RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

86 Blood Elf Paladin
Sometimes real life comes crashing in and there is no choice. But it hurts as well, Mia will be grieving. Heartbroken and unable to function well.

We have other things to work on. Let us not forget there are things we can do and the lessons we learn today make tomorrow easier.

OOC does not equal IC, do not make the mistake of letting what happens to your little pixelated character affect your life. I know it is hard to do, especially when someone makes a very good character and does a fantastic job playing it.
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75 Blood Elf Mage
JOY!!! Celebrate!!! Cyaer is coming back!!!

I miss him so much, and now we can go back to plotting!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
07/16/2012 08:43 PMPosted by Lillisarei
JOY!!! Celebrate!!! Cyaer is coming back!!!

Wonderful! I am happy to hear that he will be back. He left a rather big hole when he left. Welcome back!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Aye, I have returned, and I am humbled by your welcomes and taking me back. I don't deserve it and will work to build your trust once again.

I will be indisposed for at least a week or more, one does not take on a Fel Reaver and walk away untouched. And I have some therapy to go through. But visitors are welcome. (LOL)

Edit: As Kel'tira says below - I have said it before, but it does bear repeating - I believe we have a great group of people here, in their character creation, in their role-playing of that character, and some of the most amazing and enjoyable journal entries.

(And my first thought is why would I want to leave this - Doh!)
Edited by Cyaer on 7/17/2012 8:09 AM PDT
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95 Human Death Knight
especially when someone makes a very good character and does a fantastic job playing it.

Very true, Mia. Someone, anyone, or... hang on...

*Writes sticky note and attaches to computer*

There. I'll be home later today, and have reliable internet, and I'll try and get in game some.

*Clears throat* Now, where was I? Oh, yeah.

So, I want to comment on the quality of characters. I am seriously impressed with you all. I'm continually impressed with the depth of the characters.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this!

And, saving the best for last :P

Welcome back, Cy!

As I see it... Yeah, remind me later and I'll explain,
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Summer is getting to me, but I will survive it! I wanted to thank all of the fun people who have joined us and made this a unique guild. Those who have stuck around and come up with new ideas and ways to rp are especially loved for their dedication.

I am hoping we get a few more to join us, we are still open to help challengers and just rp in general. We have not gotten enough 85's to raid yet, but we are hoping to get a few to at least help with raising the level of the guild. Almost at level 4 now!!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
The hot humid days of summer are passing slowly...and I look forward to the coolness and beauty that is autumn.

I am enjoying the mixture of story lines and conflicts that are going on in the Fellowship. And the people we are interacting with and growing together as a guild. It is helping to make the days of summer go by with interesting twists and RPing rewards. I salute you all!
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
I just witnessed an alliance raid tear down Lor'themar and all the guards.

Seriously, alliance? Whats your problem with the Horde lately on our realm?
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90 Night Elf Hunter
I just witnessed an alliance raid tear down Lor'themar and all the guards.

Seriously, alliance? Whats your problem with the Horde lately on our realm?

The Alliance side is more dominate on CC than it is on other realms, it's not really surprising that the cities would be raided regularly.
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95 Human Death Knight
07/20/2012 07:21 PMPosted by Liå
The Alliance side is more dominate on CC than it is on other realms, it's not really surprising that the cities would be raided regularly.

*clears throat*

Our battle-group on Alleria is tipped towards the Horde, but Alleria itself?

We have a 4:1 Allies:Horde ratio approximately.

Talk about amusing.
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35 Blood Elf Hunter
We need more Horde on CC definutely.

Unfortunately it is hard to get them to come to such an imbalanced server.
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
*cough* Bump. *cough*

Wouldn't want to lose our thread to the other threads now would we?
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Have a cute little blurb about Death Knights from the paladin who understands them the most. Between An'giel going nuts on Solorin at the stone and the little "wtf" from the newer members about An'giel and Malathir's long and continued struggles (and well deserved, too, I love RPing the 'What the hell is wrong with you?' aspects), just a little insight so you don't have to read back through every little thing. Of course, it is An'giel, she does like to be vague. ;3
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*Rubs hands together*

Oh yes...I got plans...
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I have not forgotten you, Aseria. And I know we shall meet again, though not as friends as before, but as foes...but I swear you meddle with the Fellowship, and your life will be forfeit, whether you are deranged, possessed, or just plain crazy. Just as Viragona's end is imminent, the Fellowship will prevail.
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95 Human Death Knight
This is good. This is very good. I'm leaving the house, for now, I'll be back 7ish EST.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I know that I have mentioned this in game, but I will put it here as well. I will be going out of town at the end of the week and won't have access to the game. I should have access to the boards and will probably post another story about what Auxi is going just to keep her active. Kel, she'll catch up with you a little later on this week before she heads out.
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95 Human Death Knight
Thul, this is for you, I think?

Anyways, this is what happens when I take 2 hours and stick a 1000 word limit on myself.


EDIT: Second post is wimpy, but I have a writer's block sitting on my desk.
Edited by Allaynna on 7/23/2012 5:14 PM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Just a note to all of you, please make an effort to include the new members of the Fellowship in rp when you can. Some are shy ans I even had one who told me he was called a troll and told to stay out of the channel. We need to be welcoming and nurturing to those who are new at rp.

They come to us by many means, forum and in game, because they see us having fun and want to join in. Not everyone is a born actor or knows immediately how to rp just by watching.
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95 Human Death Knight

Here's our new journal thread, minions!
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