Journal of the Rising Sun Fellowship (IC #2)

90 Blood Elf Rogue
The past few days have been pure hell, just plain and simple, pure Fel hell. Okay, I was captured, tortured, and rescued. I spent some time in the infirmary, and got to feeling better. Well, as best as I can with a freaking witch in my head!

While in the care and torture of Viragona, she carved some kind of rune on my cheek, with a white hot dagger. Yeah, it was fun, never had so much fun in my life. The healers in the infirmary healed my wounds, well at least the physical ones, and released me.

I wear helms that cover my face. I am ashamed to bear this mark from that witch. And she speaks to drives me crazy! She says she won't harm me, but that if I try to remove the rune upon my face, it will hurt much more than it did going on. So I dread the next moment she will whisper into my mind. Listening to my conversations.

My beloved came up with a partial solution...a spell that seems to mute Viragona, so I no longer hear her...well, it seems more like mumbles than true language. But I know she's still there. I fear to sleep, will she speak to my subconscious, make me do things I'm not aware of? Will she set me to kill my beloved Karamia, as those dreams of long ago? Or set me to assassinate my sister Kel'tira? Can I be trusted any longer?

Viragona tells me she hasn't done anything to prevent me from sleeping...but I worry, will I become her instrument of destruction within my family, the Fellowship. I cannot help worry...I could not live with myself if I hurt or killed any of them. They truly are my family, my brothers and sisters of a common goal...I...I feel the weariness and fatigue in me. I must not let myself become under her control...must not...not...
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40 Blood Elf Paladin
I had to come into Silvermoon City to empty my bags, and to refine some of my ores I had dug up in the field. I will improve my blacksmithing skills later...just a get in and out kind of deal. I thought I would look in the Auction House for a new set of gloves, and perhaps some boots.

And I ran across her as I crossed the Royal Exchange parkway. Jahana. It's not that I don't want to see her...she doesn't want to see me. Or so I thought. I was wrong. I was so very wrong. Whether I misinterpeted her missive or what, she likes me, and I like her. We sat on a park bench and talked.

She gave the pages of my sketches to a possible sponser of my art. My hobby. Possibly even getting me a studio to create more sketches, and paintings...she did it. She said she would, and it's coming together. I never thought my sketches were much, just doodlings at best...but she thinks I have does this Sydric, my possible patron. How do I thank her for such an opportunity?

She too has a creative outlet...she's an engineer! She showed me this wonderful flying machine she had built. It was amazing. She is amazing. Jahana is truly amazing to me.
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63 Blood Elf Death Knight
I take my skills lightly as I kill the demons and orcs out here in The Outlands. However, I realize I am missing out on building my bank account also. So, I have gone back to raise my ability to raise cash for myself. Gold will help defray the training cost I will incur.

I begin and find my pickaxe and herb bags filling quickly. I also explore some area I have never been. Mostly Forsaken territories. I am undead, I feel almost a kinship with them. But then, I am a Death Knight, one chosen by Arthas himself, not by a banshee and her minions. Does that sound conceited? So be it.

I feel negligent in my duties to my sister - aiding her in The Outlands. But I must also look out for myself. For if I do not, who will? She will understand. I hope.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
The dark knight lays in his bed on the far reaches of the arathi highlands, his body heavy and his mind focused memories of his days with the Highlord stagger in his mind

A pitch black tome bound by a leather strap, as it opens shadow emitts from it like fog,
Solorin writes

My training was alright it was hard I will admit but it was worth it, I was taught to focus my attacks instead of just swinging, taught to close my mind to those who wish to penetrate my inner thoughts and my body trained to endure even the most horrible of pains, I am almost as unstoppable as death himself,

After my training of course I took off for a day of rest and relaxation in winterspring, the snow and cold felt welcoming as if it is where I belonged, although I will admitt I missed being home I missed silvermoon, the fellowship .... Auxilia, I returned to find out krei has been kidnapped and kel horribly injured, I will aid Cyaer and Tislina in their search for krei, this aseira she does not frighten me, even still my new training can keep her grubby little paws out my mind.

After the meeting of course I took off to show auxilia my home in arathi, and showed her my personal vineyard, I told her she was welcome to stay with me when ever she pleased, she was sad...for a moment I did not know what to do, but I comforted her to the best of my ability, I have really come to care for her, she means a lot to me and I will allow nothing to happen to her.

