AAMS Spa Day and Swimsuit Contest

100 Gnome Priest
The offices of the Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service had fallen into a soft, dull hum. It was rather disconcerting.

Derscha sat on the edge of her desk - for once, there was actually enough room between stacks of paper on its surface to accommodate the gnomish posterior- and watched the office at it went about its daily business. It was far too routine and boring.

"Time to shake things up," she remarked to Snapper, who was sleeping in her chair. The razormaw didn't stir from his slumber, but Derscha continued, anyway. "Get people something fun to do. Something fun and summery. A day at the beach. Go swimming!"

She glanced out the office window, where she could see glimpses of Lake Darrowmere. Something unidentifiable broke the surface of the water before slipping back into the depths.

"Err… perhaps not here. Oh! I know! Where's those brochures? Oh, this place looks lovely." She giggled. "Yep, time to break out the swimsuits!"



Break out your best swimsuit and join the AAMS as we spend an evening at the Steam Pools of Feralas! Come and relax at one of Kalimdor's hidden treasures, located in the southern section of Feralas. Both Alliance and Horde are welcome, although we ask that you leave your conflicts outside and spend the day in peace with your fellow vacationers.

At 6pm server, we'll be hosting a swimsuit competition! Bring your favorite beach outfit to show off to your friends and strangers!

Contest Rules:
1) You must be wearing:
-A leg piece
-A chest piece and/or a shirt

2) All pieces must be from the same armor class- you can't mix a mail chest piece with leather pants! (Shirts and cloaks will not count)

3) There will be separate awards for each armor class.

We hope to see you there!

((If you don't have old world flying, please plan to come early and we'll summon you or give you a lift!))
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100 Undead Warrior
*sadly, Abominus will be working in his labs*
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100 Gnome Priest
05/31/2012 09:13 PMPosted by Abominus
*sadly, Abominus will be working in his labs*

((As much as I'm sad you can't make it, I'm sure people are ICly rather relieved to not see the Maggot Lord in his swimwear. :P ))
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86 Troll Shaman
((Well, I admit I'm curious as to what kinds of swimsuits all his maggots would come up with...))
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100 Goblin Shaman
((Only one week away!

Also, added a forum post to cenarioncircle.org with screenshots to give people with land mounts directions to the Steam Pools, if you ever want to go there but couldn't fly and had no helpful friends!))
Edited by Kezrin on 6/7/2012 11:49 AM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
"We will infessst Kezrin and Myzzi with Maggot Bathersss and Ssspa goersss, yesss. They will become chaperonesss for my little onesss, yesss! I am sssure the AAMSss can contract their ssservicesss out in thisss regardsss, yesss?"

*send note to AAMS Corporate HQ*

*Maggots slither screaming through Abominus' icy innards, gathering bathing suits of all variety, from old fashioned to thong, along with towels, buckets, picnic baskets, and other essentials. 4,581,901,294 pairs of maggoty eyes gleam with happiness*
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100 Undead Warrior
*Shoves an Undercity Banner into Derscha, claiming her for the Forsaken*
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100 Worgen Death Knight
((But... but... Rage's "Creepy Gas Mask & Kilt Combo" would be a rave at this! But the ensemble does *not* have a shirt!))
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100 Gnome Priest
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100 Gnome Priest
Thank you everyone who came to the contest! Winners are below!

Bhayne! - received first prize
Krinda- who almost won first prize, but was marked down for not following the rules :(

Tobybobjim - first place! With a delightful hat.
Erelyn - runner up!

Mithara- first place! (and a crowd favorite!)
Amanda- runner up!

Plate- The toughest choice, by far.
Glaceaux - First place with a rather impractical, but stylish ensemble
Latrokin- runner up!

If you haven't received your prize yet, be on the lookout for an AAMS delivery!
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97 Orc Warrior
I demand Bralox get a prize!
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