The Eastern Kingdoms are being lost.

87 Worgen Warrior
The Alliance is losing ground. Silvermoon City defected. Lordaeron is forsaken. Gilneas is in ruins. Our hold of the north of Our continent is growing weaker. Any territory on Kalimdor is sorely contested. With only two remote cities on that that western realm, our place in our world is becoming more fragile.
It has been said that we should let the Horde have the north of the Eastern Kingdoms. It is now Horde territory now. That we don't have a claim. That we don't have a toe hold.

That is wrong.

Stromgarde; that ancient and once powerful kingdom is still there. Though greatly diminished and much over ran with scum. That city, my home, can be our bastion in the North! A stronghold to check the advance of the Horde. I call on all members of the Alliance to take up the mission to retake and rebuild Stromgarde!

Go North, to Arathi!
For Stromgarde!
For the Alliance!
Edited by Vansen on 9/20/2012 6:44 AM PDT
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90 Undead Warlock
((Thought of the moment, I never quite understood why the actual native residents of Lordaeron...who continue to live there...are never considered worthy of their homeland or are treated as somehow an invasive group:P))
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87 Worgen Warrior
Sir Aziel, the Forsaken are twisted, and warped into things no longer human. Their minds and motivations turned to strange goals.

((I agree with you actually. I think that's part of their draw, their "flavor".))
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85 Human Paladin
((Is this a new RP guild starting up?))
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90 Undead Warlock
((Good luck! I've always thought people should put Stromgarde to use.))
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87 Worgen Warrior
((Yes, yes it is.))
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100 Worgen Rogue
((See, now THIS is something I could get behind. It's just that I don't really have any characters I could put there.

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100 Undead Warrior
Join the Ssstromgarde Militia and Die, yesss!
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90 Gnome Rogue
Hmm, at least the Syndicate will be chased out of Stromgarde then if someone new shows up... Go ahead, I won't stop you, if anything I would only be helping you in reclaiming Stromgarde from those scum.
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((Oooooh. Good luck! :D Sounds neat! ))
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87 Worgen Warrior
Thank you all for the support. Except for Adominus... you just go play with your pirate hat.
All can help with the rebuilding of Stromgarde. Petition leaders, spread the word, and then there is always taking the fight to the city itself.

((It just seems to me that The Leaders of the Alliance would see the strategic value of Stromgarde. It is a fortress that would be hard to take in a siege. It has Thoradin's Wall within easy support to slow or even stop Horde incursions from Hillsbrad. And could contest Thandol Span. Lend aid to the dwarves in the Hinterlands. This is all Lore based. So, I think turning Stromgarde into a real quest hub and/or a city like what Theramor was would be a realistic outcome to the aggression Garrosh is putting on the Alliance. ))
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87 Worgen Warrior
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90 Human Paladin
You know, even if she died at birthjob, my mom was a Stromgardian soldier.

Rise up, brothers and sisters. Our ancient land will be rightfully ours once again.
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100 Human Mage
((The lack of support for the Forsaken as the "natives" of Lordaeron comes from a few places...

1) Their supposed leader is an elf from Quel'thalas. Their allegiance is no longer to Lordaeron but to a foreigner who gained power by...

2) betraying and murdering the living subjects of Lordaeron who fought with them against the Nathrazeim.

After that happened, no one's under any moral obligation to see the Forsaken as anything but a pestilence that must be dealt with harshly. Even granting the Forsaken "subject" status in Lordaeron would mean they should hold themselves to the laws of Lordaeron. I'm betting supporting an invasion by a foreign individual and murdering people are both criminal acts under that kingdom's laws.

Vansen, we've been asking for Stromgarde City to become an Alliance questing hub, perhaps following Danath Trollbane's return and subsequent campaigns to reclaim the whole nation since Classic. Gilneas and Kul Tiras are the other two locations we've been clamoring for since back then. So far, all we've gotten is Gilneas and it was rather much a let down with it being empty for everyone but lowbie worgen.))
Edited by Imperon on 9/21/2012 12:55 PM PDT
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87 Worgen Warrior
((Imperon, I knew I was not on to something original. I haven't seen or heard much in the way of campaigning. Mine is no major attempt, just a way to get it in the common conscious. I hope to keep it brought up and not let fall by the wayside.

BTW...well done by way of explaining why the Forsaken were/are rejected.Very concise.))
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90 Undead Priest
You wish to retake your lands in the north? By all means, come. We always have room for more subjects in our empire - after all, Undercity was not built in a day.

Come and die, and be born again to fulfill your dreams.
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100 Human Mage
My dreams lie with the hearts of men... hearts that still beat, souls that still feel emotions other than hatred and despair.

You wear their forms, decomposed... you carry their memories, their skills... but then men and women you were died years ago. They died with your emotions. They died with your love for life itself.

The people you once were would weep at what you've become... and what you've come to stand for. Above all... Lordaeron was a land of life and prosperity. Your claim over that land died with your respect for what it stood for.

And I will stand against you... and your Horde until the end of days. Until my old bones return to the earth, I will defend my people, and the lands I called home... Stormwind as it stands... and the memory of Lordaeron as it once was.

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100 Human Warlock
((Something to consider, Galen Trollbane, who led the Alliance occupation of Stromgarde prior to Cataclysm is now a Forsaken, which does provide them a claim to Strom. That is, if you assume Forsaken don't forfeit any inheritance claims upon their death.... ))
Edited by Temperius on 9/22/2012 8:53 AM PDT
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100 Human Warrior
I like the concept.
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87 Worgen Warrior
((Temperius, that brings up a very nice twist to my goal. RP-wise it's a good monkey wrench. I will bring that up...somehow. Might make a Forsaken just for that reason. I go faction specific on servers I play on. But might make an exception here. Great point you brought up!
Ehlina, thanks!))
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