Why do people think Vanilla is so amazing???


100 Gnome Priest
05/01/2014 05:46 AMPosted by Giadalcain
well any thoughts on it 2 years later folks?
game is definitely getting better. what do y'all think

Hah, that was an interesting read :)

I have my own views on Vanilla and opinions on what and why I like or dislike it. In toll however I'd agree that its definitely getting better. I wasn't a fan of BC but I enjoyed Wrath, appreciated the changes that Cata brought and I have thoroughly enjoyed MoP. I'm excited to see what they have in store for WoD.

Change is always painful, especially when you've gained an appreciation for the things (or attachment to the things) that are changing. If I've gained anything over these years in WoW it would be the lesson that change is usually a good thing. Even when it doesn't seem like it at the time, it can always lead to something better.

Cail's Message of the Day: Embrace the Change. :)
100 Gnome Priest
Of everything I've read in this thread I would have to say that Ardam stated it pretty well for me.

08/20/2012 10:29 AMPosted by Ardam
I remember playing during vanilla quite well. I remember a lot of it being annoying as hell too. Perhaps I'm not remembering that place with roads paved with gold like you are.. I dunno.

The challenge to most of the old dungeons wasn't about killing bosses. No, it was getting a group of 5 people to go there instead of 10 people. Oh, those rep grinds. Yea. They weren't terribly fun either. Fighting dozens of people for the mob spawns just to kill them and then wait to fight for other spawns. Oh hey, remember the challenge of having to do stupid gold farming because you could barely afford to pay for repairs from raiding? Let alone for food/potions/whatever else gave buffs you were so demanded to have? Oh yes. Raiding. Raiding was a real joy. If you were lucky and had dedicated people, you could spend several hours a day, perhaps several days a week...in that drab place called MC to kill things, PRAAAYING for the right piece of armor or a weapon to drop, then PRAYING you could even win the item. There was no time for fun chat half the time. Too many people in the raid, the chatter'd bog down everything.

*Deep breath*

Hey, what about the fun challenges of gathering materials to kill those really tough world bosses? And man, did you feel so awsome to help take part in that! Oh, no, no you didn't. Not unless you were in the main raiding group in one of the top raid guilds on the server. So you were lucky if you did. Hell, most of the people who remember it and had fun doing it, I'd point out Imperon for my own perspective, did it in BC, when it was a lot easier to do. And those huge epic world events it lead to? HA! Yea right. First some alt from H&E started by charging for information on when they'd open the gates. Then after that little fiasco was dealt with, they tried to do it secretly and without anyone but guildies to see it. Same with the nightmare event in Moonglade. I was personally there, and whispered/harassed several times by members to gtfo of Moonglade.

No, I think a lot of people are looking at Vanilla through rose-colored glasses. Sure, some of it was fun. PVP before resilience and arenas especially. But the rest of it was a lot of suffering through the ups and downs of a new MMO that slowly got its act together. Sorta like playing KOTOR.

And if you survived my massive paragraphs of crit, you sir, survived Vanilla and its painfulness too.

There are things I miss but taking off the rose colored goggles of nostalgia what I miss the most was the personal interactions and the sense of wonder that came with it being a new game. Looking back now I can say that along the way I have had other moments of wonderment, and I look forward to having more.
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