Heeeeeeey...no bumping me! (Only Erelyn is allowed to do that.)
To any RPers who want to transfer here, attn!
le bump
The bumps are not nearly as fun as riding down a dirt road in a truck with no shock absorption. Or was it taking a Jeep off-roading in the backyard, tearing up and down the hills with a bewildered look on your face when the whole thing didn't tip over? I always forget which bump is best.
I have to say, this is a fairly useless thread. The OP is links to another thread and to a website which is moderately helpful. For the title, I was really hoping for some actual resources, or a quick reference guide to RPing guilds, events, etc. At the very least, a little "why you should actually transfer here."
Awhile back, looking for RP servers, I remember seeing a thread posted by someone (forgot who, sorry) basically saying "Give Cenarion Circle a chance," and I remember coming upon Shait's thread with the channels, and I filed it away. A friend came over here to play with RL friends, so I took it as a chance to follow.
I'm not high level (I've raised about 3 toons to ~30), but I've visited various cities during different times of the day, as well as areas through my travels questing, and I haven't come across any signs of life. At least on Horde side, you RPers are very well hidden. The HordeOOC channel is very quiet (maybe its the time of day?) and all discussion in Trade points to CC being a PvE realm like any other. Using Guild Finder, I saw about 5 RP-friendly guilds with maybe 200 members shared between them. I'm not looking for MG/WrA, truly, but I was hoping such an old and established RP realm would have more activity than my home realm (Maelstrom, ugh).
I'm bumping this so that anyone who actually IS looking to transfer here for RP can see that a few people probably do, but that it's not exactly a lively or open community.
Awhile back, looking for RP servers, I remember seeing a thread posted by someone (forgot who, sorry) basically saying "Give Cenarion Circle a chance," and I remember coming upon Shait's thread with the channels, and I filed it away. A friend came over here to play with RL friends, so I took it as a chance to follow.
I'm not high level (I've raised about 3 toons to ~30), but I've visited various cities during different times of the day, as well as areas through my travels questing, and I haven't come across any signs of life. At least on Horde side, you RPers are very well hidden. The HordeOOC channel is very quiet (maybe its the time of day?) and all discussion in Trade points to CC being a PvE realm like any other. Using Guild Finder, I saw about 5 RP-friendly guilds with maybe 200 members shared between them. I'm not looking for MG/WrA, truly, but I was hoping such an old and established RP realm would have more activity than my home realm (Maelstrom, ugh).
I'm bumping this so that anyone who actually IS looking to transfer here for RP can see that a few people probably do, but that it's not exactly a lively or open community.
Adorel, if you haven't found RP, you aren't looking hard enough.
Admittedly, yes, Horde-side RP is a bit harder to find than it is Alliance-side, but it certainly exists. there are plenty of RP guilds, though some of them are a bit smaller. The Wyvern's Tail in Orgrimmar is a nice little hub for RPers to chill out, and last I checked, it was perfectly active. A few guilds also hang outside the main cities. (Red Phoenix Council in Dalaran, Homeland in Ratchet, etc.)
Also, did you actually try talking in the channels? There are some cool people lurking about there. Yes, Maggot Lord Abom, I'm talking to you.
At any rate, I can at least see why you dislike the thread, though if you're looking for RP, as I said, look a teensy bit harder.
You never know, it always COULD be time of day. West coast server, throws some people off *Le shrug* Anyway, good luck!
(P.S, BUMP!)
Admittedly, yes, Horde-side RP is a bit harder to find than it is Alliance-side, but it certainly exists. there are plenty of RP guilds, though some of them are a bit smaller. The Wyvern's Tail in Orgrimmar is a nice little hub for RPers to chill out, and last I checked, it was perfectly active. A few guilds also hang outside the main cities. (Red Phoenix Council in Dalaran, Homeland in Ratchet, etc.)
Also, did you actually try talking in the channels? There are some cool people lurking about there. Yes, Maggot Lord Abom, I'm talking to you.
At any rate, I can at least see why you dislike the thread, though if you're looking for RP, as I said, look a teensy bit harder.
You never know, it always COULD be time of day. West coast server, throws some people off *Le shrug* Anyway, good luck!
(P.S, BUMP!)
I think part of the problem is you're looking for vibrancy in the lull before the next expansion. Even Moonguard and Wyrmrest are quieter than usual. This server is certainly more active Alliance side than Horde at the moment, but many of us flirt with both sides and RP is anything but dead here. On the contrary, it flourishes in the face of adversity.
