Heroic Megaera (25)
CC Tier 16 MoP Raiding Progression.
<The Wild Hunt> 12/12 Normal!
Eat dirt, Lei Shen.
Here's hoping we can post for Heroic Jin'rokh on Tuesday.
Eat dirt, Lei Shen.
Here's hoping we can post for Heroic Jin'rokh on Tuesday.
Sorry to double post, just would like to remind the creator of this thread that <The Wild Hunt> is 12/12 normal. Progress thread only shows us as 6. And I know you're updating, it shows <Warcraftier>'s Heroic Meg kill :P
Edit: Thanks billions. Feels so... Complete now.
Edit: Thanks billions. Feels so... Complete now.
Edited by Qinglu on 7/30/2013 6:51 PM PDT
Heroic Primordius (25)
Heroic Durumu (25)
With help from several other guilds (we have been way short on bodies as of late) Chaotic 25 has killed up to Dark Animus. Also, this last Monday Chaotic took 10 into ToT and Killed Lie Shen
Immerseus (25)
Falllen Protectors (25)
Norushen (25)
Chaotic Intent and friends 25 man downed Immerseus
Sha of Pride (25)
Immerseus 10 and Fallen Protectors 10 to <The Wild Hunt>
Galakras (25)
Iron Juggernaut (25)
Kor'kron Dark Shaman (25)
General Nazgrim (25)
Immerseus 10 and Fallen Protectors 10 for FoE
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