I met with Tislina in the hall when I returned to silvermoon, we spoke of what I said to her the other night, I apologized for my being there, and she said it was alright and for a moment we became friends, it is nice to have friends in the fellowship, better than to have enemies, but I must ponder what my next step will be in this.

The Dark Knight closes his tome and seals it, he walks out of his home and returned to silvermoon, his mind blinded by thoughts clashing in his head, the thought of Axilia, the thought of Kel'tira dying,the thought of krei crumbling from the torture, the thought of losing his friends Cy Tis and Even though the had a grudge Mia, he thought "I must end this soon, or I will lose every one...again"
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I have been a loner all my life. I have built a wall around me to keep others out. And yet, I yearn for that which I have built a wall against. And so I work in Northrend, defeating those that feel they should oppress others, and destroy those that know nothing except the Fel magics and how to contol others. I shake my head, sometimes I wonder if it worth my time and effort.

Then a young child looks up at me, and I look into its eyes, and I feel their joy at being set free, or the men and women captured and caged like mere animals, and their exhileration at being freed by my presence where it mattered. It is worth the time and effort, doing good is always worth the time and effort.

I went to a guild meeting yesterday. I tried to follow what was said, but they know each other, and I am an outsider. I will try again, because it is important for me to connect with people, these people of the Fellowship. I cannot continue to run as a loner any longer. I can not.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
There is a slight crackle as a guild stone activates.

“Auxi?” The voice coming across the guild stone sounds tentative.


“You have nothing to be sorry about. It wasn’t your fault.” This is softly spoken.

There is a short pause and the words come slowly, the voice catching. “I… I’ll make a deal with you. I will quit being sorry when you do.”

(New entry in a plain brown leather journal.)

Logic tells me that I did the right thing in running away when he took out Kel and came to help the death knight that was facing me. I could not fight the two of them… not by a long shot. I fled to the safety of Thunder Bluff and called the Fellowship. In the end, we rescued her but…

I left her there at their mercy and they showed her none.

And I am left with a lot of “ifs”. None of which are particularly helpful in easing the guilt and logic is rather cold comfort.

When I heard her speaking to me over the guild stone telling me that it wasn’t my fault, I couldn’t hold it back. At least I wasn’t alone this time. It is amazing what the strength of someone else can do. It felt good not to have to shed those tears alone—I was not nearly as mortified as I thought that I would be as I buried my head in his shirt and let the tears come.

It was a little eerie not to hear or feel his heart beating as I stood there with my head against his chest; just as it was comforting to have him hold me, talking to me and brushing away the tears from my cheek.

I would like to see him live the life he is wanting, to be there with him as he moves through it, but I am also painfully aware that that may not be within his reach—even with me reaching with him. Even though we talk and laugh, share interests and enjoy each other’s company, I have to wonder just how it will turn out. Things are far more complicated in the place where he is and as much as he tries to make that place large enough for me, sometimes I wonder if he will be able to.

The woman with the brown hair set down the quill and read over the entry while she blindly rummaged through her bag with her left hand for a pear. Finally giving up on the blind search she leaned over the bag, peered in and came up triumphant.

She flipped through the pages reading through some of the entries while she ate the pear. She came to the next to the last entry and winced. What had caused her to lash out like that? Certainly she had been tired, frustrated and honestly, frightened as to what the warlock was going to do to Cyaer because he was Mia’s intended, but the harsh words barely looked like something she would write.

She put away the journal and stood, absently pushing away a small, icy draft that brushed against her cheek before turning to head to her room.
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95 Human Death Knight
Kel'tira Sunblaze

I was given the go-ahead to write and read again. They have not deigned to let me go home yet, but that will come with time, I suppose. I am hoping to be released tomorrow, or the next day at the latest. I want to write about so much, I have so much to say, but I cannot find the words to say it. I am torn to pieces by what I am thinking, and am afraid to even put it here on paper, lest it be immortalized on the page, and I am never able to forget, or move on.

The pain is... strange. It hurts, but it is a good hurt, not like the pain in my head, or shoulder, or ribs. Not the dull, throbbing ache of physical pain, but something else, something emotionally feels torn, stretched.

When Cy came to visit me Saturday... I do not know what went through my mind. It felt... right on some levels, and wrong on so many others to sit there with him and cry. I have let him get so close to me, so close to my heart. He knows me better than I think I know myself, some days. And it is days like Saturday that make me wonder if it is a good thing.

