that part right.

Been given an assignment to help the marshals outside the city with the problems of kobolds, bandits and other assorted petty nuisances. They're so laughably pathetic I think my skills are starting to atrophy already. They should have foisted this off on an actual rookie. What exactly is King Varian doing if he lets these things go on right outside his city anyway? He has all these guards standing around in dress uniform doing nothing. Looks very impressive, but I'm sure he could find something useful for them to do.

The biggest indignity of the day was being informed that I wasn't allowed to purchase a horse. Apparently, if the Humans don't like you, they won't sell you one. Because they don't want them falling into the hands of their enemies. Which is absurd beyond belief. But whatever, I don't feel comfortable riding those things anyway. The one short journey I made on horseback rattled my bones hard enough I thought they'd pop out at weird angles.

Before I could retire for the day, got challenged by some idiot Human to a duel. He wasn't able to find me in the shadows, and I had my knives at his throat moments after his wariness turned to frustration - which didn't take long. I sincerely hope that Varian doesn't trust his kingdom to the likes of pups that can barely figure out which end of the sword goes in the bad guy.

Resting overnight in Goldshire. I miss Elune's nighttime embrace already. If my skin goes pale from exposure to the sun, I will -not- be impressed. Teacher, you have hereby been warned.
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60 Draenei Shaman
Day 2 of the Phoenix Fellowship

We have new members! A few Night Elves joined and a gnome. I can hardly wait to welcome them. I must see about finding a good place to have a Fellowship hall. Perhaps the Inn in Goldshire would be a good place. I will have to search out new members and take a long look at some of the buildings in Stormwind.

I am very happy I can make this happen. I have plans for this Fellowship. I do hope they will help me. Though they will all have their own goals I will support of course. I must see if I can encourage them to craft armor and weapons as well as bags for the Fellowship use.
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24 Night Elf Rogue
Day Five

Spent the day hunting down wolves for their hides. Managed to make myself some of my own armor, though it was a rush job - good enough for protection but hardly my best work. And more importantly, the leather's flexible and doesn't creak when I'm trying to sneak around things. Call me nitpicky if you want but I'll take every advantage I can get.

Nobody in this little guild thing has bothered to try and talk to me. That's fine with me. I've always been self sufficient. Scouts have to be, if they plan to stay in the field for long periods of time.

Speaking of self sufficiency, looks like wolf meat for dinner. It's actually not that bad if you spice it properly. Which is a mercy I suppose. Beats bread and cheese at least, which seems to be the only Human food that doesn't turn my stomach.
Edited by Amithae on 5/19/2012 2:29 PM PDT
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9 Night Elf Hunter

So last night a bunch of people I know got together to tell me that they thought it would be for the best if I left Dolanaar and so I thought wow, that's like a super great idea! I should totally go adventuring! I mean everyone's doing it so there's got to be something about it that's getting everyone into it, right? It's like you can't go anywhere without bumping into people on, like, epic quests or something. So I found my bow in the attic and everyone helped me pack and Daz even lent me one of his sabers as a pet to get me started! Everyone's so sweet! ♥ If I didn't know better I'd think they were trying to get rid of me, hehe.

The kitty cat is soooo cute, I just want to keep him forever but that would be rude so no. ( Isn't he a cutie kitty pie? ♥

Before I go I think I'm going to trek around the tree and get back in to the feel of things. You know? Well I guess you don't because you're, like, a book. But whatever! Time to limber up the old bow arm! Wish me luck!! ♥



So two big things happened. THING NUMBER ONE: I joined a guild! That makes me an official adventurer, I'm pretty sure. Is there, like, a rulebook for this sort of thing? Well I guess adventurers wouldn't follow a rulebook anyway because we're all battle-hardened mavericks who don't play by the rules! Yeah!!

THING NUMBER TWO: I got tricked by a satyr and then Ammy got super mad at me. How was I supposed to know he was evil?? I don't judge by appearances and just, like, assuming he was villainous just because he had horns and hooves and a fel aura and glowing red eyes would be totally racist. But I turned him into a frog so it all worked out in the end.

