Rising Moon Inn ((OPEN RP))

73 Blood Elf Warrior
Nicias stared back into kel's face.
" I will not leave you, be it this life or the next." He kissed her gently upon the lips. Nicias suddenly looked up to see the strange looking troll approach their table. He was surprised to see her wrap a bloody arm around the Tauren. His eyebrow rose as he wondered what the troll would do next. He slightly tightened his hold around his wife.
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87 Night Elf Death Knight
((Yello Del. Fancy seeing you here, eh?))
As his nightsaber pounded across the sands of the desert, the black hood was the only thing keeping Kirainas' face from being burned from the Sun. Nearby, he could see the town of Ratchet. He was approaching civilization! "Well, Frostbite, looks like we found some nice rest!"
The night elf lightly prodded his mount into a faster trot toward the inn. "Oh, how convenient. A stables right next to the inn!" said the elf with glee for the rest. He nudged his mount inside before entering the building. He glanced left, then glanced right. Well, no familiar faces.
Kirainas found an empty seat at a shadowed corner of the inn, and sat down before flipping his hood back to let his dark hair roll down to almost halfway down his cape. He ordered two glasses of water and some strider wings. (Im guessing thats the equivalent in Azeroth for chicken wings?)When he got his order, he began to thirstily gulp down an entire glass, before beginning to gnaw on a wing.
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85 Tauren Druid
((before i go, it will be revealed that the stress of losing his wife is getting to him))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Auxilia glanced at Cora as the cat gave a low growl. She had no idea how or why the cat seemed so possessive of the hunter, but she knew enough to keep some distance from them. So far, the great cat had shown no signs of being displeased with Auxilia, but the rogue wasn’t about to push her luck.

“Hello, Agrith’al,” she gave him a small smile then turned to the large cat standing beside him. “Hello, Cora.”

She took a sip of her wine, the flavors of ripe pear and apricot bursting on her tongue. The wine was slightly sweet and was probably meant to be served colder than it was, but Auxilia wasn’t going to complain. The wine was a small pleasure and it was free. A glance at the bar told her that the owners were quite smitten with the bottle and she wondered if she would get more than the one glass.

“Hello Kel’Tira, Lillisarei, and Nicias,” she turned to the members of the Fellowship with a smile. “It is nice to see some friendly faces. I was here for some time,” she answered Lilli’s question, “but have been sent onto other things. I have been moving around a lot.” Her lips curved into a wry smile, “sleep, it seems, is optional.”

She didn’t take a seat at the table—a tauren was in the way (with a troll wrapped around his arm) and from his expression, she wasn’t about to butt in. Instead, she took another sip of her wine and wondered if there was another bottle hidden up in the dusty shelves. She glanced at the label—her ongoing tutoring in common paying off—and noted with some disappointment that it was from the Elwynn Forest.

‘Of course…' she thought wistfully.

A dark figure slipped into the inn, moving to a shadowed corner and settling in. Auxilia glanced in his direction then turned her attention back to the table.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Squeezing Nic back, Kel nodded, leaving her head on his shoulder as she looked around the room, doodling idly on the sheet of parchment in front of her.

Slowly, a rough form begins to take shape on the page in front of the Blood Elf, as she draws, eyes half closed, she listens to the conversations around her, occasionally nodding, but more than not focused on what she is drawing.

In the lines on the page lies a sketch of a woman and a man, older, the lines in their eyes, the only finished part of the piece, conveying wisdom and age. Pausing, Kel tapped the feathered end of the quill against her nose, adding a line here and there to her drawing.

Pondering the effect of her additions, the paladin grimaces and begins to fill in the definition to the couple's bodies.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
As He swept into the bar he noticed a lot of blood elf's talking and general commotion his hand tensed on the axe on his back he walked up to bar and said: " one jug of burbon and a room if you please" sliding 3 gold to the barkeeper while looking around
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90 Draenei Shaman
A Draenei's head can be visible as she looks inside the new tavern. She's never seen it, so of course she wants to go in. But seeing all the Horde was worrying her. She put on a brave face and walked inside, trying to walk as quietly someone with hooves can, and hurries to a empty table. She pulls her large-rimmed hat down, tightly on her head, as if trying to hide. She has no clue if the tavern allows both Horde and Alliance, but she would leave if told. Taking out a book, she starts reading, isolating herself.

(( Is this Horde only? :o ))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
((It is open to anyone.))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Hrm, I suppose I'll bring in Verilia, so we have someone from the other guild))

Verilia Collins

Loud, impulsive, and always laughing, Verilia Collins entered the inn with her usual endearing air, "Oh Fel!" she said as she tripped over the door frame, catching herself on the door. The warrior laughed at herself unabashedly before moving over to an empty table, her blue tabard at odds with the omni-present red ones on the other side of the room.

