RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

So, I have been thinking.

I think I'll pull Aseria from the challenge part of the guild and just focus on the RP aspects, because leveling Aseria for me right now is getting boring, and I wanna get some more spice into her RP. That, and then there is also more RP outfits that I can use at lvl 85.

Kel, Mia, thoughts on this?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
It's up to you, we'll miss that aspect, and, honestly? I'm wondering if I'm the only one who's going to make it to 85 XD

Nic's still in, he hasn't died yet, but he hasn't leveled yet either.
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Well, hence the reason why I wanna get to 85. It kinda opens more RP aspects with Ashy, specially with the variety of new spells I can use.

I'm going to transfer an alt with heirlooms to CC, then I shall power level the next time i'm on.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Aseria, I do hope you will have someone in the challenge, it is fun, but if you would rather focus on the rp it is your choice.

I wanted to warn people as well, we have a discussion going about if you make a character to run the challenge and then give up on it and not log in at all for a long time, we want to have some input on whether we can g-kick them.

I want opinions on this please. I feel if you do not log in over a month, you are not interested in doing the challenge or participating in the guild. I want active people and those willing to actually have some fun with us.

Any of you already in the guild if you have an alt please note it so we do not kick out any alts you may wish to level later.
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80 Blood Elf Priest
I personally would kick them much sooner than a month, if they ever do decide to return to the realm of RP they can simply ask once again to join, it would help keep the guild member list less cluttered.

And to avoid kicking people going on vacation or having to take a break but planning to return it would be as simple as setting a note with maybe specified characters so that we know you still plan to be active. Or simply running it over with the GM or one of the Officers.

And simply hold regular meetings between the Officers and GM to ensure that we don't have inactive people in the guild, and also to make sure the guild bank stays safe. >_> I definitely think that there needs to be a limit of some sort put on that for at least the lower ranks.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
I personally would kick them much sooner than a month, if they ever do decide to return to the realm of RP they can simply ask once again to join, it would help keep the guild member list less cluttered.

And to avoid kicking people going on vacation or having to take a break but planning to return it would be as simple as setting a note with maybe specified characters so that we know you still plan to be active. Or simply running it over with the GM or one of the Officers.

And simply hold regular meetings between the Officers and GM to ensure that we don't have inactive people in the guild, and also to make sure the guild bank stays safe. >_> I definitely think that there needs to be a limit of some sort put on that for at least the lower ranks.

We have to take into consideration that unexpected things can happen, and kicking them out of the guild with out knowing the real cause it's kinda silly. I say kick them after around a month, for there will be some people who wont be able to attend meetings (Like me :P) or some other things that might happen over weekends. Then there is also time zones to consider, I live in Aussie, meaning Sunday's for you will be Mondays for me, and I could have something on Monday that keeps me away from joining said event.

As for the Guild bank, there isn't really much ninjaing going on, 20 stacks is a good enough amount depending if someone needs mats for a perfession, which is the only thing I really use the Gbank for.

So....TL;DR, kick after a month...and possibly a half, just to give them a bit more time to redeem themselves.
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80 Blood Elf Priest
I was thinking something like 15 - 20 days, anyone even with a full schedule can jump on to send mail or something to the leader of the guild or one of the officers, and if it's something planned in advance like I said give forewarning. And I understand different time zones, but even with time zones you can still manage to get on at least once every 20 days, I'm judging this on checking activity status from the guild tab. If you rack up 20 days in a row without getting on you're either too busy for the game and can join again when you have more time, or simply just aren't very into it.
Simply personal opinion.

And as far as the guild bank goes, anyone that is currently in the guild I don't think will cause a problem and that isn't what I'm saying. And anyone active in the guild would achieve a rank that allows such access. But like a little earlier today we had someone join, and even at the first rank you have full access. This said person left about five minutes after joining, what if that person had taken everything he could from the guild bank?

This is the reason I bring it up. Because anyone, even people that are brand new have the capability to join, empty the bank and just leave without a moments notice.