I think it is. I think it is alright that I trust him with that much of myself. I think I can live with that. It felt almost disloyal, though, to sit there with his arms around me, and not Nic's. To cry on his shoulder, not Nic's. To pour my heart out to him, and not Nic. I love my cousin, and he is like my brother, but part of me wonders if there is something more to it, on my end, and his.

That is not true. I cannot disillusion myself any longer as to what I feel. And I make what I think is an educated guess when I write that I think he feels, or felt, at least, something near the same. The questions that face me are many, and painful, and ones that I do not necessarily want to answer.

That is what life is about, sometimes, though, is it not? Doing what we do not want to do? Doing what we hate. Doing it because it is what is best. For ourselves, or for our friends and family. This is another one of those hard choices I have to make, another one of those questions I have to ask myself. Another moment when I have to wonder if I am doing the right damn thing.

How many times in the past month have I made a choice and watched it spiral out of control? How many times have I made a mistake, and thought it was the right thing to do? How many times have I watched a friend walk away from me because I said something wrong? I hate feeling like I have not done anything right. I hate feeling like I cannot make the right decision.

Maybe it is time for me to step down and let Cy lead? Maybe I need to step back and let things happen. I just want to see everything work well... to see everyone work together... I think I need to prove to myself that the Fellowship, my people, can endure on their own. I need to see that they do not need me hovering.

Light... I could barely force myself to talk to Cy yesterday. I could barely make myself look into his eyes. I could see his pain. See what Viragona did to him in his eyes. It hurt. More than it should have. It took all of my effort just to see him and not say anything, or do anything. I do not know what I want, I know what I should do. I know what I will do. But it will hurt. It will hurt so much.

I saw Cyaer for the first time yesterday as someone else. Someone... More than just my cousin, my brother. I saw him as more than who he has become for me since Nic went to Northrend. More than one of my best friends, more than my confidante. More than the man I trust as much as my husband.

It hurt, for some reason, to see him with Mia. It should not. It should not. I am happy for them, I truly am. I have Nic, he has Mia. We are both happy. And I do not even know how he feels about me.

My husband holds my heart, yet I am torn, again, by what I must do. No matter what I may feel for my cousin, I will gain more by doing the right thing. I will gain more than I will lose by staying faithful, loyal, to my husband. My lover. My Nicias.

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95 Human Death Knight
I have the strength to pull myself together. I have the strength to move on. I have Nic, I have his love, his comfort, his touch to soothe my heart.

I can only pray that I am not making another wrong choice. Another bad decision that will tear my life in two. I ask myself how I could be making a bad decision by doing the honorable thing, and I cannot find anything to say it is the wrong choice, but the voice in the back of my head tells me that everything else that has turned into a bad idea has started with that certainty as of late.

I just... I just want my lover by my side. My husband. My best friend. The man I trust most in all of Azeroth.

(The remainder of the entry is written in Common, and appears to be a prayer)

Light, guide me through the pain and uncertainty I know is to come. Bless me with your strength, your endurance. Help me find my feet again, help me lead my people ahead in the darkness. Show me that the darkest days will pass, and leave behind the grace and beauty of a new dawn.

Guard my people, guard them from the demons that would tear them apart. Show them the strength of unity, and the results of compassion. Help me help them.

Grant me the strength to accept that which is unchanging. Grant me the peace of mind and peace of heart to endure the tumult of doubt and fear. Grant me the wisdom to see where I must fight, and where I must give ground.

Light, bless us all. Give us hope, and show us how we might save ourselves from our thoughts.

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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Kreindis sits in the darkness and silence of the keep's dungeon, his flameflies light purple tail giving him a small amount of light. "Where could they be?" Kreindis thought to himself, "Are they for some reason abandoning the idea of using torture to get the answers and instead letting me naturally suffer down here thinking it'll break me?" He remains silent for a moment, empty of thoughts, not making a sound in the darkness. He thinks once more to himself, "This'll all be over soon, either way... at this very moment the Fellowship is coming here, wherever here is, to rescue me. Then I can see Tislina again, and be with her in peace once more..." And with that his mind fell silent of thoughts again, as he allowed himself to fall into an uneasy sleep.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Kel'tira Sunblaze

Silvermoon City, Royal Exchange.

The Royal Exchange was almost empty, almost, but not quite. Two people, one sitting, one walking briskly, occupied the common area. A woman, fiery red hair and heavy plate armor, and an older man in long, drab robes.

The red-haired elf looked tired. Tired, broken, and something else. Hope, maybe. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face, tucking it behind an ear, and approached the man seated on the bench in front of her, looking vaguely uncomfortable. Her bruises stood out against her pale skin, and she blushed slightly underneath the marks as she spoke.