Chuckling to herself, she eyes the group on the other side of the room, "That must be the Rising Sun," she muses to herself before laughing uproariously again. The green eyes that had evoked her name from her parents glinting curiously.
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80 Human Hunter
A figure, push's himself into the inn, It's boot hits the floor with a jingle, followed by a heavily armored figure. The helmet give's no indication of who or what is behind the helmet. It stop's and stare's at every person in the inn, it's finger's clenching and unclenching. It turn's, revealing a massive sword on it's back. It sit's at a table and it's eye's rest on every member in the inn.

Shortly after, a feminine human walk's into the inn, she is tall, standing at 5'9, with strawberry blonde hair and soft delicate feature's. With no discernible weapons. She would look unopposing, but the figure in the corner seems to rise at her presence, and walks noisily over to her. The figure is clearly tense being around so many horde but is unresponsive to any threats. The woman looks around before her eye's fall on a Draenie. Moving quickly she pulls a seat up to the woman table and sit's down. Smiling she tries to talk to the woman, "So what's your name my friend?"

((Talk to you Zeeroa, and hope you guys don't mind another person in the inn. And the figure is something like her pet. will expain as time move's on :P ))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Auxilia slipped into a seat at the bar, thinking that she would move to the table once a space opened up. It was getting quite crowded over there. She turned so she was facing the table and leaned back against the bar, one below propped up on it. Behind her she could hear the faint sound of glass hitting glass and figured that one of the owners was pouring out an additional measure from the bottle of wine.

As she took another sip of her wine, a few additional people made their way into the bar. She gave them a cursory glance from behind her wine glass before turning to Agrith’al.

“What brings you and Cora out here?” she asked.
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75 Blood Elf Mage
The inn is becoming crowded and Lilli watches as a few Alliance come in. Some are nervous and she thinks to herself..{Yes be nervous...though this is a neutral town...it is Horde territory}

Not wanting to cause trouble, Lilli signals to the bartender for another round for her table. Turning to Kel'Tira she smiles, "You both look so cute together! I wonder where Ikky is? I have not seen him in awhile. I do need to plan a wedding, soon."

Her eyes roam over the others in the room, her mug is cool and frost rims it as she sips. The desert heat is dry and nearly everyone orders cold drinks. Lilli can order anything and keep it cold, she smirks as she watches perspiration roll off some of the others in the room.
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23 Worgen Druid
The tavern door opened and a short, or at least short for his kind, tan furred and red eyed worgen walked in. He was wearing some mismatching leather gear, sohwing he obviously didnt care how it looked, only how it worked. He held a staff with twirling vines and leaves on its end that seemed to be in a constant state of motionas if it was in a gentle breeze. The worgen looked young, no more than 19 but even so, he seemed to act much older.

Walking up to the bar he placed a few gold coins on the counter and asked, "I need a room for a few days and the other necessities." He handed over the amount of gold needed and sat down at the bar, as far away from anyone else as he possibly could.

Upon walking in he hadnt failed to notice the majority of the inn was blood elven. While he was nuetral and had nothing against these people he still felt wary of anyone of the horde, being allied with the forsaken. The worgen asked the bartenders if he could have some herbal tea and waited for his drink.
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100 Night Elf Druid
A rather frustrated and tired-looking Sin'dorei rogue trudged through the town, pulling her rather reluctant hawkstrider behind her. The large black bird seemed intent on ripping the reins from the Blood elfs hand, a half-crazed look in its eyes as the pair came closer to the water. Pulling harder at the reins and nearly sending its owner flying, the strider's taloned feet clawed and sc!%#@d at the wooden boardwalk, struggling to grip the slippery boards in a last-ditch attempt to escape. Arrow did not like water, and most certainly did NOT like boats. Turning to look at her Hawkstrider after he let out a considerably high-pitched squawk, the rogue pulled on of her beaten metal daggers, the blood red jewel resting in the hilt glimmered in the sun as she struggled to maintain a grip on the reins.

"Arrow shut up or so help me I will cut your voicebox out! You've been squawking non-stop since Orgrimmar and I'm sick of it!" Vorandria hissed angrily through clenched teeth, brandishing her dagger near the birds neck before sheathing it. Arrow promptly stopped resisting and followed the rogue, his head hung low. Tired from her struggles, Vorandria stopped at the entrance to a tavern. The Rising Moon In huh....eh it'll do for now. Pushing Arrow swiftly into a stall in the nearby stables, she pushed the door open, and entered the Inn.