Just saying, I think we should be a little more careful.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
If it's you're opinion, fine, that's all said and good. However, it all comes down to one thing:

Real Life > A game. People can't be on 24/7 just to support a guild, sorry to say. If Real life is going to keep you from playing for more than 20 days with out word, they are going to wonder why they were kicked from the guild when they come back, this why I say if it's rediculously long, like 1 month or more, then sure, kick them, but I would like to see people get a chance, unless of course they are invited back to the guild when they get a chance to get back on. ^_^
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80 Blood Elf Priest
06/26/2012 12:01 AMPosted by Liå
unless of course they are invited back to the guild when they get a chance to get back on. ^_^

Like I said. -_-
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm skeptical of kicking anyone who's been active in a month, if only because lately I can understand how hard it is to carve out time for WoW. In the next couple days, I'll be working through the guild roster and removing/sending mail to some people.
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85 Orc Warrior
W00t! Game is back on...and dear god, we having that big a problem of people not being active?
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I can understand cleaning out the chaff. If it's been a month...bye bye. I have several toons in other guilds and this seems to be the norm. I usually run a quick mail check just to have a weekly moment in the guild.
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62 Goblin Death Knight
If they are serious about doing the challenge and having fun with the rp, they would stick around and do it. More than a month gone and no logging in? Yeah I say kick them out, if you want to send them an email first in warning fine. But do not expect an immediate response unless they have active characters on the server and have some add on that lets them know they have email.
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64 Blood Elf Hunter
I'm torn on this.

Because I do love a clean roster I think a month of not logging in is about the minimum I would go to for kicking (if you weren't told they would be away) since we are after active members.

But at the same time there is a what 1000 member cap? we are nowhere near that so we don't have to kick anyone other than trying to keep the roster clean.
Due to the added guild rep I hate it when I get kicked from a guild only to have to start the LONG rep grind again!

Maybe as an alternative we have the first rank in the guild have no access to anything. If someone is inactive for a month they get put into this rank, and then if you really feel the need to kick people after they have been in this rank for another month you kick them... gives people longer before they lose all the guild rep they have worked for.
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84 Human Paladin
06/25/2012 01:28 AMPosted by Samhayne
Hey there Colrick, you are most welcome to join as a death knight, and level to your hearts content. Who knows we may even get you to level up a regular character. And no you don't have to do the challenge, we are basically an rp guild with the main purpose of returning Glory to the SIndorei. So make a DK. And talk to Kelltira or any member of the guild who is online. They can invite you.

Returning glory to the Sindorei...well, I did come up with an excuse for a troll death knight to be joining in on such an endeavor, but it was a bit flimsy and I was still adding some cause to the backbone of his bio. Unfortunately, after getting him out of the New Avalon starting area, and testing the waters with him, I'm afraid I just can't get into the class like I used to. That's...depressing. Anyway, so now I'm looking at a couple of different races/classes, namely an Orc warrior, Undead warrior, or Blood Elf paladin. Yet, I still can't say I'd be privy to completing the entire challenge. Namely because I like gathering items out of dungeons and wearing them. What can I say? I'm a glutton for high stamina, heh. Then again, roaming around with others to complete the quests could be fairly interesting, so who knows?

I'll likely do a /who to see who's online when I get a character made who I can stomach to stick with.
Edited by Colrick on 6/26/2012 4:36 PM PDT
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64 Blood Elf Hunter
Colrick, I'd suggest once you do find someone to stick with that you join our OOC chat... that way you can see when members log in and out and chat with them prior to joining. Without having to constantly /who the guild.
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62 Goblin Death Knight
Also we are in need of tanks, and we have a few paladins, at times all I see in guild are pally's, but they are a good class to do the challenge. Also, you can wear the stuff you get from quests and dungeons, that is not a problem, we just do not allow heirlooms, as they give an unfair advantage. The main part of it is the rp anyway. The challenge is to hit 85 without dying, and we have one who has done it so far.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
In terms of kicking people who have not been on for a month--I can understand wanting to glean out the guild roster of people who are just not playing.

My main guild has a 6-month period for anyone who does not notify an officer that they will be gone for x-period of time (we have quite a few active military). We also have an MIA rank that we demote anyone to who will be gone for a while or has not been active for three months.

My personal opinion is that you need to do what you feel is best for the Fellowship.

As for leveling to 85 without dying, don't pick a rogue. I am obviously speaking from personal experience!
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Edited my journal entry...

So many spelling errors...
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84 Human Paladin
I shall put my manga reading on hold to catch up on the journal entries, but the cause is worth it!
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