Thok (10)
CC Tier 16 MoP Raiding Progression.
Garrosh Hellscream (25)
Heroic Immerseus (25)
Dark Shaman (10)
H Protectors (25)
H Norushen (25)
Nazgrim (10)
H Sha of Pride (25)
Malkorak (10)
Heroic Galakras (25)
Heroic Iron Juggernaut (25)
Heroic Nazgrim (25)
Spoils (10)
Heroic Kor'kron Dark Shaman (25)
[A]<Invictus Sanctum> and friends have cleared Immerseus (25), Fallen Protectors (25), Norushen (25) & Sha of Pride (25).
(Also recruiting for DPS to fill out a stable 25man roster.)
(Also recruiting for DPS to fill out a stable 25man roster.)
Galakras (25)
(And still looking for some solid DPS to fill out our last few slots!)
(And still looking for some solid DPS to fill out our last few slots!)
Iron Juggernaut (25)
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