Votekicked for rolling on Agi leather

90 Tauren Druid
So I just got votekicked from a random regular Mogu'shan Palace because I rolled Need on a pair of Agility/Expertise/Haste boots.

I was also tanking it. As a bear. And it has nearly twice as much agility as my current 397 DS boots.

The rogue was mad. "wtf y u roll on dps gear tank".

I replied, "uuuuuuh what do you think bear tanks wear? Tanking plate?"

Then I was votekicked.

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90 Blood Elf Monk
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90 Tauren Shaman
So I just got votekicked from a random regular Mogu'shan Palace because I rolled Need on a pair of Agility/Expertise/Haste boots.

I was also tanking it. As a bear. And it has nearly twice as much agility as my current 397 DS boots.

The rogue was mad. "wtf y u roll on dps gear tank".

I replied, "uuuuuuh what do you think bear tanks wear? Tanking plate?"

Then I was votekicked.


I've had that happen on my monk while tanking heroics. An agi ring and decent agi proc trinket dropped in two different runs. Both were upgrades, so I needed on them. Needless to say, the rogue and hunter that were in both groups got bent out of shape about it and whined.
Just brush it off and requeue.
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100 Orc Warrior
Best part about being a tank: no need to put up with any jerks in LFD, just re-queue and get a fresh dungeon instantly.
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90 Orc Shaman
I bet those guys smelled really bad.
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