To people "Looking for RP"

100 Orc Shaman
Hordeside, I think the channel started with Zebogo and some goblins doing custom upgrades to people's stones.

Occasionally, people still use visuals, but the norm Horde-side is just audio, which I feel actually adds to the action and drama in the channel. (People responding to strange noises, relying on whether or not you know another character to recognize his/her voice, etc)
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100 Human Mage
RP’ing in the open can be dangerous lol. I am pretty serious on the issue, that IC actions have IC consequences. My main is very blunt and will not hold back to tell you what she may think of you. I did just that at the Lion’s Pride to someone that I knew. A few others not well versed in RP etiquette joined in and amazingly sided with my evil intensions to start something. God modding ensued and I spent the next ten minutes trying to defuse something that could have landed my character in the stockades.

So now I am a more cautious with my open RP and I will look for players that have MRP or a RP guild name I recognize. Even then I usually emote something to see their reaction rather than involve them directly into something they may have no desire to be part of.
Edited by Terrà on 8/24/2012 6:40 AM PDT
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