Ghost Story Contest

100 Gnome Mage
10/12/2012 10:17 PMPosted by Verogoth
Seriously. Major creep out factor in that one.

Unfortunately that was not the last sighting of the landlords wife. But, the good news is we have moved into a beautiful new home and have been ghost free these few weeks.
Wish us luck!
Edited by Yuseff on 10/28/2012 9:55 PM PDT
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68 Pandaren Mage

Prizes awarded October 31.

Lies! Lies and SCANDAL!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Posting this on behalf of Gentyl:

First off, my apologies for being late posting this. I had surgery on the 31st and was completely out of it. These stories are all so good they've been read numerous times to come up with placements. To everyone who entered, thank you so much for putting forth such a wonderful effort.

Because of the quality, I've decided to give everyone a prize who entered and add fourth place..

First prize--5,000 gold
Second prize--2,500 gold
Third prize--1,000 gold and an embersilk bag
Fourth prize--500 gold and an embersilk bag

For the other entrants--embersilk bags

Good job, y'all. I hope everyone will consider entering the next writing contest. Once again, thank you all so very much.

First prize-- Yuseff

This story had a very genuine creep factor that was hard to shake.

Second prize--Taiva

Third prize--Haiyang

Fourth prize--Aleanda

If someone could post this on the CC forums I would greatly appreciate it. I'll contact Pia also to post it, but I'm sure the winners would like to know.
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68 Pandaren Mage
Huzzah! Congrats to our winners! A fine job all around.

The pandaren squinted curiously through the beery haze at the notice. He was feeling rather fine, between the holiday and the storytelling and, well, yes, the more than a few pints of something deliciously dark and strong.

"One...thousand pieces of gold?" He chuckled heartily and slapped his fat belly. "Dear me no! How would I ever carry that, along with all this weight? Use it to buy everyone in Orgrimmar a drink, or something, instead." Dark eyes twinkled eagerly. "Now, that good stout sack you mentioned...that, I could use!"
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100 Human Paladin
i can't find yuseff. aleanda and haiyang, i'm trying to contact aams for your prizes. drunhilse, i just keep going back to your story so i am sending you a cash prize also.

once again, thank you all for participating.

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96 Tauren Hunter
Our thanks on behalf of Allie, we are very proud of her for participating! And thank you to all for the wonderful stories, they were quite entertaining! I look forward to the next contest and round of stories.

And Gentyl, feel free to get in touch with any of the Wardens if you need to reach Allie.
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100 Human Paladin
dernes, can we get together and figure out a way to transfer this money to your for Allie? I'll see if I can make arrangements with aams today and get the prizes on their way today, but please contact me, dernes.

so very proud of everyone who entered.
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100 Human Paladin
all of the prizes are now either in the mail or with aams aside from yuseff, whom I can't find.
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