Possibly transferring? Did you transfer?

68 Draenei Death Knight
Hello, CC. I'm thinking about starting over on your realm for MoP. I first learned about RP realms back in Wrath and have been on Wyrmrest Accord from its beginning. I've had friends and guilds come and go and have always adapted. However, since the middle of Cata, I've been feeling increasingly disconnected from the server's community. I feel lost in the crowd and I just can't find a guild that doesn't die in a week or make me feel superfluous. Sentimentality is all that's really keeping me there as all my friends have moved on to other games or real life.

So I was thinking that it might be time to try something new. A smaller community with a guild I can settle down into is appealing to me. I'd like to be part of something tight knit, but also is open to new players.

I am a bit hesitant, though. I tried another smaller server because it had a very strong website with events and such, but just could not break into the scene even after joining an rp guild and attended every calender event on the site. It all seemed to be ran by one guild that pretty much ignored anyone else. I'm very afraid of moving and being forced into one or two big name guilds for any chance of rp at all.

I find people who have been on servers for years and years have great information, but don't really understand what it's like to be new, especially for people coming from an entirely different server culture. I'd really like to hear from anyone who transferred here from Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord. Also, any advice for CC vets on how to start off here would be welcome as well. Thank you for your time.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Welcome to the club, Bixu! CC is a very welcoming community compared to WrA, least in my opinion (A.K.A Started here, tried to roll there, couldn't break in, got horrid separation anxiety) We are a tight-knit, but welcoming bunch with a nice slew of unique RP guilds, including some of the oldest and most unique in the game.

We're not all RPers, of course. No server is. CC was a launch server, so we have a hefty serving of non-RPers, but many of them are friendly and supportive of our community.

My suggestion is that you roll a lowbie here. Join AllianceOOC (Or HordeOOC, if that's where you swing) and pop by the Blue Recluse (Wyvern's Tail for hordelings) for some walk-up. As an event-driven RP community, we also have plenty of RP events for you to swing by.

And fair warning. The Right-hand staircase in the Blue Recluse is strictly off-limits. Unless you want to face the wrath of Staircase Elf. And in OOC, beware of frying pans. ;)
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100 Night Elf Hunter
I'm curious too as I've considered a transfer over here.

I've visited the Blue Recluse on occasion and it was usually empty. But that might have more to do with my being a late night player.
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68 Draenei Death Knight
I've visited the Blue Recluse on occasion and it was usually empty. But that might have more to do with my being a late night player.

I'm a late night person too so I don't know how much random rp I'd get. but the server looks to be three hours behind my timezone so the events here look to start around 9/10 my time. I'm going to check out the horde lounge tonight and the feathers of iron tavern on alliance on the second.
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72 Human Rogue
There are a few of us that play late. (dusk till dawn)
Yet with a brand-spankin' new expansion... I'm a wee bit preoccupied at the moment. Can't really make my mind up to level that new class first, or get one of my 85s to 90 for better gear.. and dangit, I still need to do brewfest's dungeon too for a chance at the mount that I don't have..

I will eventually get back to rp!
And the people that I play with, (awesome players too by the way) are more than likely doing the same exact thing as I am.

But yep it seems the late late night players are few.

Help fix that, and one of my toons might bring you a drink. *smiles*
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100 Goblin Shaman
Oh! I wish I didn't get home barely before Lounge night starts. I hope you get a chance to be glomped by all the welcoming people on Horde side.
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If you have trouble finding walkup RP (we're not a walkup RP server, not in comparison to WRA or MG), join a guild! Or, head on down to cenarioncircle.org and show up at some of the events posted on our calendar. There's a neat little "Welcome to CC" guide over there written by Alelsa: cenarioncircle.org/introduction-to-cenarion-circle/ . I think a major point to that guide is get to know people OOCly before you try to break into RP, which is perhaps different than it is on other servers.

I hope it doesn't lead to the same experience you had on your other server. I think there's a downside to a centralized RP like that--if you for whatever reason can't break into the "main crowd", there's no where else to go.

So, know this is NOT the case on CC. I'd advise you not to just look to the OOC channels, the website, or the big name guilds for RP--there's many hiding in the cracks who don't frequent the limelight, but are still filled with good people and good RP.
Edited by Lahkin on 9/29/2012 8:28 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Bixu, first, thank you for thinking about CC.

