7th Annual Armistice Day Ball 10/25 - Hyjal

100 Gnome Priest
Oct. 25th, 7pm Server
Where: Hyjal,
on the southern shore of the lake beside Nordrassil

In commemoration of the Battle of Mt. Hyjal, the AAMS is hosting its annual Armistice Day Ball this October 25th, at 7pm.

In this time of conflict, it is more important than ever that we take the time to remember how both Horde and Alliance were able to come together and work toward a common cause. All persons who wish to honor the soldiers who fought for Azeroth's future are welcomed to attend.

Formal dress is required, and as with all AAMS events, we ask that you leave your conflicts at the door and be prepared to celebrate in peace.

The location will be announced closer to the event.

Derscha Kettlebomb
CEO Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service


The AAMS is continuing the tradition of its Armistice Day Ball! The Armistice Day Ball has been one of CC's longest traditions, and a signature event for the AAMS.

The event is open to both Horde and Alliance; translators will be provided for cross-faction communication. We do ask that no one comes flagged for PvP, to avoid any accidental misclicks in crowded cross-faction groups.

We're still scouting locations, but wanted to make sure everyone saved the date! (October's calendar seems to filling up rather quickly!)

The location of the ball will be in Hyjal itself, on the southern shore of the lake immediately south of Nordrassil. (Near the, uh, sparkling. . . bird bath thing.) There's a very pretty open space there, and the zone is appropriate to the occassion.

There is one elemental who roams a little too close; we have a guildie to keep an eye on it, but any help from 80+ toons in OOCly keeping it from killing any lowbies present would be appreciated. We tested with a level 26 toon, who was safe as long as she kept to eastern side of the bird thing.
Edited by Derscha on 10/19/2012 2:03 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Mage
<bumps with a clearing of her throat>
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86 Troll Shaman
Dat be one epic throat clear, mon!
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100 Blood Elf Mage
<bumps with a note on the announcement> Don't forget to mark your calendars!
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96 Tauren Hunter
(( I will sadly be stuck in class during this, but will have a thought for everyone! The ball is always fun ))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
If it were on the 24th, I would lol.

This was my first big CC RP event last year, and I can't wait to go again. :)
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100 Human Paladin
I will most likely not be available, but this is always a great event with a lot of history. Please do plan to attend if you can.
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90 Human Paladin
If my duties and learning in the wonderful land of Pandaria allow me, I will assist.
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90 Worgen Rogue
(( You had to pick my 20th birthday and a day I'm expected to work at a haunted house D:. I'll do what I can to make it.))
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100 Human Warrior
I might have to see if I can go in late to work so I can record some of this.
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90 Worgen Rogue
(( This deserves a bump.))
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100 Gnome Priest
The ink on the page was slightly blotchy in places, although the handwriting was otherwise neat and precise; even when she was in a rush, Derscha took care to write legibly. Naturally, not one stray spot of ink had dared to stain the gnome's cuff or mar the surface of her desk.

Preparations for the Ball had kept the offices busy. She doubted anyone else realized that if you ran a delivery company, you just couldn't order supplies from your preferred vendors. Most of her conversations had gone as follows:

"I'd like to order some ale for the ball."

"Sure, I'll just ship it via ... uh, you."

She could hardly charge them a delivery fee for their own order.

So they were generating their own extra business, keeping them busy on top of all the extra work that the flurry of new exotic goods from Pandaria was causing. She'd almost missed the crumpled flyer someone had put in her inbox, until a second note from Arrayah had brought her attention to the disreputable gnome selling flowers. She was going to have to find time to deal with that, too.

She set aside the slightly-blotchy-but-legible paper to have Arrayah review it, and started on the next bit of paperwork due.


The location of the ball will be in Hyjal itself, on the southern shore of the lake immediately south of Nordrassil. (Near the, uh, sparkling. . . bird bath thing.) There's a very pretty open space there, and the zone is appropriate to the occassion.

There is one elemental who roams a little too close; we have a guildie to keep an eye on it, but any help from 80+ toons in OOCly keeping it from killing any lowbies present would be appreciated. We tested with a level 26 toon, who was safe as long as she kept to eastern side of the bird thing.
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100 Goblin Shaman
The bossgnome looked over the note with no small degree of skepticism.

"A 'subtle head cold'?" Derscha asked.

"Yeah, so, ya know, like it says, I shouldn't be 'round a lot of people," Kezrin said.

"Is that so?" Derscha absently put the note in one of her desk drawers before smiling brightly at the young goblin. "I'm a very competent medic myself. Why don't you take the spare room, and I'll keep an eye on you? Make sure you're staying in bed, taking the right medicines... oh, did that note say what medicine to take?"

Derscha turned her attention to fishing out the note from the drawer, taking far too long about it, considering it had to right on top of her neat files.

"Uh, don't worry 'bout it! Doc Jean gave me all the medicine I need, really! Jus' supposed to stay 'way from people... y'know, shouldn't be mindin' the desk, or attendin' social functions..."

The bossgnome shook her head and shut the drawer with a loud thwump. "It's really such a shame that you'll miss the Ball. Are you quite sure?"

Kezrin was quite sure she was never going to attend another ball if she had anything to do about it.

"Yeah... doc's orders and all. Can't attend. Sorry."

"Oh! But wait!" Derscha snapped her fingers suddenly. "You can help. There's something you can do that doesn't involve meeting other people, and you're already so good at it..."

Ten minutes later, Kezrin sighed as she left the bossgnome's office with a new hearthstone, and a sheet of paper with a script. She found a quiet corner of the office, waited to make sure the airways were clear, and began to recite in a bored voice.

"Good day to all of our friends. Kezrin with the AAMS here to remind you that you're all invited to the AAMS Annual Armistice Day Ball, which is tomorrow night in Hyjal..."
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100 Gnome Priest
((Thank you to everyone who showed up tonight- it's been a long time since I've seen so many RPers in one place! We even had some off-server folks visit.

Abom, you definitely made my night. :D

Thanks again for being such a great community, and as Derscha said, I hope to see you again next year!))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((I wasn't able to hang out long (Darn you, lag and IRL influences!) but I sure had a good time! Can't wait for next year!))
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100 Undead Warrior
Abominus skittered through the streets of Orgrimmar. Behind him came a wooden thumping, an ominous creaking, and then the high pictched squeal of a small lizard being snatched. He turned and looked back. A small wooden crate, stamped "AAMS Shipment", sat in the road, looking innocent. Turning away, the Maggot Lord made his way down the bustling streets, the small crate wobbling after him.

Days passed, and the crate had become a constant presence in his life. Small animals around his lair and the Grim Maw Clan compound vanished. Stranger than normal fluids seemed to be everywhere. And, the crate was always there, watching, waiting...

"Time to go talk to the Ssshe-gnome at the Ball, yesss"
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