The Quest For Lobster Domination (RP story)

100 Draenei Shaman
((So Today, Kordrion, Ronnad and I had the unique experience of hunting down the mysterious Lobstmourne, It's really an amusing event, we had a blast. This is an IC recantation of these tales from Belpha's point of view))

Belpha raised a fist to they sky, trying to block the sun from coming into his eyes, as his vision readjusted from the brightness, he looked down the cliff at the swirling,shifting sea of makura, a huge force had amassed in mere minutes, and already they began their treacherous climb. He should be scared, but he wasn't for he had realized that he was flanked on either side by a friend, old friends, Ronnad And Kordrion were with him, Belpha gave a slight smile, perhaps the first in months, as he looked down upon the Makura climbing up the cliffs, They would soon reach the very landing we were then standing upon. Belpha loosed a deep sigh and flung himself off the cliff, and activated his parachute, quickly turned around and began firing lightning bolts and letting forth random bursts of lava into the Makura mob, occasionally a frog was seen falling from the climb, a victim of Belpha's masterful Hex. Belpha looked to the top of the cliff, at his comrades, there he saw Kordrion, the ever stealthy, slinking through the many Makura that survived Belpha's spell storm and made it to the top of the cliff, he cut them done where they stood and often before they even realized what was happening. Ronnad hung back behind Kordrion, healing any small wounds and delivering a mace to the faces of any Makura that drew close, but even with the three fighter's vast superiority…The Makura's numbers proved problematic. Belpha landed in the water, ruining his parachute, he'd have to have another one made, lovely, he drags himself out of the water on a nearby island, ditching his wet parachute and leaving his wet belonging by a small hut, he hoped they'd be safe.

Then, Belpha pulled a disc from his pack, it was intricately decorated with symbols of a long-since lost language, he set this disc on the floor and placed his two hoofs on the center line, to maintain balance and called upon the winds to take him back to his friends, but as he arrived at their location, he saw a huge Makura push through the crowd, the small Makura began to chant his name "Akkalou…Akkalou…Akkalou" Belpha releases a breath he didn't even know he had been holding and slides off his disc and kicks it off to a side to be easily retrieved later. Akkalou had reach the lip of their landing, he stood there menacingly,his claws cracking against the stony earth. Akkalou let's forth a loud screech, and for a minute there was nothing but silence, then without missing a beat, the rest of the Makura army headed down the cliff and melded back into the sea from whence they' came. Belpha looked to his comrades, he could see they were as tired as he, but they had no where to go, they'd have to fight, for the Great Makura, the one they called Akkalou was still there, and he was itching for a brawl.

"I am Akkalou! spawn of Kril'Mandar!"

((To be continued…it's just late and i'm tired, but wanted to get something preliminary up, this was really quite a bit of fun, i recommend that others do the lobstmourne event!))
Edited by Belpha on 10/5/2012 1:29 AM PDT
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((I can't turn away for a minute without you folks getting into trouble, can I? XD

Fun stuff!))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((And of course, there Belpha goes, killing random makura.))

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100 Draenei Shaman
((i'd totally forgotten about this, heh, and it came to me when i needed something fun to do, so without further ado, I introduce part 2))

Akkalou gives this motley crew a mere second's respite before he stands up on his two hind appendage and lets loose a terrible scream. Akkalou charges at Kordrion, thankfully Kordrion reacted quickly and rolled out of the way of the enraged makura. Ronnad raised her hammer above Akkalou's head and aimed for a crushing blow, but the Makura responded by swiftly turning it's tail around and swept at Ronnad's feet, sending the dwarf clattering to the ground, her hammer sliding just out of reach. Belpha watches as the angered Akkalou crawls over to the dwarf on the ground. Akkalou places a heavy claw on her plate shoulders to keep her from moving and raises his claw into the air above Ronnad's head, and just as Akkalou begins the downward motion for the killing blow, lightning flashes blur his vision, and Belpha begins to attack the makura with the force of a raging storm. Lightning bolts flying around, Belpha summons rain to hopefully confuse the giant maker. While Belpha is engaged in keeping Akkalou distracted, Ronnad, quickly realizing the situation, stretches her hand to try and grab her hammer, she inches closer, but comes to a point where she can't reach any farther and the hammer is still just slightly out of reach.

Akkalou, enraged by the interrupting shaman, swings his claw at Belpha and catches the draenei by his tail, and Belpha is sent sprawling, and only stops himself from falling off the small ledge entirely by grasping the lip and holding on tight. Ronnad reaches forward as far as she can in one final attempt to reach her hammer. In the same moment, Kordrion ducked out of the shadows and ran into one side of Akkalou, giving Ronnad enough leeway to reach her hammer, Ronnad grasps the hammer tightly and smashes the claw holding her down, cracking it in a few places, Akkalou rears back in pain, letting loose a painful shrill cry. Kordrion continued his attack on Akkalou, and manages to punch a few holes in the hard shell with his daggers, and then with a final sweeping motion, hacks off 2 of the makura's small legs, putting Akkalou off-balance and he tips over on his side. Ronnad jumps at the opportunity, raising her hammer above the crab's head, Akkalou looks up at the dwarf "I , Akkalou, am defeated" Akkalou lowers his head and Ronnad slams her hammer down with devastating force.

Akkalou, Spawn of Kril'Manadar was no more.

Belpha manages to claw his way back onto the ledge, as he scrambles to his feet he looks at Kordrion and Ronnad standing over the crushed corpse of Akkalou and joins them. When Belpha gets to the remains of the maker, he sees what the other were eyeing curiously, a small piece of Akkalou's shell was glowing brightly, there was definitely something important about this shell fragment, Belpha leans down over the corpse and retrieves the piece, handing it off to Ronnad who pockets it without a word. The three turn back away from the dead makura and call forth their mounts, for they were not done, there was a makura infestation to end.

They planned to finish this.

((maybe part 3 wont take so long, we shall see))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((Belpha, you forgot one important detail.))

((Akkalou is female. >.>))
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100 Draenei Shaman
((Belpha, you forgot one important detail.))

((Akkalou is female. >.>))

((I dont think that this was ever explicity stated...also i deny the fact that makura have genders *sagenod*))
Edited by Belpha on 10/21/2012 8:41 PM PDT
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