Her damp black ponytail clung to the back of her neck and a few stray strands clung to her sunburnt face, the Scars near her left eye and bottom lip stood out among the many smaller, fainter ones peppering her face and exposed arms. Four pouches were strapped around her bare arms, the tattoo of a rose with a single drop of blood falling from its petals rested on her right shoulder. Her grey leather pants and top bared much of her stomach, being her travelling armor for the warmer climates, and a tattoo of the Horde symbol curled around her exposed bellybutton. Her Black, creased leather boots came up to the knee, and her beaten metal daggers rested at her hips, the rubies glinting in their hilts.

Glancing around the inn, she smirked. Few Alliance patrons, and many horde, just they way she liked it. Walking towards the bar, she raised a jet-black eyebrow at the tauren and troll on the floor, as she stepped carefully around them. Upon reaching the bar, Vora slumped onto a stool, ordering a glass of wine and tossing a few coins on the bar. Her emerald eyes glinted with mischief, quickly replaced with a flaring hatred as she studied the Alliance patrons more closely, her scarlet lips still curled into a smirk.
Edited by Edellena on 5/23/2012 4:58 PM PDT
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90 Draenei Shaman
She looks down from her book and at the figure, not expecting anyone to talk to her. "Uhh.. Just call me Zee.." She stares at the women for a moment or two, looks around the inn at the Horde, then back at her book. She closes the book and puts it behind her, her tail wrapping around it and taking it from her hands. "Feels a bit strange with so many Horde, right?"
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80 Human Hunter
She smile's at the Draenei " Not so strange my friend. My name is Sewerma, and this is Dwermar" She smile's at the Draenei" And might i add fair one, i am known as a fortune teller of sorts. If you are interested. And if you don't mind me asking my friend, what are you reading?" With a more wicked smile, her eye's flash red for a second. Dwermar rear's backward's and with a angry yell pulls a small hand ax from a hole in his armor and bang's it threatingly against his armor turning to face the horde in the room and slightly squatting.

Sewema, looks at at the female draenei" So, Zee, you wanna tell me why you are here?"her hand raise's and make's a circle and Dwermar pause's before standing upright again. Sewerma looks around and speaks in common before switching to orcish" Sorry, don't mind him, he gets testy when he's not allowed to kill anything."
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90 Draenei Shaman
Zee raises an eyebrow. "A fortune teller. Sure, I'm interested." Zee glanced behind her at her book and back to the woman. "Oh, nothing too interesting..." Her tail tightens around the book protectively. Zee gives Dwermar a scared look, then looks back at Sewerma. "Just thought it looked interesting." As Zee answered the questions, she pondered over the flash of red in her eyes. Perhaps.... Zee silently sniffs the air, trying to smell Sewerma.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Kel'tira Sunblaze

Noting the arrival of the other Horde patrons, Kel wriggled out of Nicias's embrace, murmuring, "I'll be right back." Moving quickly over to the nearest table, she pulled mightily, succeeding in dragging it across the floor with a loud dragging noise. Switching angles to push instead of pull, the paladin managed to line the wooden furnishing up with its counterpart and slide it home, effectively elongating the table. Reinstating the chairs at their 'home' the woman returned to her seat by her husband, waving at Auxilia and the other Sin'dorei, beckoning them over to join the rest of the Horde-side guests.

Slipping back into her seat, Kel leaned her head on Nicias's shoulder, rolling up her unfinished drawing and slipping it into her packs, the stack of books on the table in front of her following quickly, except for the black-bound tome, which she left on the table in front of her as she took a drink from her mug.

"As for Ikky..." she told Lilli, "I have not seen him recently, nor spoken with him."

Ignoring the...thing's... yell, Kel resettled herself more contently in her seat, folding her legs up underneath her and brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

Verilia Collins

Seeing the Worgen enter, Verilia took a deep breath, rising to her feet as she weighed the odds of approaching him, making up her mind, she approached the bar, counting out coins for an ale, and, upon receiving it, taking a seat near the Worgen.

"Excuse me, sir," she said, eyes bright and a smile on her face, "I was wondering if I could ask you a question?"
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23 Worgen Druid
Zacs tea arrived but a woman sat down next to him and asked him something. "Yes," he said, "Is there something I can help you with?"
Edited by Zactan on 5/24/2012 6:23 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((Oh, Zac, Verilia's talking to you, by the way. Verilia's human.))
Edited by Kellatira on 5/24/2012 6:14 PM PDT
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