07/15/2012 02:46 PMPosted by ViragonaWhat I have issue with most of the time is the attitude of the "lore police" who insist we are all capable of making totally lore consistent and interesting characters and still have fun. Guess what? The amount of people playing things exactly in that manner are VERY few! Not everyone is capable of being a Tolkien or even a George Lucas and making characters who meet your standards.
You can create incredibly diverse and unique characters without having to hammer in 'unique' ideas like this. The best characters I've ever RPed with have been a standard human rogue, an unremarkable worker at the Darkmoone Faire, and and Night Elven cloth merchant.
These characters didn't have any special powers.
They didn't do anything that you've never seen before.
They had no 'unique' aspects applied with scotch tape and super glue.
They were simply RPed very well, and the people behind the keyboard understood how to properly execute and control a character in an interesting fashion to make the characters truly enjoyable to interract with. Hell, even I RP mostly 'normal' characters.
Desh is simply a warlock who does warlock like things. The only 'catch' is that he's actually fairly gifted with shadow magic and is somewhat autistic.
Hallinton's an ex-soldier gone criminal who sits comfortable upon a rather small criminal empire. There isn't anything remotely 'unique' about him other than his racism; which I feel is nothing unique, but merely something most human RPers are so turned off by due to racism being such scorned in real life.
Larindrian is a Dragon Hunter. He hunts dragons and kills them due to hating them because of the Second War. Nothing unique there.
Delorath, my Demon Hunter, -is- fairly unique in some ways. However despite that he's still largely 'generic' in all other aspects. His 'special snowflake' aspects don't actually make him interesting, it's his generic qualities and exploring them to great depths that do.
This is why I'm so quick to kick the idea to the floor and shoot it execution-style in the head. Because it's contrived, overly complex, and being executed by someone who, as I've already said, should be spending their time laying claim to the basics of RP and writing.Furthermore I recommend that nearly -everyone- uses 'non unique' characters because they're far less complex.
Even if you do have a solid grasp of RP and writing basics, it's really not hard to make a character so needlessly complex that you'll either drown in the details or simply execute it horribly
Nailing on odds and ends, over powering a character, ect ect do not make them fun or interesting. They make them boring and trite.