RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

90 Blood Elf Rogue
I think we all have had instances of having RL carry over into the game, or even viceversa, we are but only human. And we understand. So...

Insanely early? Swimming or school sign ups and such. Either way...hope you got some rest and take on the new day with a renewed vigor and excitement!

See you in game, it's always fun to see you and chat with you, IC or OOC.
Edited by Cyaer on 8/2/2012 7:13 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
School registration had to be dealt with and such... But it's done with now!

I'm glad you think so, I try and make things amusing for other people.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
08/01/2012 05:45 PMPosted by Sydric
And I am beginning to think the forum thread I created for Syd might be fun in game...hmmm...thinking.

I am planning to bring Auxi's current adventure into game as she has been fairly quiet IC-wise and I think this will be something plausible for her to get into. I was planning on something probably after Vira is dealt with--probably not before since we seem to be closing in on her.

I should be in game tonight, but IC-wise Auxi is still out. Mia, I'll try to connect with you about the forum thread hopefully tonight.
Edited by Auxilia on 8/2/2012 1:12 PM PDT
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64 Blood Elf Priest
Sounds good. I think I can implement the forum thread into the game as a kind of hidden secret of Syd's. Outwardly he is a fine example of minor noble with a quirky hobby of making and selling glyphs and books. His smuggling and information brokering will be mostly off scene, but can be brought into play in a roundabout way.

I intend on having Syd work with Neryth and offer him a studio as per Jahana's suggestion. He has gold, and an interest in art and would be willing to help out a struggling artist. If anyone wants to help Syd with his underground activities it can be possible.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
It seems to me that people are kind of being drawn off and into other things. I know some are off on vacation, so I think we can put off killing Vira until we have more on scene. I am developing Syd a bit as you can see.

The conflict between Jahana and her brother is developing well. Cyaer, you are doing an outstanding job developing different characters. I intend on Cyn to be joining Vira and making things difficult for all. I will be posting a Journal for her and you can see what she is thinking about.

I usually try to involve as many as I can in the stories and keeping it interesting. Anyone is welcome to join in and interact with Jahana or Cyn and I will be developing Darth more as well. If anyone has a story they wish developed maybe it might be a good idea to let us know in here and keep us posted on what you are doing.

Aseria, I am not sure how we are going to fight you, since you have two characters in one and it seems a formidable foe. I do hope you will give us some insight.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am finished with Auxi's sideline and yes, I did leave her walking along some road at about three in the morning.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
Oh for the post for Auxi on the Journal? Oh my that could be dangerous.
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38 Blood Elf Mage
Hey guys! Finally found some time to post!

First off, welcome back Kreindis! Hope you had a great time on vacation!
Secondly, I am having a wonderful time here in London, everything is extraordinary. My friend has almost finished her Olympic coverage (shes works for a magezine) so we are going to come back a bit early. The first reason being so a co-worker of hers gets a chance to come, and secondly so we can beat airport traffic. :)

We are thinking Sunday or Monday. Anyways I can't wait to get back so I can RP with you guys some more. Hope you all are having a great week and I'll see you all soon.

P.S. I put up a journal entry.
Edited by Tislina on 8/3/2012 7:33 PM PDT
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
I did have a great time on vacation.

Hope to see you again soon, though. Have a nice last few days.
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38 Blood Elf Mage
I'm pretty excited to have Tis see Krei, should be fun what with what happened to him.
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh you'll see, he's got a pretty large cut across his shoulder that touches his chest and its pretty hard NOT to see it.

And it even has a little story that goes along with it. Gee, vacation gives me alot of time to plan IC stuff.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
*Is writing furiously*

I'm writing, let's see, three things?

Yeah, sounds about right.

For all those concerned (Which is everyone):

I talked to the Laughing Skulls folks again last night, as well as to Raoul, archmagi, ICly about warlocks and curses, and got some interesting stuff in return. Everywhere from eating her heart to throwing her into the Twisting Nether to dropping her off the edge of the Firelands.

So, long story short, I'm writing a couple of journal posts, and then an IC post on CC's forum that you all should check out, and add anything from your character's points of view.
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38 Blood Elf Mage
Hey all! Guess where I am..... on a plane! As it turns out, the only time we could get a plane was this morning. It was either leave today or wait till the end of the week. So, we left at about 6 this morning and are going to touch down at about 4, so I will be on at 5. Can not wait to see you guys! :)
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Have a safe trip home, Tislina!
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh good, I will finally get some action going then. I was hoping to have Vira meet her end in Blackrock by falling or being pushed into the lava. I am sure we can work this out. I may be offering some gold for a few people to rp with Vira in the guise of Ogre suits to represent her army of Ogres. If not maybe I can kite some ogres into the area where we do the final scene.

What ever happened to my event planner? Alex where are you?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

Check it out!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Well done, Kel! Looks impressive...I am stunned. Just a great job...we now have a website! Woohoo!!

[Edit] Okay, how can I help?
Edited by Cyaer on 8/6/2012 10:49 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
For now, I'll be going through and archiving journal posts on the site, in the forums. Sign up for guildportal and throw a request my way and I'll approve it, and you'll get to be special and help me with all the dirty work of putting things where they belong.

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90 Blood Elf Rogue
First of all, I want to thank Kel for putting the website up. They take work and effort and you have done an outstanding job.

Secondly, I am working on a project to be posted on the website; it is ambitious, but something that had been in my head for quite some time. I will be sending out in-game mail asking for a character quote. I don't want to reveal the project just yet in case it is just too much for me to do with the limited resources I have at the moment--and honestly, I do not know how long it will take, so please be patient with me. If I abandon the project, I will let everyone know here.

I have been a part of several fantastic guilds; from those that farmed Kara as a hobby to those that killed the Lich King in spite of DPS losing a baby tooth in the middle of a raid (don't laugh too hard, she is in law school now). I have also been a role player for too many years to count and I have to say that what we have in the Fellowship of the Rising Sun is an absolutely fantastic set of people and I think we need to be commemorated in some way.
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95 Human Death Knight
First of all, I want to thank Kel for putting the website up. They take work and effort and you have done an outstanding job.

Secondly, I am working on a project to be posted on the website; it is ambitious, but something that had been in my head for quite some time. I will be sending out in-game mail asking for a character quote. I don't want to reveal the project just yet in case it is just too much for me to do with the limited resources I have at the moment--and honestly, I do not know how long it will take, so please be patient with me. If I abandon the project, I will let everyone know here.

I have been a part of several fantastic guilds; from those that farmed Kara as a hobby to those that killed the Lich King in spite of DPS losing a baby tooth in the middle of a raid (don't laugh too hard, she is in law school now). I have also been a role player for too many years to count and I have to say that what we have in the Fellowship of the Rising Sun is an absolutely fantastic set of people and I think we need to be commemorated in some way.

In this train of thought, great minds think alike, no? I'm in the process of something, the least I can say is that I hope it will be fantastic, but I refuse to say more than that.

There will be more that I have to say, where I can go on and on and on, on the site eventually.

But for now, thank to each and every one of you for putting for the effort!
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