To any RPers who want to transfer here, attn!

100 Worgen Death Knight
Adorel, it's a valid concern, but realm dynamics have a lot to do with it. Horde are currently rebuilding their RP events, as they're fairly outnumbered by Alliance here. They have Da Doctas Clinics every week, as well as a new Fishing event that Raoul has set up for Thursdays. Modas il Toralar is running the Black Hand Society out of the Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar each week (look for Thelinna's post on this very forum!), and there's always room for more.

Believe me, if there's an RP event you want that you don't see happening, make it happen, post about it on the forums, and see who shows up.

As others have noted, we're also in the lull between expansions; people are taking breaks for the remaining 7 weeks we have before Mists of Pandaria releases.

Join the HordeOOC channel (type /join hordeooc) to meet the regular Horde RPers, and chat with them. Wander around Orgrimmar a bit (if you can make sense of its crazy new layout; I rarely can) and look for RP. It's there, but sometimes you have to put in some effort to find it.

If you don't want to join those channels, get in touch with the major RP guilds Horde-side like Modas il Toralar, Razortalons, Homeland, and others and just talk with their people. There's RP to be found, and the folks in those guilds are also quality people who you'll be pleased to know.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
We actually a fairly lively RP realm, it just takes a bit of getting used to, and knowing what you're doing.

As we're event driven, you have to know where and when the events are - but just last night, fishing had a great, entertaining turnout.

Edit: I should say, we're quite lively given the circumstances - the end of an expac. We're no MG or WrA, but it's a smaller, different sort of experience.
Edited by Jean on 8/3/2012 1:02 PM PDT
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30 Blood Elf Mage
Sorry my post came off as highly abrasive - I didn't mean anything against the community or roleplayers of Cenarion Circle. Just the OP itself was a bit unhelpful and the thread consisted mainly of "bump." Compared to that one floating around WET somewheres, for example. Glad to see some conversation going, though >>

I freely admit to having my own hangups around RP. I am in a different time zone, so I know timing is a huge factor (as well as the approaching end of the expac). I'm also hugely introverted and it's hard for me to inject myself into situations, so I do rely a lot on finding random RP to watch/engage in. Even then it's hard - I've been approached randomly before, and the best I can muster is like, "I, uh. Have to go. Sorry. Bye." Event-based is even more rough for me. As such, it's hard for me to take initiative and create those things I'd like to see around town (so to speak). So I'm looking for RP but at the same time, if you approach me, I'll just get nervous and throw up on your shoes before running away. Awkward.

However, every one I've met on CC thus far has been immensely friendly, articulate, intelligent, helpful, etc. etc. (someone took my hunter all the way to Ashenvale at level 20 just so that I could have a bear) enough that I'm still willing to hang around and look harder.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Nah, not too abrasive, really.

But I'm glad to hear you're giving it a chance.

I think the purpose of this thread, mostly, was to just have a friendly message to RPers on the forum, really.

But as for CC itself - what time ST do you usually play? And you might try a couple of the smaller events, if that'd be easier for you.
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100 Draenei Mage
A lot of the purpose of this thread was to just get the attention of the current RPers and remind them why we're here. (At least that's how I interpret Rowanne's statement previously.) If you struggle to ingratiate yourself, then go to an event, sit back, and watch. I find if you simply tell RPers ((I'm new to RP & this server, so I'm trying to get a feel for things.)) that many of them will come to help you with whatever you are currently working on or just to simply answer questions and maybe help you get your RP legs under you.

By the way, we know most people don't mean the things they say, but if you look at your last few lines as a warning to others looking at the server, it is abrasive. Fortunately, it sparked a little fire in us to do something about it by being the server that we are. Helpful, friendly, and hopefully, inviting. Don't apologize for that.
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90 Gnome Warrior
The first thing to do on any character, ever, upon entering a city, is to /leave Trade. *nodnod*

For Your Sanity!
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86 Troll Shaman
Aw, mon, but how do I be gettin' any business done dat way?
Edited by Yotingo on 8/4/2012 6:10 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
Silly troll. You hire orc child or goblin to sell stuff. They go do things you not want do. Then they bring back gold. It worth it for no hassle. A fair 40%.
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86 Troll Shaman
Naw, da gobbos be our competitors fo' years. Dey don't be given us a fair deal.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
This thread has earned the Insane Warlock Stamp of Approval.


Also, looking at Adorel's posts, why not edit the first post of this thread to also have a link to our Event Lists and Guild Lists? the one Link to the Dot.Org doesn't answer all questions I find, and plus the new site can be deterrent to new members to the realm. Better to leave it on the forums first, and when they're comfortable they can latch onto the .Org.

And while we're at it, the common RP areas for both factions should be said as well. I mean if you're looking for RP, there's always hotspots people hang out in.
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85 Human Paladin
This thread has earned the Insane Warlock Stamp of Approval.


Also, looking at Adorel's posts, why not edit the first post of this thread to also have a link to our Event Lists and Guild Lists? the one Link to the Dot.Org doesn't answer all questions I find, and plus the new site can be deterrent to new members to the realm. Better to leave it on the forums first, and when they're comfortable they can latch onto the .Org.

And while we're at it, the common RP areas for both factions should be said as well. I mean if you're looking for RP, there's always hotspots people hang out in.

What questions? Where's the deterrent? I have a curious.
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85 Human Paladin
This needs another bump, but also a note that the allianeooc is currently, shall we say "down", so please direct your traffic to alliooc or one of the other RPer chat channels. Cheers!
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90 Worgen Death Knight
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100 Worgen Death Knight
It likewise appears, per Aeldgyth, that AOOC is once again live. Hopefully it can stay that way, so folks, by all means, please hop in there if you're new to our realm.
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90 Worgen Death Knight
I think you posted in the wrong thread Ragefang, but BUMP #2!
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I declare this a Jud-ump.
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Jud-ump, tissssss!
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90 Worgen Death Knight
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