I've been fighting a lot of bearpeople recently and that got me thinking, since I've got to return Kitty Pie some time soon what if I got....

A BEAR as a pet??

Wouldn't that be the greatest? They're so big and furry! And it would be a sweet bear, not an intelligent crazed murderbear like those bearpeople. Well, it would still be a murderbear, but, like, a murderbear for justice.

( I think I'm on to something here!!

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The following is written on the pages contained within a small locked book of intricate gnomish engineering.

With my decontamination complete I set off on my journey.

The most exciting thing to happen to me so far was that I met a Draenei Shaman named Nakilla she was looking for signatures for her guild charter “Phoenix Fellowship” wishing to be a part of something bigger than myself I pulled out a pen and signed on the dotted line.

Poppy Quikswitch reporting for duty.
Edited by Quikswitch on 5/19/2012 8:34 PM PDT
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Property of Shaulanta Nightwhisp

The first few entries in a handmade journal. The sitching is good for a begginer. The Darnassian is quick but clean, as if the writer was some what relaxed.

- - -

Day 1:
I decided to keep this journal, only to keep track of what i've done. I was so naïve as to head to Stormwind without any training. See, I'd been hearing of something called the "Pheonix Fellowship." Apparently it was being started by a Draenei female called Nakilla. So i plaintively decided to travel for hours, wasking my time within Elune's grace, traveling to the petty . . . Human city.

By the time I got there, the moon was at the top of the sky. I quickly ran through the city in search of this Nakilla. She was nice, and if need be, I can pack up and leave her little "Fellowship." Who knows? I may outlive her anyways, I'm still young, and even though Nordassil was destroyed and with it our very immortality, we Night Elves live quite long.

I am heading back now, on a ship. Once again, it feels strange. I've never been on a ship before except when I was going to Stormwind. I'll probably sent back, which would be a nightmare. It is almost dawn, and even though the sunset is beautiful, I'd rather sleep.

I will not sleep on this ship. To much movement and a strange feeling of weightlessness. . . which is due to being on water, but still it's strange. I asked a crewmember how long it will be until we reach Teldrassil, and he said we were halfway there. I dare not look up often now, for the sun has emerged and looking at it hurts my eyes. How can the end be so far but seem so near?

We finally arrived back at Teldrassil. Once again traveling to Aldrassil, I can resume my training. After I sleep. . .

- - -

Day 2:
I have finished my early training. There were several injured Sentinels around Aldrassil. I did easy things. Apparently the Nightsaber population around the great tree has been flourishing greatly while the other populations suffered. I was sent to thin the population, and later to collect Fel Moss and some stolen bags.

The only intresting thing that happened was when I was sent to seek out Tarindrella, a Dryad, and kill some corrupted spiders. The spiders were huge. . . well not huge. . . but pretty large. Apparently they were corrupted by a totem used by the. . . the Gnarlpine?

It was a tiring day, so befor I take this moonwell water to someone in Dolannar, I will rest until tommorrow, so I will have the energy for tommorrow. My teacher told me soon I will learn to change into a cat of-sorts. 'Till tommorrow.
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A small leatherbound journal: the handwriting appears very rudimentary -

Me and my blood-brother Brogan have been killin' all day - first trogs, then trolls and still they keep a comin'. And me almost out of bullets!

Asked around about a good guild to be gettin' into and was directed to a new one. New, be all about the company we keep, eh? Met up with a lass in Stormwind...not a bad place, a little too out in the open fer me, too much sky, hahaha!...and we talked fer a few minutes. Then we got ourselves invited to join the guild. Yee-haw! Brogan and me be a part of sumthin' bigger and better than ourselves now! (That Stormwind place got ale weaker than me own piss. Headin' home!)

Made our way back to Ironforge on that thar' tramm thingy. Brogan didn't much like it, clung closer to me like a new born puppy. Pansy! Not that I blame him, if'n the gods meant fer us to move that fast, well, then we would have four legs not two.

Well, the night be upon us, and I ain't had near enuff ale today. I be headin' down fer a pint or two then turnin' in. Got sum job to kill me sumthin' called a yeti, whatever that be. Tomorrow.
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