Troubadour Night Halloween Event

100 Human Paladin
On the Troubadour night closest to Halloween, the theme will be ghost/horror stories. We will give out prizes to everyone who performs as well as some random drawings for prizes to be given to the audience.

We'll be sponsoring a Haunted House story contest here on the forums that is a separate event, but writers are welcome to tell their stories at the Troubadour Night if they wish.

Please plan to perform and attend.

Costumes would be wonderful.
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90 Draenei Priest
I've been writing a story for Troubadour night, but it got away from me last night and ended up being a bit to big, lol. So I'll give the cliff notes version of the story at troubadour, and post the full length one in the contest thread. : )
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90 Pandaren Monk
Are we allowed to win or are we only allowed to participate? I am unsure how guild members winning would be looked at due to fairness? Kinda like if apple jacks is giving away cruises then no one from kellogs can enter kind of deal.
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100 Human Paladin
The audience winners will be through random rolls so everyone can participate. Everyone who performs will receive a prize.
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