The man glanced up, “Hello,” in an unreadable tone, he continued, “You must be the one asking about runes on people's faces.”

With a small chuckle, Kel edged a bit closer, offering her hand, “Kel'tira Sunblaze. I have to say,” she mused, “You look familiar. Have we met?”

“Possibly,” came the reply, “.. Andaendis?”

“Mm... Perhaps in passing? Light knows.”

“I've seen you around the city before, yes."

“I am certain. I get out a good amount,” Kel chuckles, “Although, as of late, not so much.”

Moving on, Andaendis spoke, “Where's this friend of yours with the rune on their face? I'd need to see it to be able to change it.”

Kel rubbed her neck, reaching for a fist-sized, oval stone hung on her belt and tapping it, "Cy, can you come meet me? There is someone you should meet." Behind her cool facade, thoughts tumbled through her head. Worries, fears, hopes. The idea that this man, Andy, if she remembered their last meeting, could help her cousin, filled her with a hope disproportionate to the situation. Lost in thought, she came back to herself as Andy continued.

“There's two options, both are probably necessary... Trapping the warlock in a soulshard... and altering the rune...”

“I see...” Kel mused, “You see, we plan on dealing with the warlock, and that should... Negate the rune. But if we can stop the interferance in his head before then...”

Nodding, the man said, “That would make things a lot easier.”

“ So, it is not merely one option... If we can silence the warlock, so to speak...” Kel trailed off, lost in thought again, the woman grimaced inwardly, what was she thinking, trusting this man? Cy would choose. She would give him the option, which is all she could do. This was not her choice to make.

Cyaer's voice brought her out of her reverie, “Kel.”

Andy spoke next, “You must be the friend.”

Kel winced mentally at her cousin's hostility as he spoke, “And you would be?”


“I am Cyaer”

Coolly pleasant, Andy replied, “Nice to meet you.”

With a small, vague smile, Kel glanced at Cyaer, speaking slightly hesitantly, "Cyaer, this is a man who might be able to help your warlock issue."

Andy interjected, then, “Who also, happens to be a warlock.”

In response, Cyaer growled, “Great, two for the price of one.”

Kel glared at Cyaer, either a question or a warning in her gaze, "Aye. He said he had a number of ideas, if you wish to hear them."

“I'll be honest with you, sir,” Cyaer said, “I trust warlocks as far as I can throw them. Right now, I have one who sits in my head, listening to my conversations. So, if I come across a little pissed off, well, I hope you can understand.”

In response, an indifferent shrug was given by the warlock, "No, I can understand."

Cyaer continued, “She told me it would hurt worse to remove this rune, than it took to put it on, well, I remember the hot dagger she used, I'm not ready to feel that too soon again.”

“I could always use a regular dagger... Runes can be changed...”

Kel opened her mouth, preparing to speak, and then thought better of it, breathing deeply and closing her jaws with an audible click, and then groaning mentally at Cyaer's next words.

“Oh, so you want your chance to carve on me too? Kel...I cannot. Sorry.” Turning to Andy, he added, “Sorry for your time.”

Inwardly struggling with something, Kel shrugged, feigning nonchalance as she strove to keep her face clear and calm, "Cyaer, I just thought I would offer. Can I talk to you in a moment?"

“Talk? Yes.”

The warlock, too, shrugged, “My time is a non-issue. The only option you really have to get the warlock out of your head, is disrupting the rune they put there... And since it was carved into your face... The only option to that, is to change it.”

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Cyaer nodded slowly, "Yeah, I know."

“Cya--” Kel began, and then thought better of it, “Never mind. I will talk to you in a moment.”

Still speaking to the warlock, Cyaer said, “Will it change it to a neutral glyph or rune then?”

“If I change it, I'd do my best to make it look like a really fancy scar...” Andy paused, “But there's always the chance that it could just blow up.”

Cyaer's eyebrows rose, and Kel passed a hand over her face, her skin paler than normale underneath the myriad of bruises, “That would be an issue, wouldn't it?”

“Aye, Kel,” Cyaer said as the other man leaned in close, their faces almost touching as the older warlock inspected the details of the rune Viragona left on the rogue's skin.

“It depends on the rune,” Andy said finally, as Cyaer stood still. As Kel mumbled a prayer, the man backed away from Cyaer, “Eh, it looks like I can change it without it blowing up.”

