Naywearer's Clotherie: All Nude Revue

90 Pandaren Warrior
So many threads looking to fill ten man raids.

We should put aside our used car business and go into the temp agency business.
90 Draenei Death Knight
Bump for a great guild with some really fun peoples. FILL THEIR ROSTER... or Leo will be forced to use his waffle maker with extreme prejudice.
100 Blood Elf Warlock
Okay, so maybe the waffle irons have an appeal of their own...

And when we promise gems, baked goods, freedom to face-punch, and good people:
We mean it. Promise!<3
90 Draenei Death Knight
Face punching freedom...oh the possibilities...
90 Pandaren Warrior
I'd like to announce to the public that tonights guild chat involved crabwalking, calling the Inquisition upon Bobby Kotick, and something called 'bubba gum'.

Even in context, the implications are as harrowing as they seem.

Join our numbers. Please. Please, so this madness can stop.
90 Night Elf Hunter
BUBBA GUM? Oh, the Humanity!

...And now I'm starting to wonder how many of my guildmates are secretly WCers, cause that sounds suspiciously like something we'd find in gambit OOC
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Leo, you're a liar. Medicare has turned us down seven times. The last one was with EXTREME prejudice. Yes, 'extreme' was capitalized in the letter.
90 Blood Elf Mage
Why don't we just go into group healthcare? I know someone brought a brochure by a few months ago.
90 Pandaren Warrior
I'm not allowed to run the train
the whistle I cannot blowI'm not the one who designates
how far the train will go.
I'm not allowed to blow the steam
or even ring the bell
but let the damn thing jump the track
and see who catches hell!
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I've been working on the railroad, every pointless day.
I've been working on the railroad, while my life gets pissed away.
Can't you hear the whistle blowing? Shatter my dreams in the morn'!
Can't you hear the captain shouting? Wish I was never born!
90 Pandaren Warrior
The gambit thread has one more page than us.

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Call the Inquisition on them?
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Also, I have the solution to our recruiting woes. We need to hire a crack team of sloganeers to come up with something for us, like: "Wayfarer's Coterie: Backpacking Across Time."
90 Night Elf Hunter
10/11/2012 11:15 PMPosted by Leothindas
The gambit thread has one more page than us.

Do I need to introduce the (and I quote!) Bataloops insanity here?

Ohohoh, this should be fun! *sharpens frying pan*
87 Worgen Druid
*Highjacks thread* Everybody on the ground! NOW! This is a stickup!
90 Night Elf Hunter
*whacks Syl* No. Down. Bad girl. Bad.
87 Worgen Druid
Hey! I think we need two threads! We take this one, and ours! HAH!
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
You can't take our thread. We have accountants. On stilts.
87 Worgen Druid
Yeah? Well we have Belpha! And Prome! ... What am I arguing again?
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