The hunter awoke in the early hours of the morning, he looked to the bed across from his, a beautiful elf sleeping their happily with her pet, Mordicai...Like Xule was starting to grow a bit..but not quite big enough for him to be taken out for training, Xal got up to make breakfast for her, for he would not be there when she awoke, he wanted to be though, maybe they could just...wake up next to each other one day and stare at the ceiling and talk for hours...He would like that. The smell of french toast, and bananas filled the room, he got some of his special powdered surgar, made from the purest of sugar canes, and sprinkled it on top, he wrote her a note, "Dawn, Sadly I will not be home again till later this afternoon, If you need anything, I will take care of it when I get back, I love you ~Xal" He walked over to her, and smiled, He placed the breakfast next to her bed, with a rose placed neatly in a small glass vase, He quickly suited up and jumped to the ground, He was going to stranglethorn today...
* * *
As the boat steered into the harbor of booty bay Xal looked up to the sky, He picked the nearest eagle, and called it to him, he handed the eagle a cloth, a cloth containing the smell of a familar goblin, Grax Fizzle Spark, A trader of slaves... Xal knew this man...he had not worked with him before, but the man had asked Xal to kill many people, using the power of eagle eye, he used the eagles vision, the eagle flew alll aorund Stranglethorn, Xal had found the man...Grax was hiding out In Hardwrench, Xal called for Eurodis, His dragon, and they flew to Hardwrench.
Xal stealthed and jumped from High up landing in a nearby palm, He grabbed two cocanuts and fillled them with gunpowder, his favorite type...graphite.. He tied a fuse to them, and lit the fuse, still stealthed, he jumped down and rushed to the main gate, throwing the makeshift bombs at the two goblin cannons located by the gate, they exploded on contact, goblin parts flying everywhere, he rushed to the center of the base, there stood Grax...short...a dark green color, almost yellow, Xal unstealthed and shot five arrows, killing all of his guards. Grax stood there, frightened of Xal begging for his life, "Please....No...Ill let the slaves go I swear!! Here Ill give you the Key!!!" Xal slapped the key out of his hands, and lifted the goblin by the throat.
Xal looked at the man, "Why do you want to kill the one known as Scarlet?"
The goblin looked horrified, he heard of the others who wanted her they all of a sudden died and then...he knew why, "I ain't tellin you nuthin!! you is gonna have to beat it out of me!"
Xal smirked, "Gladly." Xal tightened his grip around the goblins throat, the goblin coughing and gasping for air, tapped Xal's hand for him to stop.
"Okay! Okay!, I asked her to rescue some little elves for me...Night elves...little did she know I was gonna use them as slaves...sell em' to the highest bidder!!! I heard she was a loose end that needed to be cut off....A guy told me that If I had her killed he would set me up for life!!"
Xal Looked at him, "What man?"
The goblin spit on Xal, "NO one!"
Xal put the goblin on the floor, Xal's boot resting on his neck, "If you don't tell me, I will crush that little throat of yours...It'll be hard to breathe...but you'll adapt wont you gobby?"
The goblin looked up at him, "Alright! It was the Big Boss, She asked us to do it! She has a grudge on her or somthing....she was gonna come to you herself..but shes a busy lady ya know?"
Xal's eyes widend...he knew who the big boss elf...just like any other, Strong soldier, beautiful woman....she was he knew why...
The goblin looked at Xal...smirked and Threw a knife into Xal's side...Xal yelped, he pulled out the dagger, and threw it at the goblin running away, he nicked him right behind the left ear swiping it off, The goblin fell down, "MY EAR!!!" he cupped it and started to cry, "You'll pay for this ya runt!" Xal rushed over to him, running as fast as a wild beast, he leaped on the goblin and twisted the goblins neck, turning it completely around, killing the goblin instantly.
Xal hurried to his office, he managed to bandage him self up..but he passed out from blood loss...blood seeping slowly from his wound...he could only hope some one would find him, and help him.