RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Its good to get new members for the Fellowship. Thanks SHadow!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
It is good to bring in new people! Thank you Ang/Shadow!
Lol not new people to the Fellowship. Allies in the RP arc. xD

Though we both are working to recruit people.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Lol not new people to the Fellowship. Allies in the RP arc. xD

Whatever... allies no matter how you get them will be good for you.

Back to my neglected writing project.
Edited by Auxilia on 4/21/2013 5:37 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Monk
Yeah, you just tell that to Tyrael and everyone else who knows the guy that Shadow just recruited...

>_> Seriously. This character scares the hell out of me. Major manipulation skills. Even I didn't realize what she was doing until she did it.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'd like to push the major start of the rp back a two ish weeks if we can. I can't promise I'll be around much at all until then.

If you all bear with me I'll have kel move to the enclave and begin some busy work starting to set up there as far as forum rp goes.

Real life is cropping up. I'm having to cope with some things emotionally right now that I need to destress to deal with.
90 Blood Elf Monk
My only "neeeh" about pushing it back... well, I have several.

1) Some in-game RP has already happened... leading up to that event. Tying up characters as we wait basically just to say it happened. (Which I don't care about, that's why I have Ser and Ally toons and all of that jazz).

2) In particular, putting it off longer weirds up the timeline for Ares-Selethen. Ares' entire point of the constant conflicts was to keep him away from the Fellowship xD I mean, I could just say that there were several other mini encounters, but Selethen's already pretty much been told to kill Ares >> So anything after this is basically not likely to happen, that second encounter was the 'final' one.

3) The RP event itself is mostly done on a team-y basis, so it can be done at any point in time. Just say 'this is the day it happened' and have fun with it. There's no real deadline after it starts, and I wouldn't be surprised if our characters just lay low for a while afterwards, anyway. !@#$'s a mess.

I mean xD No pressure, I'm just stating why I'm for it just being done instead of put off. And there will be more RP events. This isn't the one and only major one. It's just the first. So I guess I'm just eager and selfish. Forgive me. I'm flexible.

Maybe next time we should have a hard date set up instead of a rough estimate so we know what days we can actually do RP without it getting kinda... dragged out >_> Hence my lack of presence Horde side over the past few days.

Things for the future!
90 Blood Elf Rogue
So wait, you are making still more characters for this rp and introducing them now? I have not been in game much so I am really not going to do much as far as the plot is concerned. When Kel is ready we will do some stuff. Real life takes precedence after all.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm pulling rank. Which I kinda hate to do. I talked to tyr brielf last night, in so much as saying, "we need to push this back so i dont worry about this too" is talking.

Kel needs to, reasonably, be around for this. I cannot promise I can do anything until school gets out in 2 ish weeks and my life settles down into just worrying about people dying. I've had this discussion with tyr, and Ang, if you want more of an explanation you can ask for it later (I still love you <3).

I'll post a list of busy work kind of stuff here later.
90 Blood Elf Monk
You don't have to pull rank. I'm just stating why I'm against waiting. Of course real life takes priority. Unless you're gonna say that you're pulling rank to say "Shadow, you're not allowed to state the negatives". Then I'll just smack you one, give you a hug, and send you on your way.
90 Blood Elf Monk
You don't have to pull rank. I'm just stating why I'm against waiting. Of course real life takes priority. Unless you're gonna say that you're pulling rank to say "Shadow, you're not allowed to state the negatives". Then I'll just smack you one, give you a hug, and send you on your way.

I giggled.

On to the main point the plot has no designated time frame so we all should remember that so long as we stay pushing it forward as we can it will remain valid and fun!

@Mia: Um wat? She made a new character to act as the healer for Dalen who is coming back into the plot but won't be coming in till later. *nods*
90 Blood Elf Monk
Attention everyone. Rath is best present ever. *nods* That is all.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I am glad you are all having so much fun. I am kind of lost in minecraft at the moment. Needed a game break to clear my head. I am still around if anyone needs me.
90 Blood Elf Paladin
Apr (Kiesel)
22 MO 5:00P-11:00
23 TU --OFF--
24 WE 4:15P-10:15
25 TH --OFF--
26 FR 4:15P-10:15
27 SA 9:45A-3:45
28 SU 10:15A-4:15

This is my schedule for the week, just to let you all know, these will be the times I'm not on, I'm normally on after I get out from work wich is most time 11 pm or 12 midnight my time

For your viewing pleasure.

90 Blood Elf Mage
By the way, I am litterally filling a whole bank tab with bags!!! Glorious bags! buy full banks and fill them up! ill make alot of low slot (12 space) bags so grab as many of those, but as for the higher (16 slot) please only take a few. Your welcome
90 Blood Elf Rogue
So Dalen is coming back? I am glad to hear that, I missed him a lot. She could do some things, but not going to do anything without discussing it with you. In meantime I am still lost in minecraft. My rp creativity is taking a vacation.
Edited by Jahana on 4/25/2013 2:27 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Monk
By the way, I am litterally filling a whole bank tab with bags!!! Glorious bags! buy full banks and fill them up! ill make alot of low slot (12 space) bags so grab as many of those, but as for the higher (16 slot) please only take a few. Your welcome

Thank you, Nic. :3 I'm farming the last pieces of Shadow's temp xmog until I can get all of the real pieces, so I'll have lots of Netherweave I'm going to be putting in the bank for you to make more.
90 Blood Elf Monk
Due to popular demand, I bring you Cyndane, my kitty.

After a bath:


Showing that he has a great shelf life:

90 Blood Elf Rogue
I posted this in a thread called "Thanks for the RP" and I want ed to share it with you all:

My everlasting thanks to Karamia for taking me under her wing, and helping me to be a better RPer. You are still and will always be the best in my book!

To Kel'tira, for allowing me to expand on what Karamia taught me, and all the many RPing moments we have shared. You are amazing, and a good friend.

To the Rising Sun Fellowship on CC. The time I have spent here has surpassed anything else I experienced in WoW. You made the game exciting, new, and even better than I imagined.

Thank you - Auxilla, Solorin, Ratheron, Shadow, and so many more. I consider you all friends and RPing comrades. Thank you all so very much!
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