2-3 man Black Temple run 4 rep/transmog?

100 Night Elf Warrior
The day has come!
My warlock friend may join us, he's mostly interested in T6 gear. I'm not sure if he'll end up making it or not though.

He can cast that thing that makes the reliquary cast slower, right? I miss that.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Curse of Tongues? I honestly don't know if its in the game anymore.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
He's not coming anyways afterall tonight.
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90 Human Warrior
09/18/2012 12:46 PMPosted by Shait
Curse of Tongues? I honestly don't know if its in the game anymore.

Curse of Tongues got rolled into Curse of Weakness.

Curse of Weakness now slows cast times as well as applying Weakened Blows, I believe. Though it doesn't stack with mind numbing poison so it doesn't really matter. I also belatedly found out Shiving mind numbing poison on a target increases the cast time for the next cast by 100%, and it's a 10 second cooldown. So yeah I don't forsee many problems in the future :)
Edited by Anirei on 9/19/2012 8:45 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Warrior
We did the whole place in 45 minutes :) Thanks guys, you rock.
Reliquary was one shotted, not a single soul shock got through that I saw.

If only we could do this more than once a week.

I'm hoping you guys can still do this next Tuesday, with MOP coming out and all.
I understand though if you'd rather not, but I mean it's only 45 minutes. :)
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100 Night Elf Druid
We did the whole place in 45 minutes :) Thanks guys, you rock.
Reliquary was one shotted, not a single soul shock got through that I saw.

If only we could do this more than once a week.

I'm hoping you guys can still do this next Tuesday, with MOP coming out and all.
I understand though if you'd rather not, but I mean it's only 45 minutes. :)

I should be on.
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93 Orc Warrior
Invites sent.
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100 Night Elf Druid
09/23/2012 11:58 AMPosted by Haíku
Invites sent.

Who dat? ;)
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100 Night Elf Warrior
That's my orc warrior on Wyrmrest Accord.

I live on a weird schedule, for some reason I got the dates mixed up on the expansion, so I guess tomorrow we'll be knee deep in the middle of the expansion, not the night before (tonight).

I'm still wanting to do the run but I will understand if you guys can't be peeled away from the new content.
Edited by Elrith on 9/24/2012 6:27 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Okay, looks like Ilaris and Moribatch the warlock are confirmed for tonight's run. I think Moribatch has a healer alt we can use for the few times we need it.

Shait said she may come this week, I'm not sure, she's signed up as tentative.

I'm not sure if Quick can make it either, she's scheduled as tentative.

Elvenmoon isn't responding to my whispers and hasn't accepted or denied the event invite on the calendar, not sure what's going on with them.

If Mori has a spare healer we should be fine for a clear this week with the three of us, and Shait's DPS will of course be a major help on top of that.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Ok, looks like Elvenmoon can come, so it's all good.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
We rocked the place's faces.

Same time next week, troops.
The group is open for new people too, it's just the 4-5 of us.
Edited by Elrith on 9/25/2012 10:45 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Tonight we gather once more to assault the fel ruins of Karabor, yo.
T minus 25 minutes to established rendezvous.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Another smashing success.

We're having a small issue with attendance, but as long as we have a healer and 2 dps all seems well.

Again, if anyone is interested in coming, invites are open. PM me or post here.
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90 Human Warrior
Sorry I've been missing these. I've honestly been forgetting, what with all the stuff to do in Pandaria.

I shall endeavour to remember to be around for the next one.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Oh I thought you were on vacation or something for some reason.
I forgot all your character's names, I can remind you if you'd like. I've only been inviting Quickswitch on the event.

We are moving to 7:30 now instead of 7 too. Elvenmoon has been MIA, so we've had trouble finding healing reliably. But a RL friend of mine is now back for MOP and willing to heal so I've changed the time to accommodate him as he get's off work too close to 7.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Just to remind you I'll invite your other character too on the calendar event.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Ah, but I see now Quickswitch is tentative. :)
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