I always encourage a prospective transfer to roll an alt here and check us out. Join allianceooc and hearthstoneic if you go alliance and hordeooc and hearthstone if you go horde. Introduce yourself as a new person. You're also welcome to join pia's ooc channel. I think half the alliance hangs out there just for fun.

Sundays at 2:00 Pia Presidium holds a knighting ceremony followed by a trial by arms at the Argent Tourney grounds. We welcome everyone to help us celebrate the ceremony, but we only administer vows to members. Afterwards we adjourn to Argent Tourney for in character duels where more experienced members also give tips on how to improve a person's fighting if the combatants want the advice. We help get people there who are unable to fly there. The knighting ceremony is at the Stormwind Cathedral, but we start out at the gates and have a procession to the Cathedral.

Either the clinic in Ironforge or the Troubadour Night on alternating Mondays hosted by the Pia Presidium.

The clinic is a free clinic to heal your wounds, illnesses, mental problems. (No guarantees on the mental problem part, but at least it's interesting rp.)

Troubadour Night is where people come to tell stories, sing songs or otherwise entertain. Last week we even had a druid entertain with his flea circus. All are welcome to participate or just watch.

Tuesday is the Feathers of Iron inn hosted in Booty Bay. Cup and Kixek serve wonderful food, varying the menu each week. It's a great opportunity to role play a bit and get to know people.

Wednesday is the Light and You sermon hosted by Genevra of Conclave behind the Cathedral in Stormwind. These are interesting messages dealing with the Light.

Thursday is the dinner in Hearthglen. This is a Pia Presidium dinner, but we invite people to join us for some role play.

In December there will be another box social. In these events, people put together a lunch to share with a partner and then give an auctioneer the description of the box the lunch is in. The auctioneer sells it to the highest bidder and the the winner of the lunch joins the maker of the lunch for some fun rp. The last one was held in conjunction with a wonderful fashion show hosted by Warcraftier. The December one will have a twist. The maker of the lunch will also include a gift with the lunch and the winning bidder will also have a gift for the the maker of the lunch.

Re horde events, they are adding so many things I can't keep up with them, but Raoul, Oskor and Arothand keep close tabs on the events. Yay, horde!

I rolled a character here on Cenarion Circle two weeks after launch because a friend told me her son played here and told me to look him up. Oddly enough, I never did find him, but I found a great server.

I was in Goldshire questing when a huge horde raid rolled through on its way to Stormwind. I flagged up even though I was only level 8 because it seemed like the right thing to do. A man named Willander kept shouting at youngsters to come with him if they would be saved. Most people ridiculed him, but I joined him and he took me all over creation, with me dying many times due to my low level. Occasionally someone from his guild would meet us on the road to give a report on the horde army.

I was hooked.

Role play is a little scarce right now because everyone is exploring the new content and racing to 90. However, I expect it to pick up soon.

I really do encourage people to join allianceooc and just introduce yourself. You will get a warm welcome and help.
Edited by Gentyl on 10/3/2012 1:08 AM PDT
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100 Human Warlock

As Lahkin has said, and is probably worth reiterating here:


Along with our community forums, IC blogs, and calendar! Far too much for me to really say here and get it all into a single post, so just pop over and pay us a visit :D
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100 Worgen Death Knight
We very much welcome you!

I, personally, wonder how attached you are to your pants...
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100 Draenei Shaman
*hexes Ragefang* don't mind him...he doesn't mean harm, unless you roll horde at which point...he means all the harm in the world, but it's okay we keep him on the leash most of the time
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Hmm... I just noticed all but two events on Gentyl's text wall are Pia events... maybe include a few less of those next time, Gen?

As to Horde events, I know there are a few. Da Doctas hosts a clinic every tuesday, Modas Il Toralar hosts the Black Hand Society meeting... every other monday, I believe. There's also weekly fishing and lore nights, but I'm not sure when those are, exactly.
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100 Human Paladin
All the events I listed are rp events open to all. The Darnassian forums, to my knowledge are on hiatus so I didn't list it.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
All the events I listed are rp events open to all. The Darnassian forums, to my knowledge are on hiatus so I didn't list it.

That's correct. Though I may rekindle it if we get sufficient interest.

Anyway. I noticed that you were looking for the testimony from a transfer, and I happen to be a recent transfer. Toward the end of Cata I moved here from Moon Guard, and haven't really regretted that decision.

