RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

87 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm scared to find out what Aseria was talking about when she said she might have plans for me and Tis. I mean, I didnt even get a hint so I'm just left wondering....

And Tis, if your reading this and want to know what I'm talking about ask her, because I have no idea.
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92 Worgen Druid
Is the challenge still going on? Curiosity is getting the better of me and I just don't want to scroll through 10 pages (laziness and all that). My wife did something like this on Dragonblight, but with some heirlooms and a little help from me. She's 85 with no deaths still. I'm just curious if I could pull it off, I think so but never seriously tried.
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Yes, challenge is still going for any who want to do it.
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92 Worgen Druid
Alright question two, is there a rule against people in the challenge teaming up (my wife saw this and wanted to join in with me)? I know it can be much easier to do things with two people but you also get half the xp for each kill.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Here is a listing of the rules, and you are welcome to team up. We have several who have worked in teams.

Ok since we formed the guild and wanted to give everyone an equal chance to do this....we decided to make all deaths uncounted until level 15. That gives all the guild members who helped me start this a chance to vote and set up rules.

1. Make a character and join the Rising Sun Fellowship.

2. Declare yourself a challenger for the rp challenge to level to 85 without a death.

3. You have until level 15 to settle on a character and class. Once you hit 15, death will count and you have to reroll for the challenge. Before 15 death does not count unless you are a diehard and do it for your own satisfaction , like me.

4. Armor can be bought as follows- before level 15 white armor from vendors in start area.

5. After level 15 and the challenge in force- green quest rewards as completed. Or crafted items of your own or from guild members. Any blue or purple items won in questing or killing mobs.

6. You may use any method to level including using mining or herbing or archeology.

7.Dungeons-If it is a group from the guild and you are in character and you die...you have to reroll or drop out of the challenge. No LFG dungeons outside of the guild. I consider this cheating. I will not do it, but that is my personal challenge to do this without dying and with minimum help. Besides it helps the guild level and we all want the perks, right?

8. No death knights, simply because it knocks out 55 levels...I mean come on really? Do I have to say that?

9. Rp is a must for this, you should be in character at all times, use the add on MyRp, or Total Rp.

10. Journal your experiences to help us keep track and to give you some positive feedback. the journal thread is in World's End Tavern forums. Once you are in the guild I expect a voice on the Journal, on your character when you hit the right level.

11. If you drop out you are welcome to stay in the guild as that character if you wish but if you want to redo a character for the challenge I heartily encourage you to do so.

12. This is for fun, no pressure, no timetable, no race. Develope a good character and have fun!

Just roll your characters and look for any member of the guild to get an invite.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
08/08/2012 01:43 PMPosted by Tyranthite
Alright question two, is there a rule against people in the challenge teaming up (my wife saw this and wanted to join in with me)? I know it can be much easier to do things with two people but you also get half the xp for each kill.

We would love to have you! Auxi's got the rules about right, we've relaxed the dungeon/bg rules a bit, as we know people get bored with simply questing.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
As a few of the people who have joined us are not as familiar with Blood Elf lore I thought to add this thread as a referrence. The link I put in there is very interesting.

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64 Blood Elf Priest
Hey Nic, I think the one you need to go after ia Aseria, she is the one who put something into Kel's mind to make her lose her sanity. Cy is being put between rock and hard place here. Lets remember to keep it IC and not OOC please do not mix them.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
It's a post from Nic!

I like it.

But anyways... I'll just be over here... struggling to put words on paper...
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
(looks to his left) Hello, rock. (looks to his right) Hello, hard place! or
(looks at the clowns) Hello, clowns! (looks at the jokers) Hey, mates, how's it going?
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86 Blood Elf Paladin

Hey Man....Here I am..
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38 Blood Elf Mage
Hey guys. Just found out ive got some family coming out tomarrow. *Groans* I'll try to be on when I can. If I can it will probably be late late.

I am very, very sorry about this. I tried to tell them I already had plans, and that I was not prepared because they gave me no notice, but they are persistent and are coming anyway. On the bright side there only here for tomarrow so I am free Sunday.

I hope you all can forgive me for the inconvinence, and I still hope to participate in the Aseria RP.

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95 Human Death Knight
If we're throwing music around...


Also, Auxi, this is what I was talking about earlier:

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38 Blood Elf Mage
Please, somebody help me. I don't know how much more of this 'family time' I can take. My prissy cousin decided we were going shopping and then to dinner. How am I posting this? With my phone, behind a cloths rack.

Anyways, so whats happening? Any good RP? Someone put up a journal? Please? Honestly, the only thing keeping me going is the fact I may be able to get rid of them, and that means I get to RP with you guys.

Cross fingers and wish me luck!
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
I assure you Tis, you havnt been missing anything at all. I'm just sitting here, running a dungeon or two while I wait for people to get on to come help me. I would put up journals if I could but theres nothing to put on for them...


/crosses fingers and wishes Tis luck
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95 Human Death Knight
I got a journal up this morning, I might write something again in a bit
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
And I am just saying, we need more people!!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
I can't do much till this weekend.

Krei might have to sit there for a while...sorry man ><
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35 Blood Elf Hunter
Yes we need to do something, procrastination does not level the guild!! More people!!!

And Aseria? Why you do that? You have effectively prevented someone from rping their character all week? We will go and rescue him without you being there then so he can be free....we can just say we went to the keep and released him and you were gone.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Yes we need to do something, procrastination does not level the guild!! More people!!!

And Aseria? Why you do that? You have effectively prevented someone from rping their character all week? We will go and rescue him without you being there then so he can be free....we can just say we went to the keep and released him and you were gone.

It isn't my fault that my work load is a pain

It isn't my fault that I'm trying to get stuff done so I can be on more.

I apologised for not being on as much as I like to, and plus I had plans for Fenris Isle.

I will not blame you if you free Krei without me, but it does leave that feeling both being cheated and kind of a jerk that you are not there to carry out the plans that were put in place.

Again, I'm sorry. It's not something I can control, I was hopping to get the event done on that weekend but it just didn't happen. If given the chance I would have finished it quickly the next weekend, if Krei is willing to wait that long, I don't want to force people to do things they don't want to do. Also, please do understand that not everyone can be on 24/7
Edited by Liå on 8/14/2012 3:52 AM PDT
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