[A-RP]Terra Incognita Recruiting! Take Two...

((Seeing as how the monk reroll messed up the nameplates on the last post (thanks for pointing that out, Alelybear!) here's a newer, shinier version.))

Lahkin was still sleeping in the chair in the Infirmary when a rough hand on his shoulder grabbed him and shook.

His seized the offending fingers in an instant, twisting them as training and reflex dictated. There was a cry of surprise and pain and the hand disappeared. Lahkin jumped to his feet, swung around, and almost scared the beejeezus out of the courier boy now backing up swiftly towards the door.

Lahkin let out his tenseness in one big whoosh of breath. He ignored the courier for a few minutes as he tried to regain his bearings. There was the usual bustle of healers and attendants in the Aerie Peak Infirmary, and Lahkin bit his lip to see Kordrion still draped across his pillow as if lifeless. Little had changed.

Why the feeling of tightness inside me? Lahkin asked himself as the courier continued to stammer and apologize and edge towards escape. What has gone wrong?

He remembered a bad dream. An explosion, leaving ruins across a city, reminiscent of the Theramore attack, but the taste had been of darkness rather than mana. The architecture too, was nothing like he had ever seen in his short time in this timeline.

Jade, serpentine dragons, black and white faces of bear-like creatures.

The Darkness. Twisting, feeding on emotions.


He looked back the courier, who now had his hand on the doorknob and was trying to open it with shaking fingers. Lahkin eyed his hand, saw nothing amiss there, and then looked the boy in the eye.

"What is it?"


"Message, right. Yes. Of what?"

The courier tossed a scroll at him. As Lahkin stooped to pick it up, the boy took the opportunity Lahkin's distraction presented and bolted out the door.

Lahkin ignored him, chewing on his lip as he broke the seal of Stormwind and unrolled the letter.

Commander Stoneheardt,

Under the lawful and most righteous authority of the King, we are hereby reassigning your order, as part of the standing militia of the Church and thus under the lawful authority of the city of Stormwind and His Majesty King Wrynn, to duty in the newly discovered and highly dangerous continent of Pandaria--

The letter went on in the overly pompous tone for several more paragraphs, but Lahkin had already read as much as he needed to. He set the half-open scroll on Kordrion's nightstand, staring sightlessly past his bedposts.

So it began...
Edited by Lahkin on 10/1/2012 9:03 PM PDT
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Who we are...

Terra Incognita is a military order allied with the Argent Crusade and the Church of the Holy Light. They seek to drive out the evils of the world wherever they may hide, and offer sanctuary to the wounded or weary. The order is largely under-cover in nature, where good acts are done simply for the sake of doing them, and not for any pride or reputation.

Sometimes Terra Incognita's goals carry them into direct conflict with such entities as the Alliance or the Horde, but Terra Incognita bears no special ill will towards these groups or any other. Many of their members are trained in the less savory skills and come from all sorts of colorful backgrounds. So long as one's heart rests in the right place, there is room for anybody in Terra Incognita.

So what does this mean OOCly?

--We accept most kinds of characters, so long as they pay some heed to the Light or the goals of Terra's parent organizations: the Argent Crusade and the Church. Yes, even warlocks and death knights are welcome!

--We have multiple on-going plot lines, both guild wide and personal to our members. You can be sure there's always something going on that you can join in on.

--We have RP ties all over the server, including some guilds over on Horde-side as both IC enemies and friendlies. The more, the merrier, fo' sho.

--We're goofy, laid-back, and just plain fun (or so we like to think). That's OOCly, mind you. ICly, your guess is as good as mine.

--And should the RP and the company not be enough for you, we host battleground and dungeon runs often, and are hoping to get enough geared members for either RBGs or raids soon.

So what are you waiting for, huh?

To apply, drop an application at our website tiguild.org , or contact a guildie ingame! More information can also be found at our dotOrg profile: cenarioncircle.org/guild/terra-incognita/
Edited by Lahkin on 10/1/2012 9:00 PM PDT
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((Huzzah for TI! Good folks. Join them! ))
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100 Gnome Priest
((That had better been military courier you just injured, buddy.

<gnomish glare>

But seriously, great group of people!))
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((Um...I'll say it was...just in case...and would like to point out that Lahkin only scared him, not injured him...maybe. Yes. <wanders off hurriedly>))
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90 Human Rogue
((Le silent bump of creepery and stares))

((P.S. Also, feel free to just say Hi to us! We're all nice people with fun outlooks OOCly, remember that while I'm a creep, socially awkward, and strange. ICly, I'm a good guy.

Also...There's a perfectly rational reason I'm shirtless....yeah....))
Edited by Arlston on 10/25/2012 10:14 AM PDT
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