It's true that we have less random RP than the big servers, and I have been somewhat disappointed by my failures in promoting Darnassian RP, but where we lack in active random RP we make up for in community. The RP community is interconnected by a website and by a channel, making it easy for RPers to branch out to other RPers without having to bend over backwards to get to know a particular guild. All it takes to find RP is usually a call to the general channel.

We also have public events on a weekly basis (which my schedule keeps me from...) which typically invite participation from anyone who attends.

Interguild strife is also kept to a minimum. I bring this up because it was a big problem on my old server, one that I'm happy to be rid of.

In all, I've got few complaints. This is a great server and I highly recommend it.
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100 Human Paladin
Kyalin, I still think you should do the Darnassian Forums. Possibly as Raoul (I think) suggested, do them less until you get a steady following. Most times I was there you had a really good turnout. I think the drop in attendance was due to the new expansion, not people being uninterested.

The problem now is everyone is pushing to 90 and exploring the new shinies so many rp events are down a bit. Having said that, the Feathers Inn last night was booming. Poor Cup.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
I'm going to second what Gentyl noted above. Until folks are settled into 90 on their mains (and possibly 90 on a pandaren Monk, which is my next plan after Rage here hits 90) and are largely just doing Raid Finder and dailies, non-game-mechanic stuff (i.e., RP events) is probably going to take a slight hit in attendance.

Though apparently the Feathers Inn was an exception. There's a reason for that: the Feathers of Iron people are friggin' awesome.

Cenarion Circle has never been huge on walkup RP, something I noticed when I transferred to Wyrmrest Accord and spent two years there during Wrath of the Lich King. Lots of walkup RP there, but not quite as much connectivity; it was like islands of RP all happening near each other, and they'd occasionally intersect, but they lacked the infrastructure Cenarion Circle has (which is really no surprise, as they were a new realm in Wrath, and were filled with transfers from Cenarion Circle, Moon Guard and Sisters of Elune, who were all dealing with massive login queues at the time) in terms of connecting all the RP together.

In the wake of that, Wyrmrest Accord has become a huge RP realm, akin to a city, whereas Cenarion Circle is more like the small town where most everyone knows everybody else. We have lots of regularly-recurring RP events which are a lot of fun, and some larger special-event type things (like the AAMS' upcoming Armistice Day Ball), and ultimately the goal is to have fun with each other.

Yeah, IC Ragefang hates the Horde, as Belpha noted above. He'd calmed down a bit til they nuked Theramore. Now he's kinda rabid again. ;)
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Kyalin, I still think you should do the Darnassian Forums. Possibly as Raoul (I think) suggested, do them less until you get a steady following. Most times I was there you had a really good turnout. I think the drop in attendance was due to the new expansion, not people being uninterested.

The problem now is everyone is pushing to 90 and exploring the new shinies so many rp events are down a bit. Having said that, the Feathers Inn last night was booming. Poor Cup.

Once I get current with PVP gear, maybe. I've got my schedule to resolve though and my character's reversion back to her old way of doing things, but assuming that I can do those things, well, we'll see.
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100 Human Paladin
Good. More rp events is always a good thing, since not everyone can make things due to rl schedules.
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100 Human Mage
The Darnassian Forum isn't really the sort of RP event I attend often. The few times I've showed up to it I wasn't on Imperon. Yet I agree with Gentyl that it's a good thing. I would like to see more RP in the various capital cities that aren't Stormwind, even if Imperon wouldn't often be in any of those capitals except Stormwind and Ironforge.

It's beyond hard to build a new RP hub, Kyalin. You might want to consider finding other people interested in the general goal of "bringing more RP to Darnassus" before deciding on exactly what steps to take. The Darnassian forum might end up not being the first method you use to draw people to that city. Or maybe it will. Either way you could definitely use some other role players who feel as passionately about making it an RP hub as you do.
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90 Gnome Warrior
*Feels the love. Also eyes the washbin full of dirty dishes and bribes Nixxraxx Fillamug to do them.*

"C'monnnnn, Nixx....I'll make ya a omelette.......What? It's jus' ONE more pan.....It'll be a really great omelette! 'Kay, maybe two pans....but, BACON!"

((I've never regretted rolling on CC for a moment ;D ))
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