Naywearer's Clotherie: All Nude Revue

90 Pandaren Warrior
The same.

Ah ha haah... I still enjoy rolling around in fields of druids. Feral, of course.

Just... they no longer find it endearing.
100 Human Paladin
Leo, what times are you normally available? I'd like to get together with you about some business.
90 Pandaren Warrior
On a typical weekday, around 7pm server to 11pm. I should be reasonably easy to catch during this HORIDAY season.

Most of my officers have my number; if you contact anyone from WfC, they can usually get me online within the hour.

Should be available 6 or 7pm tonight, in fact.

If its about the Bugatti, I don't know NOTHIN about what's in the back seat.
100 Human Paladin
If its about the Bugatti, I don't know NOTHIN about what's in the back seat.

Lovely, something else to worry about.

This is nothing urgent, I just want to put into motion the cross faction stuff we discussed some time ago. Time to stir the pot.
90 Pandaren Warrior
Hold the phone, hit repeat
Got me foaming at the knees
Saw the flame, tasted sin
You burned me once again
Cut the cord, she's a creep
-pops her head in for a moment, glances around and upon finding it empty in here, skitters off with a mad sounding cackle and some frilly looking decorations and fabrics-

Could us a bit o'colour in this place >;3
90 Pandaren Warrior
The only thing empty in here is my skull.

Now if you'll excuse me

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
*walks over to Lio as he's seated comfortably in an inn. Grasping the forehead flesh and bone flap, Ivy lifts the top half of his skill backwards exposing a hollow bowl that glitters like a borealis*

Yes!!! I finally found the -perfect- candy bowl! *proceeds to pour in dozens of Lindt chocolates*
97 Orc Warrior
*Steals candy. Because Modas is evil like that*
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
*Pushes bail of hay outside the inn, looks around, lights up a torch.* Haha! ALL MUST BURN.
90 Pandaren Warrior
I would rise up and do battle with you to make you stop.

But someone filled my head with chocolate and then some other person stole it.

So I don't know what to tell you. s(^^)z
97 Orc Warrior
>.> I still stole the candy. I'm more evil.
66 Blood Elf Rogue
-pops Lio's head open again, filling it full with licorice- Yay!

-thinks twice and sneaks out a few pieces before skittering off to work-
97 Orc Warrior
*Eyes the licorice, stabs Lio, steals Licorice* MINE.
90 Pandaren Warrior
-Patiently waiting to bleed out.-

66 Blood Elf Rogue
Licorice is black, LIKE OUR HEARTS.

I mean... -cough-

No, that's what I mean. Nevermind.

-sticks a few linen bandages on Lio's wound- There ya go..
97 Orc Warrior
*cuts the bandages off* NOW WHATRE YOU GOING TO DO!?
66 Blood Elf Rogue
Hmm... Kind of stumped now. Let him bleed I guess. I'm all out of linen...

-walks away whistling, twirling a bit of linen in her fingers-
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
*Sets fire to the display cabinets.* Haha! Soon your precious fancy china plates will be scorched! AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.
90 Pandaren Warrior
Everyone's so busy doing big things.

And I'm just laying here, pretending I'm a Turian on Palaven.
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