“Make it so,” Cyaer said suddenly, causing Kel to jump slightly and look at him sharply, “What do I need to do?”

“It's going to be a delicate procedure either way...” Andy said, “You'll have to sit still and yeah. You also need to let me put my knife on your face.”

Looking at Kel, and meeting her gaze levelly, Cyaer said, "Alright...I'll allow it.”

In a small voice, Kel asked, “Cyaer... Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Cyaer said, prompting a slightly surprised look from Kel, and then another, more surprised glance when he continued, “Kel, I want you there.”

In a tone that implied nothing and everything, Kel spoke, "Of course I will be."

Giving him a funny look, she glanced down as Cyaer spoke again, “Where do you want to do this...?”

“Anywhere's fine,” came the calm reply.

“The inn work then?”

With a grunt of approval, and Cyaer's spoken encouragement to move on, the group of three did, Cyaer leading, with Kel on his heels and Andy not far behind. Climbing the stairs, Cyaer moved silently, his light tread from years of practice, and Kel's plated footfalls muffled anything else that might have made noise.

Upon reaching one of the beds, Cyaer layed down on it carefully, tentatively almost, and Kel looked torn as she watched him, “Cyaer.”

Shooting a glance at Kel, Cyaer turned on his back, “One moment.” Taking a series of deep breaths and closing his eyes, the rogue tried to relax.

Watching the warlock twirl his dagger over his fingers, Kel reached impulsively for Cyaer's hand, a number of 'what ifs' running through her mind as she murmured, “I will be right here.”

“Okay,” came the young man's response, and as he locked eyes with Kel, she squeezed his hand as he told Andy, “Go ahead.”

“It's not going to kill you, I promise,” the older man nodded, leaning over to inspect the rune again as Kel's grip on Cyaer's hand tightened. As Andaendis made the first cuts, Kel forced herself to focus on Cyaer's eyes, searching his gaze for something as she clenched her teeth and murmured his nickname for the first time in a week, “Cy...”

Five minutes later, the warlock straightened, Viragona's rune struck through with seemingly-random lines, quickly welling up with crimson blood, "That... should do it."

Cyaer glanced up at Kel through half-closed eyes and then shut his eyes, taking several deep breaths. Kel, trying to guess at what was running through his mind. Giving up, she looked up and nodded at Andaendis, “I should not heal it, correct?”

Taking his silence as confirmation, Kel rested a hand on Cyaer's shoulder as he rose to sit cross-legged on the bed, “Relax.”

Andy spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, “That should interrupt his control, or whatever magic they put with that rune.”

Cyaer nodded slowly. "So, she won't be able to talk to me anymore? Or hear anything, anymore?”

“If that's what they were using it for, then yes.”

“My thanks then, Andaendis.”

Kel nodded silently, taking a deep breath, "Aye, thank you."

"No problem."

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Turning to Cyaer, Kel asked, "Do you want to stay here or go to the Hall?"

“I'll go...on my way. Do I need to do anything with this besides clean it?”

“No, just clean and bandage until the bleeding stops. You should be fine after that.”

Offering Cyaer her hand, Kel asked, "Cy, can we talk?"

Taking the proffered hand, Cyaer agreed, and the two, after Kel's mumbled statement about not liking the inn too much, left. They walked across half of the Royal Exchange in silent contemplation, each with their own thoughts, as Kel watched Cyaer out of the corner of her eye, playing her guessing game again, 'What is he thinking?' she asked herself, 'What is it?'

Stopping suddenly, Kel turned to face the rogue, “Are you alright?”

“I... I think so.”

Kel drew him closer to her with a hand on his shoulder, inspecting the altered rune carefully, and not meeting his eyes, "Did I do the right thing, this time? Asking Andy for his help?"

“Thank you, Kel...for staying. Si–'s okay.”

“Cy... Light, you know I am always here for you. Always. Nothing will ever change that.”

By this point, both elves were speaking in whispers, not wanting to be over-heard, or not trusting their voices to speak louder. Cyaer stared into Kel's eyes, his own soft, and nodded, watching her closely. When Kel moved her hand as if to touch his face, she sighed and dropped her fingers back to her side, speaking softly, “Whatever is between us, that will never change.”

“Are you sure about that?” came the whispered reply.

With a slight nod, Kel spoke softly, “Yes.”

Reaching up and touching her cheek, he too spoke in a whisper, "As you wish."

Kel caught his hand with her own, "Cy... I--"

“Yes," he gently prompted her.

