Naywearer's Clotherie: All Nude Revue

90 Pandaren Warrior

We are now seeking capable and semi-sentient healers for ten mans!

Raiding times to be decided, based on YOUR schedule and commitment.

Please sign up with a shiv on Raptorius' muscly bottom.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Please do try it, I'll be waiting to cut your fingers off. (Please note: each finger is NOT tax deductable, and will be used to create decorative necklaces to be given out after each boss kill.)

They work better than the alleged 'Charms of Good Fortune.' Honest!
100 Blood Elf Warlock
In regards to Leo's request for competent healers, we really want people to enjoy raiding. That means no drama, no pointing fingers, no pressure.

Working to get the best gear its time-consuming in itself, especially with the new dailies and rep grinds. Our aim is to get everyone something they need and plan around our teammates so we can make raiding a satisfying guild event and save stress for the workplace, not while adventuring across Azeroth.

So. Whisper Leo or myself (or sign with a shiv on Raptor's muscly bottom) and maybe we can get things rolling full-tilt for all of us.

We'll treat you right:)
Edited by Auraelith on 10/25/2012 8:19 AM PDT
90 Night Elf Hunter
*searches Gambit for a healer-y type and shoves into WC raid team. Then makes them sign with a shiv on Raptor's muscly bottom.*

They'll never suspect the difference!
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Is this thing on? Alright, all hands. Especially you, Leo. The next person to recommend writing something on my rear is going to take a LONG walk out the airlock. Yes, the new airlock that leads to space elevator.

It's an excruciating elevator ride, and you'll have to do it all day.
90 Night Elf Hunter
B-b-but, elevators are FUN!
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Original Mass Effect elevator-style.
90 Pandaren Warrior
You mean time to make a sandwich.

You mean time to go for a 3 mile jog.

You mean time to translate the Dead Sea Scrolls.
90 Pandaren Warrior
A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
100 Undead Warrior
*savagely carves Raptorius' muscley buttocks with a spork, tatooing "Kissssss Me, I am Elvisssh" on them*

*incidentally covers his hair in Larval Acid*

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
*Starts firing a shotgun blindly into the air.* Yeah, that fish in a barrel trick doesn't work so well when the fish has a SHOTGUN, does it?!
90 Night Elf Hunter
*watches the shotgun-induced commotion, nomming popcorn*

Ahh, I love it when Abominus hits the forums.
90 Pandaren Warrior
10/26/2012 11:36 AMPosted by Tyrynna
I love it when Abominus hits the forums.
90 Night Elf Hunter
...Okay, so Leo's apparently a panda now?

90 Pandaren Warrior
I wouldn't worry about it. Probably clear up in a couple of days.
90 Pandaren Warrior

Now you just sound like a crazy person.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
We're all crazy. Except for me - I sell crazy.

*Goes back to playing a fiddle on the back of a supply truck labeled 'The Association For People Afraid of Yellow Tape.'*
90 Night Elf Hunter
And now he's an elf again.

Except he's not Leo anymore.

Now he's Lio.

87 Worgen Druid
*Stabs Liore* IMPOSTER!
90 Pandaren Warrior
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