The Reckoning (RP)

((I'd like to commend and thank everyone who was involved with the event related to this last night- we got off to a rocky start because of some technical/logistic difficulties, but I was happy to see how this all played out. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and I'm sure write ups will be coming. I'd love to see some alternative point of views from those who were involved in the various other skirmishes! ))
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I often ask myself, what is this war I've stumbled in on? But then I know...echoes of my timeline, given different form. The Modas instead of the Sha, the Horde instead of the Old Gods...

There was a lot of catch-up to do, and Lahkin sometimes wondered if that was behind the failure of the prisoner transfer. The lack of records left behind by his predecessor never failed to irk him, and especially no more than on this day.

After the orc had broken out, Lahkin knew they'd need to move the prisoners. It was the second breakout in the same few months, in a prison not known for breakouts of any kind in the many years it had existed, and Lahkin suspected treachery. A cursory look over the prison and its staff revealed no weaknesses, however, and Lahkin knew he had no time to look further into the matter if he was to keep Thelinna in his hands.

Instead, he reached out to an ally. The Stockades in Stormwind were known for their security, and Lt. Commnader Orwyn was both good man and competent tactician. Lahkin made the arrangements, perhaps a little hurriedly. Three squadrons were to go out one after the other, with mixed Terran troops and Watch officials. Thelinna would be in one of the squadrons, but no one would know which until the day of. Any would-be rescuers would have a 1 in 3 chance that they picked the right squad to attack, and a long road from the Hinterlands and Stormwind in which to find their needle.

They had barely been out of the gates of the prison when all three squadrons were attacked by three groups of Modas. They had known.

The troops fought bravely, but it wasn't enough. Lahkin was left on the field of battle, chewing on his lip angrily. They had dealt the Modas a heavy blow they wouldn't forget, but his own forces were severely depleted.

And they had known...

How? Or rather, who? Was there a traitor in the ranks Lahkin didn't know about? From the talk in the barracks, the other Lahkin had been especially suspicious of the ex-Modas girl called Lynnie. Yet at the same time, she had been responsible for the key information that resulted in the destruction of the Modas' main sanctum, a victory no other force had been able to claim in the seven years that Modas had existed.

Was this no more than some huge, orchestrated plan of the Modas? Or was it merely the flagging discipline in the ranks that his superiors so often complained about?

So many answers to seek, and so little paperwork to give him the clues he needed. Lahkin never thought he'd be cursing from a lack of bureaucracy, but there it was. You never knew how much you relied on something until that something was taken away from you...
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