Naywearer's Clotherie: All Nude Revue

But you can beat Lio.

He likes it.
87 Worgen Druid
*hits Liore with a baseball bat* FORE!... I don't know my sports.
90 Pandaren Warrior

Hm. Brawler's guild is stupid. More dailies. Dailies that UNLOCK dailies. At least the Avatar nerf will give me the option to choose my talent instead of it being a no brainer.

Now I've just got to decide whether I want to irritate melee or lock down wizards. Not a fan of the DR on Stormbolt; and I am -not- dropping Shockwave.

Can't say I'm very fond of 5.1
97 Orc Warrior
I wanna do brawlers guild so bad... >.> And I've been using Bloodbath, not avatar.

Also, you now have a Modasi in your channel. Be afraid.
Edited by Æthelgyth on 11/27/2012 11:29 AM PST
90 Night Elf Hunter
DON'T WORRY, LIO! I'll save you from the Modas!

*whacks Aethel out of the thread* That was for my legs!
80 Goblin Hunter
*blows up*
90 Pandaren Warrior
Where's that lady with the lemon pledge?

SOMEone's gotta scrape this mess up.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
She's not coming in. She said we need to get more Lemon Pledge. I even offered to give her the money to buy more with, and she still said no.

So forget it.
Edited by Raptorius on 11/27/2012 7:16 PM PST
90 Pandaren Warrior
So I was playing FFT last night. I'm trying to steal the Genji set from Elmdor.

Killed Celia in the first round, and forced Lede to reveal her demon form. Second round, dropped Lede into critical. Now, when a monster is in critical health, the AI decides to make them run into the furthest corner and hide there. So I figure, alright, that seems to be working out just fine.

About 16 rounds in, after Speed breaking Elmdor, healing through his MASSIVE damage, keeping my people topped off, I managed to relieve him of his shield and armor. Just helm and gloves to go! I've been holding off on damaging him to this point, because I don't want any mistakes, but to keep Beowulf topped off, I used his Drain ability, which brought Elmdor into critical himself.

At which point Lede decides to rejoin the melee, unleashing a spell I've NEVER seen before in my 13 years of playing (Ulmaguest) which killed everyone but Ramza... INCLUDING ELMDOR.

I've never seen a minion deliberately destroy a boss character just to damage my party. Ever.
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Yes...a minion would never kill the boss...never...

90 Pandaren Warrior
I don't think I want to do the areners with you anymore.
90 Pandaren Warrior

We'll probably be looking for dps. 6 server.

Araneon's packing the sandwiches, so if you are allergic to tuna or muenster, send him a text.
97 Orc Warrior
I'm not allergic to tuna or muenster, But I do prefer burgers, if thats a trade that you guys allow!
90 Pandaren Warrior
-Swivels around to address the board.-


It has come to my attention that Gambit is recruiting for not one, but TWO guilds simultaneously in their thread. IF this rate continues, they will beat us to the post limit. After that mess in Uzbekistan...

...we cannot allow that to happen.


Give me solutions.
97 Orc Warrior
I say we kill them. Axes to the chest. Its the only way to stop the spread of the allergen. They are the future of zombies.

EDIT: It has come to my attention that you said gentlemen. I need to kill you now *Chases with a hatchet*
Edited by Æthelgyth on 12/4/2012 8:32 PM PST
90 Night Elf Hunter
*Whacks Aethel*

Don't mind the Orcess, good ladies and gentlebelfs. She got a little antsy after we forgot to feed her again.

Why don't you just run along, grab a margarita or two, have yourself a nice time while us Gambit-types keep sucking out the souls of all those hopeless saps that reply to our thread. Thank you, have a nice day.

P.S. My swivel chair is better than your swivel chair.
Edited by Tyrynna on 12/4/2012 11:25 PM PST
90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm suggesting the red button, Lio.

Don't look at me like that. You know there is no alternative. They have pressed us against the wall. There is no time to play games with what we are and aren't willing to do. You want to stop the madness, prevent another Uzbekistan - then you need to do what needs to be done.

Do not flinch in the face of this decision. History will judge you accordingly.

DO it. Press the red button.

Destroy the frying pan of doom.
90 Gnome Death Knight
Hmmm, mighty peculiar putting the Big Red Button of Doom on the desk of the Frying Pan of Doom Wielder.

*paces around the desk admiring the shiny red button*

Maybe if I paint the desk Winterfest Green, it won't look so out of place.

*opens can, pulls out brush, and gets to work*
90 Pandaren Warrior
-Turns to stare out over the City through the exectutive conference room's 60 floor majesty.-



The Red Button.

And now we're going to be holiday themed.

Is this where we are? Is this how we're doing it now? When my grandfather started this company, he didn't -have- a frying pan of doom. And look what he's made. Look what he's lashed together with only his hands and an idea.

-A deep, contemplative sigh.-

Araneon. The keys, if you will. If we're gonna blow this thing, we're doing it by the -book.- Get PR on the line; we can't let the blue-collars know there's no pan anymore.

And for Glob's sake, somebody get that gnome some snowman shaped paint sponges.
90 Night Elf Hunter
...Wait, wait, woah, woah, hold up.

What's this about blowing my pan?

and moreover... SNOWMAN PAINT SPONGES?
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