Why do people think Vanilla is so amazing???


100 Night Elf Priest
I don't think Imperon was preaching. It's also not as if the topic was hugely specific. :o
Edited by Amaelalin on 8/17/2012 1:31 PM PDT
85 Human Death Knight

Add to the fact that she asked for opinions by posting, then attacked him for giving his opinion, I would have reported it as well. She asked, he told, she attacked him for no reason.

Imperon is one of those rp elitists who continually express their belief that the server should be cleansed of people who don't rp. I just don't want him and others preaching in a thread that has nothing to do with it.

P.S. Elgunaz pretty much took the words from my mouth, very well said

Imperon explained why a lot of people on this server make that claim, since a lot of the more vocal forum-goers here happen to be roleplayers. It's not on him that you got an answer you didn't particularly want.
100 Worgen Death Knight
You don't get to pick who does or doesn't answer your question, Avarence. If you put something up on this forum, you're going to 99% of the time get responses from this realm's forum regulars. Every once in awhile someone from another realm'll be surfing our forum, and may respond. Either way, if you put the question up on a public forum where you don't have moderation ability, be prepared for someone to respond whose perspective you may not agree with.

This realm is an RP realm. It's only logical that those here may want there to be more RP and not less. Those who want less (or none) are more inclined to go to non-RP Normal realms to begin with.
85 Human Paladin
You don't get to pick who does or doesn't answer your question, Avarence. If you put something up on this forum, you're going to 99% of the time get responses from this realm's forum regulars. Every once in awhile someone from another realm'll be surfing our forum, and may respond. Either way, if you put the question up on a public forum where you don't have moderation ability, be prepared for someone to respond whose perspective you may not agree with.

This realm is an RP realm. It's only logical that those here may want there to be more RP and not less. Those who want less (or none) are more inclined to go to non-RP Normal realms to begin with.

I didn't say I get to pick people who respond. Besides other people have posted on here that I don't agree with yet I didn't "flame" them or anything. Anyways if you look at Imperon's post, it pretty much has nothing to do with the game as it evolved

was a lot more role playing in Classic than now. Our server didn't heave nearly as many non-role players. Because there weren't a million different things the game encouraged us to accomplish, people were much more relaxed about just spending an evening enjoying some role playing. I turned down many raid invites in Classic because it would have interrupted my RP. I still do this now, but back then it was far more common.

You see this first part I can be fine with but if you look closely it has nothing to do with the game and it's only about the people present during the time period and nothing about actual gameplay

Oh yeah, no arenas, no resilience, more world pvp, no flying mounts, less crowded server...I can come up with plenty of things that I preferred about the game in Classic to now.

Now if you look at this, Imperon is just complaining about everything that has nothing to do with rp, even though he isn't obligated to take part in it. He's preaching about how adding things to the game that people have a CHOICE to use is a terrible thing. He even complains about the number of people on it. It's just preaching from him he just cries about anything that go0es against his ideology even if it doesn't affect him. I could go to arenas or w.e and he would say, this is an rp server gt fo.

Anyway alot of people have this mindset, this isnt the thread to speak of it,if you want to preach about how the server should be purged of the non-rp elements of the game take it somewhere else
Edited by Avarence on 8/17/2012 2:24 PM PDT
100 Worgen Death Knight
Really? Let's look at his quote, Avarence:

There was a lot more role playing in Classic than now. Our server didn't heave nearly as many non-role players. Because there weren't a million different things the game encouraged us to accomplish, people were much more relaxed about just spending an evening enjoying some role playing. I turned down many raid invites in Classic because it would have interrupted my RP. I still do this now, but back then it was far more common.

Oh yeah, no arenas, no resilience, more world pvp, no flying mounts, less crowded server...I can come up with plenty of things that I preferred about the game in Classic to now.

Arenas, resilience, world PvP, flying mounts... all looks like stuff germane to the evolution of the game to me, at least...
100 Human Mage
Avarence, when you ask a question in a public place, like this forum, you will get answers. I gave you the reasons that I, personally still look fondly back at Classic. My single biggest reason for enjoying it more doesn't involve game mechanics. Why would it? Different people will have different reasons for preferring one expansion to another. It's not something that's surprising.

If you want some game mechanic answers though...

I preferred 40 man raids to 10 and 25 man because it was easier to take along friends who might only be borderline competent. With a 10 man raid group, every single member has to be pulling their weight. In a 40 man group, you could have five slackers who stood in fire every fight. I enjoyed being able to show the less than stellar raiders in my guild Molten Core or Blackwing Lair when the gear was still upgrades for them. They actually got to feel that they were helping the raid group because an individual's contribution to the raid was much smaller. I can only dream of doing the same in DS10.

Oh yeah, we had a feral tank back then (still do) named Kujako. Druids were "only healers" in Classic, remember? We had a paladin tank, some feral dps and a ret paladin as dps. Our raid group loved running with people filling roles that they weren't "supposed" to fill. That was fun.