Yes we are a guild based RP server. If you want to walk around and find things, your chances are slimmer, but they do exist. On Alliance there is the Blue Recluse. Horde has... well I don't know honestly, I'm alliance.
Plus as a PST server, time is often a factor. Much that happens happens later in the afternoon, probably dinner time for more PST players, because we have such a large group of people from various time zones. (I think CST seems most prevalent.)
Is the community lively here. Yes. Right now? Not so much, it's hiatus time. When MoP drops? Most definitely. I'm just going to point to the number of threads on this forum of us organizing events as evidence of our thriving nature.
Is it open? Some of the guilds allow for open RP. Others don't. Your best bet when transferring here is announcing your presence on this forum. Frequenting the CenarionCircle.org webpage for more information including RP events both alliance and horde side and forums for discussing things as well. In addition, you should join the channels we have set up (allianceooc/hordeooc) to introduce yourself to the community. We are an older server that has survived intact roughly speaking and seen a resurgence, but we protect our RP community quite a bit so you have to allow us the opportunity to get to know you before you're embraced with open arms, free fedoras, and a wonderful smile. Sometimes you don't get the fedora.
Yes we are a guild based RP server. If you want to walk around and find things, your chances are slimmer, but they do exist. On Alliance there is the Blue Recluse. Horde has... well I don't know honestly, I'm alliance.
Plus as a PST server, time is often a factor. Much that happens happens later in the afternoon, probably dinner time for more PST players, because we have such a large group of people from various time zones. (I think CST seems most prevalent.)
Is the community lively here. Yes. Right now? Not so much, it's hiatus time. When MoP drops? Most definitely. I'm just going to point to the number of threads on this forum of us organizing events as evidence of our thriving nature.
Is it open? Some of the guilds allow for open RP. Others don't. Your best bet when transferring here is announcing your presence on this forum. Frequenting the CenarionCircle.org webpage for more information including RP events both alliance and horde side and forums for discussing things as well. In addition, you should join the channels we have set up (allianceooc/hordeooc) to introduce yourself to the community. We are an older server that has survived intact roughly speaking and seen a resurgence, but we protect our RP community quite a bit so you have to allow us the opportunity to get to know you before you're embraced with open arms, free fedoras, and a wonderful smile. Sometimes you don't get the fedora.
Edited by Izby on 8/3/2012 10:11 AM PDT
I will make a point to edit the original post to include a few of the most popular events A-side and H-side. I am Horde so i'll tweak my post as soon as I find out what the Alliance-side weekly events are. I do apologize about it being so useless, I admit I made it as a little shout out to any RPers to not be discouraged by some other nonsense going on on our forums at the time.
I would say that this is less a guild-based RP server, and more of an event-based RP server.
It's just hard to avoid getting guilded as a matter of course.
I will say that, while the Horde is currently a little quaint in its community size, every last one of them is worth talking to. It should be noted that the best way to find these people is through the already sticky thread about global channels. There are also a number of regular events. I visited a fishing event in the Horde on an alt, and found it entertaining (until I had to step away).
That said...there are up to 6 things going on every week in the Alliance, with positively hundreds of RPers that radiate from Stormwind.
Random RP happens here, but often times, people agree to show up in a certain place at a certain time, or announce that they are looking for it. So, it's not terribly random. Even still, there are some notable hangouts in the Horde and Alliance, if you so much as ask, I'm sure any regular can tell you about. If you are going to go crawling around Silvermoon City or Teldrassil looking for random walk-up RP, I'm just going to have to give up and tell you that you're actually looking for WrA. Darnassus is certainly a minor RP hub, though, and I run into people regularly in SMC, as well.
It's just hard to avoid getting guilded as a matter of course.
I will say that, while the Horde is currently a little quaint in its community size, every last one of them is worth talking to. It should be noted that the best way to find these people is through the already sticky thread about global channels. There are also a number of regular events. I visited a fishing event in the Horde on an alt, and found it entertaining (until I had to step away).
That said...there are up to 6 things going on every week in the Alliance, with positively hundreds of RPers that radiate from Stormwind.
Random RP happens here, but often times, people agree to show up in a certain place at a certain time, or announce that they are looking for it. So, it's not terribly random. Even still, there are some notable hangouts in the Horde and Alliance, if you so much as ask, I'm sure any regular can tell you about. If you are going to go crawling around Silvermoon City or Teldrassil looking for random walk-up RP, I'm just going to have to give up and tell you that you're actually looking for WrA. Darnassus is certainly a minor RP hub, though, and I run into people regularly in SMC, as well.
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