Naywearer's Clotherie: All Nude Revue

90 Pandaren Warrior
This can only end in hilarity and a quick county bid.
100 Blood Elf Warlock
*bids highest and leaves Soul Candy for the penniless onlookers*
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Bidding once, twice, and sold to the gentleman in the lovely yellow hat.
90 Pandaren Warrior
...that's... that's not what 'county bid' means.
100 Blood Elf Warlock
I make my own rules....>.>
90 Night Elf Hunter
Oh god. The other Tyr is in WC now.

We're all doomed. *Hides her eyeballs*
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Leo's just mad that he wasn't wearing the hat when the auction was called.
100 Blood Elf Warlock
I am a female and like girlish things.
100 Blood Elf Mage
I swear I won't forget to get my hunter invited tonight!
86 Blood Elf Warlock
You seem like a fun bunch!
90 Pandaren Warrior
We're not. We're quite horrid.

That's actually what I did today. Be horrid.

I'm doing it right now, even.
100 Blood Elf Warlock
He -is- doing it right now. I am seeing it.

Joining in his revolting behavior is disgustingly fun.

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
As I speak, I'm kicking an orphan in the face.
90 Pandaren Warrior
I'm screaming swear words at a box of kittens.
90 Blood Elf Priest
90 Undead Mage
As Tyrexus is carefully dusting his enormous collection of eyes, his cat, Gentyler, jumps up on the fireplace mantle and listens to her master sing/mumble.
"It's the eye of the Tauren, it's the thrill of the fight. Yanking out the eyeball of your rival." Does little butt shake at this point complete with eye yanking out motion. "And the something something something stalks his prey in the night something something eyeeeeeeee of the Taurennnn...byomp...byomp byomp byomp." Head bob. "Byomp....byomp byomp byomp."
Embarrassed after seeing his cat look at him with her head cocked, he offers tuna for her silence.....and a bump to the thread.
Oh, Tyrynna? Where ever you may hide them. However deep you bury them. I can find them. Someday, my lovely one, someday I will be admiring them in my very hands. Never worry, I shall take very good care of them, and I am certain you wouldn't be needing them after that.
Edited by Tyrexus on 9/19/2012 2:29 AM PDT
90 Pandaren Warrior
Every time I hear from Tyr, the monkey in my backbrain wants to scamper up a tall tree, to hurl excrement and rotted fruit.
90 Night Elf Hunter
*hides her eyes more*

NUUU! I like my eyes!

*Protects self with the frying pan of doom*
Edited by Tyrynna on 9/19/2012 9:14 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Don't worry about Tyr, we've been drugging him since he joined.
90 Worgen Druid
Bump because you guys sound like fun - and a question. Would you guys take a little Hordeling alt that will maybe never make it to..what is it now? 90? Would just love to add to the guild and participate, but I'm a horrible leveller.
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