My favorite pvp has always been world pvp and back in Classic we had a lot of it. Southshore vs. Tarren Mill fights were near constant. I remember once that the Ocheliad found the Southshore defenders heavily outnumbered so we took our mounts (no flying mounts, we actually went on foot, er, hoof) up to Brill and mauled it. A major chunk of the Horde players in Hillsbrad broke away to deal with us and it turned the tide of battle.

The LO used cavalry in Classic during world pvp. Flanking assaults from mounted forces that the horde never saw coming. BGs just don't allow for this same sort of pvp combat.

We only had three battlegrounds in Classic and AVs were very rare. But when you got in one, you could be in the same battle for an entire weekend! I was in one AV where I racked up over 1,000 honorable kills. I also think my backside went numb I was at the chair so long.

With no LFR/LFD/battlegroups the CC community was better. You had to be able to work with others to get into dungeons, raids and battlegrounds. The fact that this usually meant you weren't chain running instances also meant people weren't burning out on the content like we do now.

The population was more spread out. Ironforge may have been very important to the Alliance because it had the only auction hall, but you'd actually find real populations in places like Hillsbrad (for the pvp), Blackrock Mountain (for dungeons, raids and pvp), Stranglethorn (arena fights, a raid) and other such locations.

All of this pales in comparison to my general feelings that RP was more prevalent during Classic and a larger percentage of the population of our role playing server actually role played, but here are some non-RP reasons I preferred Classic for ya.
100 Human Mage
08/17/2012 02:26 PMPosted by Avarence
Complaining about parts of the game that is clearcut you do not have to do or affects the parts of the game you take part in is preaching

Wait, what? That's not even close to the definition of "preaching". There isn't a single part of the game anyone has to do. We all enjoy parts of the game and don't enjoy others.

I enjoyed pvp more in Classic than I do now. That's one reason I prefer Classic to any other part of the game's history. It doesn't become an invalid reason because I don't have to pvp. I still do pvp now. I tend to avoid the arenas because I don't enjoy them...how does that make it preaching for me to say I don't enjoy them?

Also, as a note, I'm answering your question. I didn't start a thread about this, Avarence, you did. You asked for reasons that people prefer Classic and I gave you some of them. You don't have to like the reasons, but not liking them doesn't make them go away.
Edited by Imperon on 8/17/2012 2:40 PM PDT
90 Human Death Knight
Reasons that Vanilla was more enjoyable than Cataclysm now...

1) Raiding - Simply put raiding was actually challenging and when you beat a boss you felt good about it. The loot tables were bad and the 40 man raids were a pain yes but overall it was a great feeling to accomplish something and beat a boss.

2) PvP - World PvP was big and really fun, while grinding for the titles was hard and annoying it was also part of the rigors that showed who was dedicated to competing in PvP and who wasn't, old Alterac Valley was by far my most enjoyable experience, spending hours battling it out against the Horde felt great and was totally awesome.

3) Community - It was the sole reason that kept me playing the game, I enjoyed knowing almost everyone on my server.
100 Human Rogue
*Runs through the topic waving a flag of wtf get along already*

As someone who rather dislikes the attitude Avarence shows most of the time on the forums...I can't say I really see it in the first post? The second yes but if you really have to in order to take the post as it is stick a paper over the name and make a response? It's gotten some rather good answers in my opinion and is generating some fun memory trips.

As for myself it was mostly the feeling of earning things which while I cursed the lack of them at the time I was horribly ecstatic when I did get them. Yes I know that is still around today but it's much harder to find in anything but limited quantity with how much the game has changed to make it easier for the general public.

There are random other tidbits that made it more entertaining for me but most have already been covered by others or aren't really worth mentioning (having to slowly inch your way over the ground for a quest item instead of looking for sparklies -.-)
100 Night Elf Druid
Wow, Elgunaz. Out of all the posts... you picked mine apart and attacked me for having an opinion about every. single. thing.

As I said at the end of my post:

I don't miss Vanilla. I just miss the things that made WoW fun to me.
90 Undead Mage
What was awesome about vanillia:

1) WoW wasn't 7 years old

2) People who played vanilla weren't 7 years older.

A lot of the good memories and good attributes of games we played in the past is actually due to the fact that we were younger. Try to dig up any of the old awesome games that used to occupy you for months and months for many hours a day, and realize how crappy they seem now. The game certainly has not changed; it's you who's changed.

Imagine how awesome vanilla would've been if its mechanics were exactly like Cata.

100 times this.

No one /actually/ wants the game to be like it was in Vanilla, they just had more fun then because it was new and they were seven years younger. I think pretty much everyone would quite if they undid all the improvements to turn it into vanilla, made it so one could only do 40man raids, ect ect.

