2-3 man Black Temple run 4 rep/transmog?

100 Night Elf Druid
Actually, thats all I'm going in for.
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09/09/2012 05:12 PMPosted by Shait
Actually, thats all I'm going in for.

It's funny when druids go for rogue gear.


But seriously. I may actually kill you then.
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100 Night Elf Druid
09/09/2012 07:02 PMPosted by Ardam
Actually, thats all I'm going in for.

It's funny when druids go for rogue gear.


But seriously. I may actually kill you then.


It has no rogue only tag on it and was quite decent for Ferals at the time. Had I been running 25 mans in BC, I would have been shooting for it then, too.
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What is it with you silly people and your lack of understanding SARGASIM FISH!
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100 Human Mage
You must forgive Ardam, Shait. Homicidal tendencies come naturally to him. *grins*
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Argh. Sorry Ardam, I thought I had touched on all the different points with what everyone wanted, I messed up. But hey, I've seen several cursed visions drop if you guys don't mind trying for two. I'm down to do this every week for a while now that it's so damn easy. And who knows how long it will take for the glaives to drop. I just got my baron's deathcharger on my 6th try ( excluding the dozens of vanilla runs), so maybe my luck will rub off.

Really the only thing that isnt mindless tank and spank at this point is Reliquary phase 2.
If people get burned out I'll even solo clear the first 3 bosses to save you all the time it takes for those encounters.

I'd say a full run at this point with aoe looting will take about 60-90 minutes for a clear, and we can work on shaving that down with practice.
Edited by Elrith on 9/10/2012 7:00 AM PDT
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I don't mind sharing. It's fine. Besides, it's not like I expect to see both warglaives to drop before a single blindfold. That would be silly..... Yes. Silly!!
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90 Human Warrior
09/10/2012 12:50 PMPosted by Ardam
I don't mind sharing. It's fine. Besides, it's not like I expect to see both warglaives to drop before a single blindfold. That would be silly..... Yes. Silly!!

Well, now you've gone and jinxed it. Good job.
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100 Night Elf Druid
09/10/2012 04:11 AMPosted by Ardam
What is it with you silly people and your lack of understanding SARGASIM FISH!

Cause there is STILL no sarcasm font. /pout
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Just to make things succinct and all that, would you all mind listing who you are actively bringing to the Black Temple runs and their class?

Me is me who is bringing me, the Elrith.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Shait, feral druid.
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Ilaris. tanking rogue.
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90 Human Warrior
I'll be bringing my rogue, Quickswitch.

And once again I note I have little interest in fighting over the blindfold or glaives. Just want sweet RP lewtz and maybe a nifty looking dagger or two :P

If we get in a bad way, I could bring a healer instead once we reach that point, mind you.
Edited by Anirei on 9/11/2012 3:26 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Warrior
OK cool, if we have any kind of healing just in case on the backburner this will be a sure thing. I was worried we may need a heal for a few things, but 4 of us DPSing will probably be enough.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Nevermind, forgot the day.
Edited by Elrith on 9/11/2012 4:45 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Ardam, sent you an in game mail but you haven't responded.

Looks like Tuesdays are best for everyone, let me know how you are with Tuesday.

You had better like Tuesdays, or else.
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100 Night Elf Priest
I am Disc and would be happy to heal. I am only after the Staff of Immaculate Recover.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
09/13/2012 10:34 AMPosted by Elvenmoon
I am Disc and would be happy to heal. I am only after the Staff of Immaculate Recover.
That actually just dropped the last time I was there :) Nobody wanted it.

You'd be welcome.

We've had to have a healer alt come in and heal for the Reliquary encounter and for Illidan (but now we know to hold his glaive elementals in the right place).

But we could use a healer for back up, and nobody wants that staff it seems, so it would be all yours.

If Tuesdays are good you're welcome to join us. I'll include you on the calendar invite, be on the look out for the scheduled calendar reminder, and welcome!
Edited by Elrith on 9/13/2012 10:43 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Priest
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Argh, why must we only be able to do this one time a week?
Waiting,... waiting,... waiting,...
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