Kel shook her head, lost for words before settling on, “You know something?”

Scanning her face, Cyaer removed his hand from both her cheek and her grasp, something unreadable in his eyes, “What?”

Kel stared at him eyes roving over his face as emotions tumbled around her head, “You mean more to me than you will ever know,” she smiled sadly, "More than I can ever let you mean..."

When Cyaer spoke, his voice was gruff, “I know... I know.”

Kel rested her hand on his shoulder, her thumb on the base of his neck, something in her eyes, “You do, don't you?"

Cyaer's eyes were sad when he spoke again, “Let's go clean this.”

As he turned, Kel bit her lip, wondering what she was doing, what was bringing her to tell him what was going through her mind, "I was right, and I wish so badly I had been wrong..."

Pausing ahead, Cyaer turned back, “What did you say?”

She spoke slightly louder, her voice emotionless and her face carefully blank, "I was right, and I wish so badly I was wrong."


The pair walked silently, the Hall quiet around them, Kel's plated steps echoing on the floor. She left Cyaer with his thoughts standing in front of a bookshelf as she walked away to find a cloth and bandages. Her own mind in turmoil. In a small whisper, she spoke a brief prayer. Gathering up the supplies she needed, she returned in silence, offering Cyaer the bandages without meeting his down-cast eyes.

"Hold these and look up, please."

Cyaer looked to her, and it took all of her self-control not to meet his gaze and cry when he spoke, "Kel, we cannot..."

Edited by Kellatira on 8/15/2012 7:17 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
“I know... I know.” Using the pretense of dabbing at the blood on his face, she did not meet his eyes, “It is for the best.”

“Then, look at me...don't look away, please.”

Kel met his eyes. Setting the cloth down, she ran her thumb over his face, something sad, something tender in her eyes. When she lifted her gaze, her green eyes locked with his and she almost lost her careful facade.

With a wince, Cyaer whispered, “Aye, for all.”

Kel brushed a finger over his cheek silently and went back to wiping away blood. It was a moment before Cyaer spoke, his eyes closed, his voice no more than a whisper, “You felt it too, then.”

Kel set the cloth down, watching him closely, waiting for him to open his eyes as she spoke, "I did. I do... and I am torn in two, Cy..."

"As was I,” he seemed to hesitate, “as I am now.”

Mumbled words fell from Kel's lips, a curse, a prayer, who knows? Holding out a hand for the bandages she had given him earlier, she sounded tired, confused, and uncertain, "I want... Light..." Kel glanced down, and then back up at Cyaer, "I love you, so much, Cy. So much more than I should...”

She could only guess at what he felt, what he was thinking, as he spoke "As do I you, Kel...but it cannot be....for us. There are others...”

Kel sighed dropping all pretense of doing anything to his cheek, whispering instead, "I know, Cy, I know. And Nic and Mia... but... He is not you."

Cyaer sighed heavily, “Maybe not...but he is your husband, he loves you, and you love and need him so very much."

Kel looked as if she might cry, "What I would give, just for one night..."

With a shake of his head, Cyaer admonished her, "No...Kel...never."

“I know... This... You an me... It cannot, you know that as well as I do... But...”

“Clean and bandage it, Kel...please.”

Kel rested her hands on the sides of his face, careful of the cuts, and leaned in and kissed him once on the lips, carefully, gently, and then picked up the bandages and began to cover the rune with the clean cloth, holding her tongue.

“My heart, my face.”

“I am sorry, Cy... I had to. Once. And now never again.”

Cyaer closed his eyes, “Aye.”

Carefully, Kel finished her work, pulling back to rest her hand against Cyaer's, "I am proud of you, Cyaer Sunblaze, for being the man you are, and for not making this harder for either of us than it has to be."

Cyaer's eyes glistened as he nodded, "Aye...sis."

“Look at me, please, let me–” Kel's voice broke, "Let me remember you like this, just once."

Cyaer gazed into her eyes, smiling slightly, “What all bandaged up, and bleeding, sis? Thanks!”

With a sad smile, Kel closed her eyes. When she opened them again, something seemed stronger in her gaze, and her voice was steady, if weak, "You know what I meant," she chuckled, "Can you feel Viragona in your head?"

Inwardly, the woman was reeling over what had just happened, and how suddenly they had both moved on to the next topic. She sitfled a sob, and came back to the present in time to hear Cyaer say, “No, not a peep.”

"Thank the Light."

“Aye. I can't wait to tell....Mia.”

