(A - RP) Feathers of Iron Recruiting

100 Human Death Knight
*Recruiting and available for work!*

Mariiku smiled as she took a paper from a rather large bundle under her arm, tacking it to the board in the centre of Stormwind's Trade District moments later.

"mm.. Do you think Miss Lia will think we put up enough..?" She said, seemingly to no one before turning to her right and nodding a little. "..Okie.. we guess we can put up a few more.."

The young woman starts off towards the Mage Quarter, continuing on the conversation from a moment ago as she's eventually lost in the crowd.


We have all felt the weight of the world, it's hardships and injustices. They weigh us down, keep us from flying. Our wings are clad in Feathers of Iron, to guard ourselves from the evils of the world. But even with them, we still strive to fly.

The Feathers of Iron Mercenary company is a largely neutral entity founded by Liabelle Thorngrove, with an emphasis on protecting our own. Our members are from all walks of life, most not seeking fame or fortune*, but a chance at a new beginning away from the politics of the Alliance leadership.

Feathers of Iron operates out of Booty Bay, and takes on many requests from those around the world (Both Alliance and Horde), and beyond.

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The Feathers of iron is offering interviews to those interested. The process will allow us to better know you, and your skills.

To request an interview or simply more information about us, contact:
Liabelle, Mariiku, Cup

To speak with someone about hiring, contact:
Liabelle, Nicci, Franziskah, Cup

*we are obligated in pointing out that any fortunes or fame we happen to come across while in the pursuit of work will not be turned aside.

We're a guild that was founded to do only one thing, give the members of our guild a better life (IC'ly).

We're a medium-heavy RP guild, with most of any RP we do centring around jobs or simply the interactions of personalities within the guild.

We're hoping that the Mists of Pandaria will allow us a lot of new opportunities, both in attracting new members or those looking to employ us.
Edited by Mariiku on 9/25/2012 5:11 PM PDT
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90 Gnome Warrior
*One of the flyers hidden down in the middle of the stack totally doesn't have small ketchup fingerprints all over it from a curious gnome*
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86 Gnome Priest
Bump for Feathers! They are amazing people :D
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86 Troll Shaman
Seconded. Yay, FoI!
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Despite Mariiku's refusal to let me steal her pants, I approve this message!
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100 Human Death Knight
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100 Night Elf Rogue
This deserves a bump. Despite Kyalin's IC spat with them, I OOCly enjoy RPing with them just about every time I do so.
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45 Pandaren Monk
*kicks to the top of the forums again*
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100 Human Death Knight
Allow me to emphasize that we are available for work =)

Need protection? Blades for your respectable cause? Information? Catering? Bulk food orders? A combination of these? We've got a contract for you!

And stop by Tuesday evenings at 6:30, of course!
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86 Undead Warrior
*tips his hat* You ladies are good in my book, not many would buy drinks for a wicked forsaken like me. And it goes without saying that I would be more than happy to cover your drinks the next time.
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