RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)

100 Blood Elf Paladin
Here we are again! This is an RP Challenge to level from 1-85 IC without dying.

No heirlooms, use quest rewards and crafted items only.

Stay in character as much as possible.

Death is permanent after level 15. If you die in a guild group, it counts against you. Battle grounds and LFG dungeons are allowed in moderation.

We expect you to keep journal entries, whether you are in the guild for the challenge or just to RP with us.

Rewards? The satisfaction of rping a character from level 1 to 85 should be its own reward. We want dedicated rpers and people who enjoy writing and creating a story

We have become more open as a guild, and are willing to, and would love to have, people just RPing, whether participating in the challenge or not.

We like friendly people, nice people, and people who are willing to play and have fun, whether for the challenge, or not.

Currently, we have two people who have made it to 85 without dying, Angel and Kellatira.

85 -- Kellatira, Angel

90 -- Kellatira, Luctarius

Check out our journals, and leave us a note! We love hearing from people.

If you're interested, hop in game Horde-side on CC and tag us, or leave a note here!

Guild site: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=458445&TabID=3946160

Journal thread #1: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4365750120?page=1
Journal thread #2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6194789426
Journal thread #3: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6934725701
Journal thread #4: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8569599757?page=1

OOC/Signup #2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/5912661507?page=1
OOC/Signup #1: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4363778667?page=1
Edited by Kellatira on 4/22/2013 3:36 AM PDT
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I heartily endorse this message.

Edit: Kel, wait til we have to do "RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #26)!
Edited by Cyaer on 10/9/2012 6:20 AM PDT
99 Worgen Priest
Shorren has ade itto 12 witout dying :P

but I'm afraid what might happen after 15 so >_>

10/09/2012 05:55 AMPosted by Cyaer
I heartily endorse this message.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
If you take it slow, and take it easy and use "WP:Shield" liberally, you should do fine. I have the utmost confidence in your abilities. And use heals often!!
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Yeah, slow and steady wins the race...

Literally, in my case. I'm also only at 86, but I haven't died yet.

Aiming for 90 with no leveling deaths!

Cy, tag me on the guild site if you get a chance, please, unless you catch me in game before then.

I'm struck by your journal entry, and writing something useful, I think.
99 Worgen Priest
10/09/2012 06:23 AMPosted by Cyaer
If you take it slow, and take it easy and use "WP:Shield" liberally, you should do fine. I have the utmost confidence in your abilities. And use heals often!!

Actually Shorrenn is a warrior >_>

Victory strike and band-aids for the win >:3
This actually looks reaaaaalllyyyy awesome. I'd be so willing to do it. Bit busy right now... and I'd have to think of a character. And it'd definitely give me an excuse to get back into writing for my characters.

Do have a question, though... Is it only Blood Elves? Not that I hate blood elves, but there just seem to be only Blood Elves from the video on your guild site, and the names.

Well, I do see a Pandaren. Eh, might as well just make a Blood Elf anyways.
Edited by Agmash on 10/9/2012 3:43 PM PDT
99 Worgen Priest
10/09/2012 03:26 PMPosted by Agmash
This actually looks reaaaaalllyyyy awesome. I'd be so willing to do it. Bit busy right now... and I'd have to think of a character. And it'd definitely give me an excuse to get back into writing for my characters.

Dude once your in your in FOR LIFE! joking :P

I was sucked into this and my mind nearly explodes when I have ideas flowing through my head its insanity
90 Blood Elf Rogue
10/09/2012 03:26 PMPosted by Agmash
Do have a question, though... Is it only Blood Elves? Not that I hate blood elves, but there just seem to be only Blood Elves from the video on your guild site, and the names.

We are not limited to blood elves, but we are mostly a blood elven guild. We have had other races in our ranks, so please feel free to roll whatever you'd like.
100 Blood Elf Warrior
I've gotten pretty busy, so if I won't be on much for awhile if I am on at all. :/
100 Night Elf Druid
10/09/2012 08:58 PMPosted by Lyrilia
I've gotten pretty busy, so if I won't be on much for awhile if I am on at all. :/


Aseria here on his Druid.

When you get back, wanna RP? I think it would be pretty interesting if Lyr and Ash met now that Ash is back to normal :P
100 Blood Elf Paladin
10/09/2012 09:53 PMPosted by Cøron
When you get back, wanna RP? I think it would be pretty interesting if Lyr and Ash met now that Ash is back to normal :P

I think Ash and Kel need to sit down and have a conversation at some point...

When Kel makes up her mind about coming back or not.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Double post, bad form, I know...

This actually looks reaaaaalllyyyy awesome. I'd be so willing to do it. Bit busy right now... and I'd have to think of a character. And it'd definitely give me an excuse to get back into writing for my characters.

Do have a question, though... Is it only Blood Elves? Not that I hate blood elves, but there just seem to be only Blood Elves from the video on your guild site, and the names.

Well, I do see a Pandaren. Eh, might as well just make a Blood Elf anyways.

We're mainly blood elves, but anything else is wonderful too. Forsaken are the only slightly questionable race, but we've had a couple of them before, too.
100 Blood Elf Warrior
10/09/2012 09:53 PMPosted by Cøron
I've gotten pretty busy, so if I won't be on much for awhile if I am on at all. :/


Aseria here on his Druid.

When you get back, wanna RP? I think it would be pretty interesting if Lyr and Ash met now that Ash is back to normal :P

Sure! sounds good
100 Night Elf Druid
I think Ash and Kel need to sit down and have a conversation at some point...

When Kel makes up her mind about coming back or not.

Yea, I have a few things that need to be done on my Druid and I'll hope over on Ash when it's possible.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Also: Good place to catch me during the day is the guild site, minions.
Joined as Myurella. Can't wait to get into things.
89 Troll Shaman
Technically, couldn't one just cheese it and make a Death Knight? Of course, the motivation is just to see if you can make it, still, I would think that Death Knights would have some limitations.
89 Troll Shaman
Also, for the journal entries, could we write them in game via mail and saving the pages and then mailing copies to the masters? That would seem the most in character to me, and a cool way to use the mail system as a method of rping.
99 Worgen Priest
10/10/2012 11:14 AMPosted by Manjooku
Technically, couldn't one just cheese it and make a Death Knight? Of course, the motivation is just to see if you can make it, still, I would think that Death Knights would have some limitations.

thats wht I thought too so I just stuck it and madea warrior named Shorrenn.... hopin Shorrenn gets some friends soon hes a bit lonely :P
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