Here we are again! This is an RP Challenge to level from 1-85 IC without dying.
No heirlooms, use quest rewards and crafted items only.
Stay in character as much as possible.
Death is permanent after level 15. If you die in a guild group, it counts against you. Battle grounds and LFG dungeons are allowed in moderation.
We expect you to keep journal entries, whether you are in the guild for the challenge or just to RP with us.
Rewards? The satisfaction of rping a character from level 1 to 85 should be its own reward. We want dedicated rpers and people who enjoy writing and creating a story
We have become more open as a guild, and are willing to, and would love to have, people just RPing, whether participating in the challenge or not.
Journal thread:
OOC/Signup #1:
No heirlooms, use quest rewards and crafted items only.
Stay in character as much as possible.
Death is permanent after level 15. If you die in a guild group, it counts against you. Battle grounds and LFG dungeons are allowed in moderation.
We expect you to keep journal entries, whether you are in the guild for the challenge or just to RP with us.
Rewards? The satisfaction of rping a character from level 1 to 85 should be its own reward. We want dedicated rpers and people who enjoy writing and creating a story
We have become more open as a guild, and are willing to, and would love to have, people just RPing, whether participating in the challenge or not.
Journal thread:
OOC/Signup #1: