[A] Sanctuary Garden (Is recruiting! :O)

90 Human Paladin
Greetings CC. As I am no Haozhao and lack the creative mind of such a wonderful individual, I won't offer you a song and dance like he would. I'll keep this short and simple.

Sanctuary Garden is looking to fill some recent vacancies due to RL aggro and all that sorts, we are a family-friend oriented guild that harbors all individuals that enjoy this game and can at the very least be respectful and somewhat kind to each other while doing so.

More specifically, we are looking for some new raiders and PvP enthusiasts for the upcoming expansion. As we plan to run (3-4) 10 man raids, while also looking to get more serious into rated battlegrounds.

We will have two styles of raids, one is going to be quite a bit more serious with content, while the other style would be more casual-have fun but down content in a timely fashion.

While we are not looking for anything too specific at this time (Warlocks!! Shadow Priests!!), I encourage all whom are interested in joining to apply. We will do everything in our power to include you. Whether its raiding, pvp, dungeons, scenarios, pokemon battles or just casual conversation. We'd love to have you.

[Random unsorted information incase you need to know]
Guild was formed in 09, most of us have been together since early vanilla.
We are level 25 (o m g.)
7! Bank tabs (Gnome warriors hate us, apparently :x)
Haozhao sings on vent for you. (Only you.)
Angheron hates you (Seriously though, he does. Not your fault though. He hates me too.)
You have guild repairs!

I think I'm just pulling at hairs at this point, but yeah. If you happen to be interested in joining up.. find myself or Haozhao in game. Thank you for reading, carry on.
Edited by Jcel on 9/20/2012 9:28 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Shaman
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100 Draenei Shaman
oops, I mean bump!
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100 Draenei Shaman
Bumping it again cause SG has super sexy raid leaders!
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90 Human Paladin
I'll hump..bump you, miss wonderful.
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100 Human Warrior
Join us and I will make you feel better about any mistakes you make.

If you can beat my elevator death count then I'll give you 4 brownies.
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100 Draenei Shaman
I want brownies...
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90 Human Paladin
With chocolate chips?! YES.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Greetings CC. As I am no Haozhao and lack the creative mind of such a wonderful individual, I won't offer you a song and dance like he would. I'll keep this short and simple.

Challenge Accepted.
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100 Dwarf Shaman
Ha! Hao sings to everyone.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
But Hao can't defeat Brenri's frogginess.

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90 Dwarf Death Knight
In my experience, these people are hilariously amazing and always have been. Few better groups of people could be found!
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100 Night Elf Druid
Hey I heard you were a raider
If you joined my guild
It'd be an achievement
Show me how you'll do

I want to clear the instance
With you
Hey I heard you like the feral druids

I tried to do more but was dicey. Jcel wins this round :(
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100 Draenei Shaman
You're not supposed to ever admit defeat!!!
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90 Human Paladin
You had my hopes up Hao and this was all I got?! Tsk tsk!

We've gotten a few great people so far, more always welcome! :)
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74 Gnome Rogue
Holy Haozhao! How's it hangin? :)
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100 Night Elf Druid

Maybe if you didn't betray us and break our hearts someone would respond to you.


PS Horde is dumb, but I was just kidding about the </3. Totes glad to have you back.

PPS You should roll a toon for SG and pvp where you belong.
Edited by Jorick on 10/3/2012 12:57 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Mage
Haozhao sings on vent for you. (Only you.)

I remember when me and Xanda could not get him to say a word on vent back in Vanillia now he sings "GASP"
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