RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

90 Blood Elf Rogue
As I wrote my journal entry today a song kept coming popping into my head -

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you...

So who's stuck in the middle with me? The Fellowship, Karamia, or someone else? Or all of the above?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Good question!

I'm going to rant-ish now, just fair warning. It's expository creative writing, so I may very well write a short paper here.

On one hand, Kel is one extreme, Velin the other, and Cyaer and the Fellowship are in the middle. Because Kel is the Lady of the House, and Velin is her antagonist, and Cyaer just happens to be in the middle of them, literally and figuratively. Literally because he stands in the line of succession between Velin and Kel. Figuratively because he's such a righteous person.

Another angle argues that the entire Fellowship is sandwiched between where they would like to be; glory, honor, etc., and the evil people; Vira, Velin. Evil gives as good as it gets, push for pull and all that.

So now the question is less of -who- is in the middle, but more of what force/person/idea is acting as the end pieces. It's like a sandwich (Sorry, I'm hungry, my analogies relate to food when I'm hungry.). Maybe we have two pieces of bread, one is Vira and one is Velin. Then let's say we're making a figurative BLT. We have mayonnaise on the bread, this is, perse our go between people and chaotic neutral people; The Gobby (Name, anyone?), Kel'thul possibly, Baelic, and all the other people being used/influenced. Then we have lettuce, bacon, and tomato. The Fellowship as a whole.

Now, when I think about this kind of thing, it seems to me that the couples have a larger place in the scheme of things, because while stronger together, there is that second person to watch out for, so, in my head, Wyndd and Varus, Nic and Kel, and Cyaer and Mia get a special place in our sandwich.


We've become a sandwich.

Strange analogies aside, that's what I've got, and I'm going to go make a BLT and eat it.

EDIT: Cy, you did something right with that journal entry, it just almost made me cry. Either that, or I'm just in a weird place right now. Either way, good job.
Edited by Kellatira on 7/3/2012 7:00 AM PDT
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As I wrote my journal entry today a song kept coming popping into my head -

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you...

So who's stuck in the middle with me? The Fellowship, Karamia, or someone else? Or all of the above?

I was just singing this to myself two days ago, then played it as I was beating people for money in the Goblin starting zone. Your mind has spectacular taste, good sir.

The Gobby (Name, anyone?), Kel'thul possibly, Baelic, and all the other people being used/influenced.

I assume you're referencing me here?
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95 Human Death Knight
07/03/2012 11:43 AMPosted by Giltrik
I assume you're referencing me here?

Oh, um... yeah.

I definitely know the name now, I just... didn't before!

I forgot.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Kel and Auxi apparently need to have a chat... I have an idea, but first she needs to know the situation IC. Anyway, she will be looking Kel up soon-- as in when my air conditioning gets fixed and I can stand to be in the computer room for more than five minutes. With four computers and a heatwave outside, it is quite uncomfortable and the computers have been spending most of their time shut off.
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95 Human Death Knight
Ooohh... That's no good. I'm around, I'll be headed out in about an hour, but until then...
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I had a wicked idea, but tossed it out. I want to have Vira killed off and remake her as a new warlock. And yes I intend on having an epic battle to take her out and I am thinking the Blackrock Mountain lava is the perfect place to do it.

She is waiting to make her move. The news of strife in the Fellowship has delighted her to no end. I think she needs a death night to help her further. Any volunteers? I know I have Sam, but I wanted a new person to join in the fun.
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07/03/2012 11:57 AMPosted by Allaynna
I assume you're referencing me here?

Oh, um... yeah.

I definitely know the name now, I just... didn't before!

I forgot.

Heheh, I won't hold it against you. It's hard enough to remember a person's name in the real world, I can't expect people to remember the names of those they interact with over a game.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
I had a wicked idea, but tossed it out. I want to have Vira killed off and remake her as a new warlock. And yes I intend on having an epic battle to take her out and I am thinking the Blackrock Mountain lava is the perfect place to do it.

She is waiting to make her move. The news of strife in the Fellowship has delighted her to no end. I think she needs a death night to help her further. Any volunteers? I know I have Sam, but I wanted a new person to join in the fun.





As long as it's on the weekend though because i'm packing hell hard to finish my work for this week.


Meaning, I want Aseria to be there to kick Vira's backside into next year >_>

Jus sayin
Edited by Liå on 7/3/2012 4:03 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin

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8 Goblin Shaman
Are you still open to getting people for the Fellowship, or no? :o
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95 Human Death Knight
07/03/2012 05:34 PMPosted by Airekia
Are you still open to getting people for the Fellowship, or no? :o

We most certainly are! We would love to have you!

There are quite a number of us on currently, you can shoot me (Kellatira) a whisper if you want to chat.
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8 Goblin Shaman
Alright, thank you!
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61 Blood Elf Hunter
I can make a forsaken unholy DK for the story. And it can turn out that that is the individual who went after Kally. Just a thought.
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80 Blood Elf Priest
<.< Did you have any thoughts on when Vira would be introduced again to the current happenings? Or is that still on undefined pause?
Edited by Kelthul on 7/4/2012 2:17 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I am waiting for a lull in the story. The only reason I made Vira in the first place was to give the guild something to focus on. Otherwise everyone was off leveling and not much rp was happening. The objective of a villian is more of a common enemy to all of them to fight.

I am thinking of making Vira either an orc or a Forsaken. My guild on other side has a sister guild that is primarily orc. They are asking for members to join and make things a bit more interesting horde side.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
I am waiting for a lull in the story. The only reason I made Vira in the first place was to give the guild something to focus on. Otherwise everyone was off leveling and not much rp was happening. The objective of a villian is more of a common enemy to all of them to fight.

I am thinking of making Vira either an orc or a Forsaken. My guild on other side has a sister guild that is primarily orc. They are asking for members to join and make things a bit more interesting horde side.

Might I propose an idea?

Seeing as Aseria is slowly glowing more insane by the moment, she could use it some what as an advantage and fake her way to join Vira's side, when technically she will still be working for the Fellowship and getting information across to them from the inside.

Then when it comes time to face Vira, Aseria will show her true colours and aid who ever else is there to kill/incinerate Vira and thus, win said battle.

I got holidays coming up, so I can spend some quality time both lvling and following up on this idea, seeing as I haven't been on to do much anyway, consider it something to make up for the lost RP times :D

Let me know what you think!
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95 Human Death Knight
I fixed wow! Actually, it was my router that went out, but I fixed it anyways, so I'm back.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Our air is still out, they are suppose to come tomorrow to try and fix it (again, #4). I'll just consider this as Auxi still debriefing in Org.
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95 Human Death Knight
So, I won't be able to be at the meeting this weekend sadly. I don't have all that much to say, the story I'm going with is that Kel has some House stuff she has to take care of.

Also, I'm in the process of cleaning up the bank. If you want to put stuff in a tab that's full, hang on to it or vendor it, please don't put it in the wrong tab.
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