Naywearer's Clotherie: All Nude Revue

90 Pandaren Warrior
No -you- get wrinkles.
No you get wrinkles!
90 Pandaren Warrior
No you get wrinkles.
I'm supposed to be mad about something, but I forget. And I didn't remember to tattoo it to my body.


*looks down at hand, sees tattoo*

Remember Lio Jankis....
90 Pandaren Warrior
I want to claim this as a victory over you, I really do.

But honestly I can't remember it myself. Something to do with your awful eggplant marsala, I'm sure.
They let *me* in. If they'll let me in, they'll let *anyone* in.

Just sayin'.

I blame Liore.
90 Pandaren Warrior
Hey now.

I just hold the doors open.

What the wind casts inside has earned its place amidst our wreckage.
The times we let slip through the thin, weak tendrils of our memory...


Wait. Wait.

Awful eggplant marsala???


*flips table*
90 Pandaren Warrior
I'd say anything to keep you sober in front of my parents.
That's rich considering I saw them doing body shots of tequila off of the hobo down the street.
90 Pandaren Warrior
I thought we'd agreed to call him Hector.

See that is why. That right there. You just don't listen anymore.
You guys know Hector too? He runs my local car wash...
90 Pandaren Warrior
We're almost post capped aren't we.

I'll have to update the introductory rp post.

90 Orc Warlock
We're almost post capped aren't we.

I'll have to update the introductory rp post.


Something about smashing, Immerseus, and bananas.

And cake. Everyone loves cake. Why is there no cake in raid? Maybe I'll bring cake. Just kidding. I will bring Chex Mix though.
Edited by Dalebert on 12/23/2013 8:10 AM PST
I can't eat cake. I have to keep myself lean and mean for the next boss that lets me murderfry the raid with a giant red laser beam.
90 Pandaren Warrior
-Scribble scribble.-

And then Dalebere cast Chaos Jump and dove into the skies. Meanwhile, Finnaeus valiantly used Nature Run and it was good.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
I will bring Chex Mix though.

With or without the boring potato chip bag or popcorn bucket disguises?
90 Pandaren Warrior
You get guild moneys for that ad reference. Here.

-Fistful of Chuck E Cheese coins and paperclips.-


*cuts branch, maple syrup comes out*

Huh. That...that wasn't quite as dramatic as I intended it to be.

*looks askew, dabs the wound, licks the syrup.*

Mmmmmmmm....what was I complaining about now?
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Ah, go hug yourself, you tree-hugging tree.
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