Kel glanced down at him, "Be strong for her, Cy. Nothing has changed between you and I. We are still dear, dear friends. And family. Nothing will change that."

"Aye, you're right, sis. Nothing's changed. I love you always.”

Kel ruffled his hair fondly, “You and Mia are meant for each other, be grateful for that gift.”

“I know, it truly is a gift, a precious gift.”

“Aye... Have you two talked any more about your wedding?”

“Some...still looking locations, possible dates...someday.”

Kel glanced out the door, following Cyaer's gaze, “Someday tends to come sooner than you think, you know.”

Edited by Kellatira on 8/15/2012 5:03 AM PDT
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
The man moved silently in the shadows with ease. He waited and watched the female elf as she talked to the two other men. His burnt hand gripped the vicious dagger. He Stood still so wanting to kill her and get his revenge, but he bided his time and waited until that perfect moment. He smiled through his mask as one left.
"Yes, soon." He whispered. He watched the two as they talked, standing silently as death in the shadows. The man got close to her then and he grew curious. After a moment longer he saw them exchange a kiss and he was startled. This was not his brother, who was this man. Had his sources been wrong in that his brother was dead..or perhaps...
"Things have just gotten interesting." And with an evil chuckle he walked away through the shadows thinking up an evil scheme for his revenge.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Fenris Keep

Aseria sighed, stareing up at the wooden beams above her in boredom while the Witch paced back and forth infront of her. She was thinking of an idea, Aseria's old guildstone in her hand, she needed to lure the members of the Fellowship into the Keep some how get them to spill the information on the name and location of the rune for the book that was in Vira's possesion...

"Anything yet?" Aseria asked for the 20th time. The Witch shook her head "Getting there, Ash....patience..." she replied in ehr childish voice before resuming her pacing. Suddenly, she stopped, eyes wide as if an idea popped into her head. Ash shot up into a sitting position, waiting and listening intently for the girls orders, words, or something. Slowly, the Witch raised the guildstone to her lips "Fellowship of the Sun....hear my words...I am the Elven Witch" she turned to walk towards Ash slowly, speaking into the guildstone as she did so "You are quite well aware that we are in possesion of one of your members....Kreindis...if you ever want to see him alive again, you will come to Fenris Keep, and it is there that we shall make a deal in the upper level. You will meet no fight....just you....Me...Ash...and the girl's beloved Paladin..."

"IF...there is any attempt of freeing the man while the meeting is taking place. He will die before your very eyes and you will never see him again....I really wish it wouldn't have to come to this, and we would surely think you don't either....I hope to hear your reply soon...have a nice day." she lowered the guildstone, folding her arm behind her back before looking at Ash with her shimmering jade green eyes that seemed to twinkle with amusement.

The Pyromancer raise a ebony brow at the girl "So what's the plan?" she asked. The Witch chuckled and pulled her free hand to conjur dark black chains from Shadow magic "Go down stairs and collect the Paladin, bring him back up here and make sure he is shackled good....I'll even send two Shadow Fiends to assist you incase he resists....and you know what to do if anything comes to that" she gave the mage an expecting look, Ash replying with a large, crazed grin "Of course...Lady Witch"


Aseria opened the magic gate that opened the way down to the dungeons below. Two large growling Shadow fiends stood behind her, drool dripping from their pink unholy maws and yellow teeth. As the mage walked down stairs, the two beasts followed, the sound they made almost resembeled the sound of a body being dragged down the stairs.

The Pyromancer made her way to stand infront of the Paladin, and smirk plastered on her face as she let a bit of chain hang by her side "Hello, Krei.....the Witch wants you upstairs....will you come peacefully? Or do I have to beat you into submission?" she asked before awaiting the mans response.
Edited by Liå on 8/14/2012 11:17 PM PDT
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Kreindis stands from his sitting position, glancing at the two shadow fiends behind her. "Like I even really have a choice," he thinks to himself, before saying, "Like I would even stand a chance unarmed and unarmored anyways," He then waits for her to move back towards the stairs to the upper level of the keep. "I just hope they arnt planning to torture me," he thinks to himself as he waits.
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Journal of Karamia Dawnstrike

This week has been frustrating to me. I love Cyaer with all my heart. He has been so good for me. His love keeps me sane, his devotion lifts my spirits. His touch drives me crazy. Why then do I have these doubts? I try and make plans with him and spend time with him. Then I hear him on the guildstone with Kel'Tira...