Man, Vanilla with cata mechanics would have been great.
90 Undead Mage
Also @feral no one has reported Avarence's main post where he asked a valid question (I'd agree with it being crazy if someone did), only his second one.

Amusingly, I actually agree with his opinion in the first post :P The "hardest" part about Vanilla was getting 40 people's schedule to match up, and getting the damn thing to start and for not everyone to take twenty breaks, and half of the specs were useless.

The vast majority of people complaining about the game being better in vanilla are doing so through rose tinted goggles. If Vanilla WoW came out as a rival game at the same time as Cata WoW did, no one would be playing it. Of course, a lot of people in this thread are more saying that /they/ had more fun in Vanilla, not that Vanilla was a better game.

There's a large difference between enjoying the game more in vanilla and between thinking vanilla is better, and the main reason for that is Eluganaz's post I quoted earlier.
Actually, I would have rather played Vanilla. I felt that its story (as it was, before retcons) is more solid, and many of its zones have left lasting appeal for me to return to often.

It was a sad day for me when I discovered that Silithus lost much of its rep quest content.
100 Human Paladin
Galahn, you and I agree. As a relative late-comer to the game universe and to the game itself (somewhat before 2.4.3), the Vanilla zones before the Cata retool gave me a much better understanding of lore, not to mention making me feel like I hadn't missed out on everything. I may be a weirdo, but I enjoyed questing and questing again in those zones.

I sorely miss those days, even though (or perhaps, especially because) zones' quests are now completely self-contained and don't feel like they're part of an integrated world anymore. Yes, I had to go chasing around the whole darn world to complete a chain, and yes, it could be annoying at times, but it felt more like each zone was part of a unified whole. The stories were more epic, even without the shiny flashy explodey things that Blizz has added.

(I also miss my keychain, DARN IT, but that's me.)

In any event, I found the world much more entertaining, more challenging, back when the Vanilla content was still there. The newer stuff feels like it was just thrown together at the last minute (when it's not wholesale blatant plagiarism of things nobody is fooled or delighted by), and like it's meant for people who can't be bothered to pay attention.
I think in that second paragraph, you nailed down something I failed to mention here (but have ranted on about for quite some time). I rather agree, to an extent, with that last paragraph too. Keep in mind, though, that WoW has been around long enough to be a "generational" thing. Perhaps the new quest layout was an attempt to be relevant to a new generation? That's a question I literally cannot answer. I know very few young teens, and I really hope that some of the ones I've met aren't the key demographic here...although they probably did laugh at Horatio and Keeshan; sadly.

I played beta for a while. It's hard for me to find the time, honestly, and having everywhere be Barrens Chat made it a hard sell. However, I think you'll really like the questlines coming up. They are quite compartmentalized; I hope it won't always be so, but we're finally exploring new areas with engaging stories. There's a LOT of lore, and it seemed like the devs were bursting with pride at the new lore.

Back to Vanilla. I don't really know how to quantify it, but the oldest raids have an atmosphere that is just more lived-in and tangible than even most of the stuff from The Burning Crusade. I'll let it slide on the obvious dimensional ships, though.
100 Human Paladin
People should learn from Garrosh.

Waging war solves all problems.
90 Human Warrior
I clicked on this thread hoping for a decent read about the rose colored glasses. Instead I got a flamefest. Where's the popcorn?
90 Orc Death Knight
08/17/2012 02:16 PMPosted by Avarence
I didn't say I get to pick people who respond. Besides other people have posted on here that I don't agree with yet I didn't "flame" them or anything. Anyways if you look at Imperon's post, it pretty much has nothing to do with the game as it evolved

He did say things that has to do with the game. You DID flame him. As a game during the beginning - there was NOTHING to do. On an Role playing server, Role playing was the thing to do, so the game evolved based off of individual stories and events, because there was NOTHING ELSE.

He's preaching about how adding things to the game that people have a CHOICE to use is a terrible thing.

You dont want to have a choice? Why are you here? Why are you making theses posts? Because you have the CHOICE to do so. If you dont want a choice get out of this game and get out of America because we have the CHOICE to do what ever we want within reason.

Anyway alot of people have this mindset, this isnt the thread to speak of it,if you want to preach about how the server should be purged of the non-rp elements of the game take it somewhere else

This IS the thread to speak of it, because this is a Role playing realm's forums. YOU do not have any reason to talk here and flame RP other than you not liking RP. The rest of us do like it and you need to stop having an attitude and learn to deal with it or go play something else, or realm transfer to a non-RP realm.
Edited by Korgesh on 8/20/2012 7:18 AM PDT
100 Worgen Death Knight
Korgesh, you've got a valid point in every point you raised. This said, it's a losing battle with a couple of individuals, the OP in particular. I tried over the weekend, and it just isn't worth the effort. You're probably better off just peeking at a thread like this and moving on. Not just in the name of peace, but in the name of maintaining your faith in a rational universe where people are capable of using reason. ;)
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