<Immersion> Seeking Ranged Dps for 25s

90 Night Elf Hunter
<Immersion> is recruiting specific, exceptional ranged dps classes for our 25 man raids, taking place Wednesday at 5pm sever.

Actively seeking:
Shadow Priest
Balance Druid
Elemental Shaman

About us:
We are a close knit social guild, that loves raiding! We went 6/8 heroic in Dragon Soul, and are looking to do even better this expansion. In the past few years, we have grown from a small guild of maybe 20 people, to having over 300 members. In addition to raids we run contests, have dungeon groups and do arenas. Mumble is required!

If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Brookelle, Tavine or Ponpon in game, to set up a meeting time. Our website is: Immersion-cc.com.

Edit: To add mages to the recruitment list.
Edited by Brookelle on 10/11/2012 9:22 PM PDT
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90 Human Rogue
I approve of this message.
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90 Human Paladin
As a fyi. The female to male ratio in our guild appears to be about 2:1. ;)
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And that's noteworthy, why? Are you advertising that your guild is full of women so you can get men to join or something?
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90 Night Elf Hunter
He more said it to poke fun at me, and it was a creative bump. -smiles-
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90 Human Warlock
10/05/2012 06:09 PMPosted by Aislinana
And that's noteworthy, why? Are you advertising that your guild is full of women so you can get men to join or something?

Exactly that. :3

Also, who doesn't wanna raid with me? I'm awesome.
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90 Human Paladin
Bump. Our first raid in MoP is this coming Wednesday.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
We are still looking for ranged dps!
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