T.C.-10 to T.D. from a while back. Lei Shen's been a bumpy ride.
CC Tier 16 MoP Raiding Progression.
Lei-Shen-10 to T.D.
Heroic Qon (25)
Heroic Jin'rokh-10 to Defenestrators
Heroic Horridon (25)
Heroic Horridon (25)
Stahp, you're making me feel inadequate.
Megaera and Ji-kun (10) down to The Wild Hunt.
Edited by Qinglu on 6/27/2013 2:40 PM PDT
Sorry for the double post.
<The Wild Hunt> now to 8/12.
<The Wild Hunt> now to 8/12.
FoE downed Durumu and Primordius
Animus and Iron Qon down.
Heroic Twins (25)
Normal Twins!
<The Wild Hunt> kills Dark Animus. 9/12.
Heroic Council of Elders (25)
<The Wild Hunt> kills Iron Qon and Twin Consorts 10 Normal.
Lei Shen down
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