Immersion has Blade Lord, Garalon dead on 10m as well as heroic Stoneguard 10.
CC Tier 16 MoP Raiding Progression.
Amber Shaper 10 to AD
Blade Lord-25 to Exalted
Windmaster down for Embrace
Not that this is being updated, but DE killed Amber-Shaper
12/18/2012 06:58 PMPosted by RharkulNot that this is being updated, but DE killed Amber-Shaper
Instead of being passive aggressive about it, just send Shasimona a tell in game. That's what most people seem to do in game.
Also grats on your kill !@#$%.
And Merry Christmas
Amber down for Embrace
Empress Skeezer 10 to AD
Protectors of the Feckless 10 to AD (elite)
Tsulong 10 to AD
Lei Shi 10 to AD
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