Looking for a home :D

90 Night Elf Hunter
Hey everyone just posting here to try and find a home that fits Kalystia's personality.

She like long walks on the beach and drinking ....... wait oops wrong list.....heh

*shuffing of papers is heard* ah yes here it is.... ahem

1. A scout / tracker
2. has a history of fighting demons
3. was wounded from a surprise attack that left her always on edge.
4. finds it difficult to trust people.
5. self reliant in the wilderness
6. willing to do merc work
7. and will aid any and all in need of help, though you may see her more disapproving side though.

any way thats the basic run down of her, so yeah.

thanks for taking the time to read this :D
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90 Pandaren Warrior
-Picks up the Gambit recruitment thread.

Starts shaking it until people fall out.-
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Hmm... might have to poke at this one, yesss....

How do you feel about stopping the alliance and horde from hitting each other by hitting them until they stop hitting each other?

Also, you look like Tyr's IC sister. Immediately on her like list.
Edited by Tyrynna on 10/14/2012 1:12 AM PDT
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87 Worgen Druid
*Builds a fence around the thread, and puts up police line tape* I'm afraid we need to confiscate this character.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
But but but ......... I like it here.......

any who, I was looking at your recruitment poster, and I was accually looking for you guys for a while then I came back here heh
Edited by Kalystia on 10/14/2012 11:14 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Shaman
I say, if you're looking into Gambit (A good choice i might add) i'm sure you'd be welcome in our OOC Channel (Gambitooc), you can come and meet some of us and then decide that we're clearly the most awesomest people around ! feel free to message me or Tyrynna with any questions you might have
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90 Night Elf Hunter
You were actually looking for us? Aww, I feel so loved!

And yes, feel free to join gambitooc and meet the crazies, maybe schedule an interview-type thingy. Sound good?
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87 Worgen Druid
I'll try not to scare you away >.>
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