Why is he with her so much? I know there is a House to be dealt with, I know that Vira has been tempting him. I am glad that Kel found a way to remove the rune on Cy's face. It was wonderful to know that issue was resolved. But is there something else there between them? I cannot help but wonder why he spends so much time with her. I need him here with me.

I had to go to see about something the Horde found, an island off the coast of the Eastern Kingdoms. I had no choice, the matter was thrust in my hands and I had to go. It was not my choice to be thrown overboard by a gigantic squid!

Now I am stuck in this underwater situation. I cannot get back to Silvermoon. I can only speak to any of them by way of the guildstone. I pray the Light will keep my Cyaer safe. I pray the Fellowship will be able to rescue Kreindis. I am afraid...very absence will force Cy and Kel together too much...Light, where is Nicias? He needs to be with Kel'Tira, she is alone too much. And Cy is so empathetic he helps her when he sees her needing help. I must trust him...I must...he is my only strength, my love...please Light...I do not know if I can stand to lose another love.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
A woman with long blonde hair leaned against the canyon wall watching another woman as she walked through Orgrimmar. A warm wind was winding its way through the city, doing little to alleviate the stifling heat radiating up from the canyon floor. Around her people bustled about; most ignored the heat but a few were seeking relief in what little shade the city had to offer and the drag was a bit crowded.

The woman being watched was of average height and build. Her brown hair was pulled back from her face in a high pony tail and she wore dark leather armor. A pair of short swords rested at her hips and swayed gently as she walked.

While the Rose knew that Scarlet was not the strongest of fighters, she knew that Scarlet had what it would take to best her. A direct confrontation was not in order and she knew she had to find a way around that. And certainly, a direct confrontation in Orgrimmar was out of the question. She would take some time to follow Scarlet and decide what the best option would be to incapacitate her and bring her in without too much damage.

Falconsky wanted ‘Calandre’ back and was willing to pay a large sum of money for her. The Rose had already taken part of a retainer so it was a done deal. The hardest part was delivering Scarlet without harming her; the Rose doubted very much that Falconsky would want his precious cargo hurt in any way and he was not a man that the Rose was willing to cross.
Edited by Auxilia on 8/15/2012 8:11 PM PDT
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38 Blood Elf Mage
The mage sat on a stump in the woods, playing a wooden flute. She was playing a rather slow and soft tune. It seemed almost mournful. She finished her song and sighed, setting the flute next to her. She fingered her moon crescent necklace, and tears filled her eyes. Ever so quietly the tears rolled down her cheeks. She pulled a blue tome and a quill out of her bag. Opening the book she began to write.

I bought a flute today. It has been a long time since I played, because for a time it seemed I did not need or want music in my life. But when I saw the man selling them, I simply could not resist. So, I came into the woods to play, and it seems I kept all my old skills. I am very happy that I can still play. However, it seems my music reflects upon my mood, for my songs have been rather melancholy.

(Tear drops stain the page.)

Fenris Keep. That's what that witch said. That's where he is. And yet I can do nothing about it, not without Mia's aid. I miss him, I want him to be okay. Have they hurt him? I hope and pray they have not. He means so much to me. I want him here, with me. How much longer do I have to wait? I am a patient person, I do not think I can bare the waiting much longer. Maybe, just maybe, I need music in my life once more. And when we rescue Kreindis, I will most certinaly want it in my life again.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
His body glistens with sweat, and his muscles ached from the exertion. His mind calm and thoughtful. The dummies swung about as his blades continued to assault them wickedly. Wood chips flew, and straw fell like small bits of snow. The young Sin'dorei rogue slid his weapons into their scabbards, and picked up his armor. He walked away satisfied, he had only destroyed two of the dummies this time.

The Elven Witch had Kreindis. Ash had let her get on the guildstone and speak. There was some hesitation in going there, but I could no longer wait. Kel was away, and I was in charge. So I will go to Fenris Isle, and seek his release. It did not seem as though they were looking to truly kill him.

The guildstone made a slight click as he turned it on. "Fellowship, this is Cyaer, I shall be going to Fenris Isle to seek the release of Kreindis, our friend and fellow member. I do not feel the Elven Witch or Aseria are seeking a fight, possibly information. So I am seeking Tislina to go with me, as well as Karamia as I believe three emissaries are all we really need.
Contact me as soon as possible. And Ash we come under the oath of peace, we do not seek to harm either of you, only to seek the release of Kreindis." The guildstone went quiet, as he sat and listened for a response. The Great Hall felt large and strangely silent as he waited.
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