CC Video 2012. PART ONE: Final Update

100 Human Warrior
10/08/2012 01:07 AMPosted by Elrith
Oh weird, I thought you were vanished Ehlina.

I was. Started working 3rd shift and wanted something to do during my free time.
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100 Orc Shaman
Nice work, Ehlina.

Drat that I missed this, but I do think that, as a video meant to generate interest in CC, it was a bit lacking in context. I suppose that couldn't really be helped, though, with the number of characters included.
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90 Human Death Knight
10/08/2012 02:58 PMPosted by Ziega
it was a bit lacking in context

I think the final presentation will contain the context that this singular part seems to be missing, overall. However, taken on its own, I contend that this section shows (in miniature, granted) the exceptional variety in role play characters one can expect to find when coming to Cenarion Circle.
Edited by Verogoth on 10/8/2012 4:09 PM PDT
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