[RP] The Plentiful Market - November 4th!

A simple but colorful sign is hung up in trading spaces in the Shrine of the Seven Stars, Shrine of the Two Moons and other capital cities. It features pictures of smiling people and bursting produce. Below it reads:


Do you have veggies, meats and all manner of seafood that you wish to sell? Do you wish to sample the fine artisanal and culinary crafts of your peers? Come to the Plentiful Market, a farmer's market for all aspiring agrarians and friendly neighbors!

Come on down every Sunday and participate! The farmer's market is located on the North side of Halfhill, next to Mama Min's cottage and the Granary.

We are always interested in:

  • Vendors who have meat, produce or seafood to sell or trade
  • Buyers who want the freshest food
  • Chefs who want to show off their latest creations
  • Enforcers to keep stray beasts and Plainshawks from our market
  • Transportation experts for portals, summons and taxis
  • Helpful translators
  • Volunteers to help show people to the market.

If interested, please contact Prime Minister Aislinana Swiftfeather.

Next Market Day: November 4th, at noon. Market will be open 2 hours.

((Hey, I decided to actually open a farmer's market for all interested RPers and farmer-types. Come bring your extra cooking materials for trading, haggling or sales! Sell your cooked food or merely browse the tasty treats! This event is both useful and also fun!

Let me know if you'd like to fill any of the positions like cooks, summoners or guards.

Due to location, lower level characters might be at a disadvantage but I tried to put the market as far away from stray animals as possible. Any level 90s seeing animals encroach on the territory are obliged to help kill it.

Questions, comments or additional RP are totally welcome in the thread! ))
Edited by Aislinana on 10/28/2012 1:25 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
((Doesn't putting this event in Pandaria exclude any character under 85, now that HGWT is defunct? Or is it possible to get to Pandaria below 85?

((Also, I had thought "bells" was a naval timekeeping convention and didn't go above eight bells--although I'll grant that that's OT for this thread.))
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90 Night Elf Druid
Could always summon the old fashioned way with a warlock. >_>
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((You can be summoned via warlocks or mage portals and flown places. I've done that for guildies. I am capable and willing to help people via portal/dragon if need be.

Also I thought bells was just an RP convention so I kept up with that.

All that being said, this event would stand to benefit L85+ players the most so that is who it is geared towards. There's quite a few events that take place in Azeroth so I felt like placing it in Halfhill which has the most suitable atmosphere.))
Edited by Aislinana on 10/14/2012 7:13 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
((Heh, sorry, I keep forgetting about warlocks. A touch of wishful thinking, I imagine. ;-) ))
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100 Worgen Death Knight
((I'll likely be selling a few things, but can put in some time beforehand to help ferry people over. If the portal out of Stormwind will let those below 85 click on it, I can meet you at Paw-don Village in Jade Forest and take you via rocket to Halfhill Market.

Aislinana, typically Halfhill Market is filled to bursting with people who are working on their dailies; do we have a spot picked out that'll work well for us without stepping all over those who are there just to work on questing and not participate in the market?))
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((I'll likely be selling a few things, but can put in some time beforehand to help ferry people over. If the portal out of Stormwind will let those below 85 click on it, I can meet you at Paw-don Village in Jade Forest and take you via rocket to Halfhill Market.

Aislinana, typically Halfhill Market is filled to bursting with people who are working on their dailies; do we have a spot picked out that'll work well for us without stepping all over those who are there just to work on questing and not participate in the market?))

((Under 85s can't use the portal because it is opened (as far as I know) via the airship quest you get at level 85. Lowbies can be summoned to Halfhill via the usual methods though.

And the spot I have picked out for the market is on the north side of the village on the road as you start to head out of town. There's no dailies near there (or that field in particular). It is a completely empty spot on the other end of town. It's the path you take from the inn going north under the Spicemaster's bridge.))
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((Bump and a reminder that this is TOMORROW! I haven't heard from anyone in-game or via mail about helping out so I'll just assume we'll see who shows up!))
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((Thanks for Desrapture, Ragefang, Kemstro, Elvenmoon, Kordrion and Arrowed for their awesome RP today. We sold a lot of trade goods and veggies at very deep discounts!

I've decided to make this a weekly adventure at the same place and time, so keep your eyes peeled and come to the next market next week. ))
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100 Draenei Shaman
((Thanks for Desrapture, Ragefang, Kemstro, Elvenmoon, Kordrion and Arrowed for their awesome RP today. We sold a lot of trade goods and veggies at very deep discounts!

I've decided to make this a weekly adventure at the same place and time, so keep your eyes peeled and come to the next market next week. ))

((Aw...this was today?...i thought it was next week, but glad to see it got things going! sorry i missed it))
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100 Night Elf Priest
It was fun to see the vendors in their farmer clothes. There were Great prices! Sorry if you missed out. I will definately make it to the next one. A BIG thanks fo Aislinana for putting this together!!!
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No problem! Remember that this is this Sunday at 12 PM server time. Hope to see lots more farmers and buyers there. :3
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This is today! Come on by! :)
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Thanks for the couple of people that came by near the end. I guess the rain kept everyone away today. :< ))
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((This is today!))
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((I'll try to swing by if I can! I'll probably be selling turtle meat, and/or GHItems.))
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((Nobody's here yet! D:))
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100 Gnome Warlock
((I wish I could get on that early because I love this event idea! Maybe one day I'll be able to make it :) ))
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((Apologies for last week, I could have sworn that I posted that I would be unable to hold the event due to illness!))
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